Changeset 11994 for issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/objects/Elements/Penta.cpp
- Timestamp:
- 04/16/12 14:48:34 (13 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
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- Removed
issm/trunk-jpl ¶
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old new 7 7 config.status 8 8 configure 9 doxygen10 9 ISSM.paf 11 10 ISSM.ppf 12 11 ISSM.ppf_cache 13 12 libtool 14 list15 13 Makefile 16 14 17 15 stamp-h1 18 16 svn-commit* 19 nightlylog
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
/issm/trunk merged: 11526,11533,11681-11682,11710,11778-11779
- Property svn:ignore
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/objects/Elements/Penta.cpp ¶
r11695 r11994 2410 2410 /*}}}*/ 2411 2411 /*FUNCTION Penta::PositiveDegreeDay{{{1*/ 2412 void Penta::PositiveDegreeDay(){ 2413 2414 _error_("Not implemented yet"); 2412 void Penta::PositiveDegreeDay(double* pdds,double* pds,double signorm){ 2413 2414 2415 int i,iqj,imonth; 2416 double agd[NUMVERTICES]; // surface and basal 2417 double saccu[NUMVERTICES] = {0}; // yearly surface accumulation 2418 double smelt[NUMVERTICES] = {0}; // yearly melt 2419 double precrunoff[NUMVERTICES]; // yearly runoff 2420 double prect; // total precipitation during 1 year taking into account des. ef. 2421 double water; //water=rain + snowmelt 2422 double runoff; //meltwater only, does not include rain 2423 double sconv; //rhow_rain/rhoi / 12 months 2424 2425 double rho_water,rho_ice,density; 2426 double lapser=6.5/1000, sealev=0; // lapse rate. degrees per meter. 2427 double desfac = 0.5; //desert elevation factor 2428 double s0p[NUMVERTICES]={0}; //should be set to elevation from precip source 2429 double s0t[NUMVERTICES]={0}; //should be set to elevation from temperature source 2430 double st; // elevation between altitude of the temp record and current altitude 2431 double sp; // elevation between altitude of the prec record and current altitude 2432 2433 2434 // PDD and PD constants and variables 2435 double siglim; // sigma limit for the integration which is equal to 2.5 sigmanorm 2436 double siglimc=0, siglim0, siglim0c; 2437 double PDup, pddsig, PDCUT = 2.0; // PDcut: rain/snow cutoff temperature (C) 2438 double DT = 0.02; 2439 double pddt, pd; // pd: snow/precip fraction, precipitation falling as snow 2440 2441 double q, qmpt; // q is desert/elev. fact, hnpfac is huybrect fact, and pd is normal dist. 2442 double qm[NUMVERTICES] = {0}; // snow part of the precipitation 2443 double qmt[NUMVERTICES] = {0}; // precipitation without desertification effect adjustment 2444 double qmp[NUMVERTICES] = {0}; // desertification taken into account 2445 double pdd[NUMVERTICES] = {0}; 2446 double frzndd[NUMVERTICES] = {0}; 2447 2448 double tstar; // monthly mean surface temp 2449 double Tsum[NUMVERTICES]= {0}; // average summer (JJA) temperature 2450 double Tsurf[NUMVERTICES] = {0}; // average annual temperature 2451 2452 double h[NUMVERTICES],s[NUMVERTICES],ttmp[NUMVERTICES],prectmp[NUMVERTICES]; // ,b[NUMVERTICES] 2453 double t[NUMVERTICES][12],prec[NUMVERTICES][12]; 2454 double deltm=1/12; 2455 int ismon[12]={12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11}; 2456 2457 double snwm; // snow that could have been melted in a year. 2458 double snwmf; // ablation factor for snow per positive degree day. 2459 double smf; // ablation factor for ice per pdd (Braithwaite 1995 from tarasov 2002). 2460 2461 double dfrz=1.5, CovrLm=2009./3.35e+5, dCovrLm=dfrz*CovrLm; //m*J kg^-1 C^-1 /(J kg^-1)=m/C yr 2462 double supice,supcap,diffndd; 2463 double fsupT=0.5, fsupndd=0.5; // Tsurf mode factors for supice 2464 double pddtj[NUMVERTICES], hmx2; 2465 2466 /*Recover info at the vertices: */ 2467 GetInputListOnVertices(&h[0],ThicknessEnum); 2468 GetInputListOnVertices(&s[0],SurfaceEnum); 2469 GetInputListOnVertices(&ttmp[0],ThermalSpctemperatureEnum); 2470 GetInputListOnVertices(&prectmp[0],SurfaceforcingsPrecipitationEnum); 2471 2472 for(i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++) ttmp[i]=ttmp[i]-273.15; // convertion from Kelvin to celcius 2473 2474 for(i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++) 2475 for(imonth=0;imonth<12;imonth++){ 2476 t[i][imonth]=ttmp[i]; 2477 prec[i][imonth]=prectmp[i]; 2478 } 2479 2480 /*Get material parameters :*/ 2481 rho_ice=matpar->GetRhoIce(); 2482 rho_water=matpar->GetRhoWater(); 2483 density=rho_ice/rho_water; 2484 2485 sconv=(rho_water/rho_ice)/12.; //rhow_rain/rhoi / 12 months 2486 2487 /*PDD constant*/ 2488 siglim = 2.5*signorm; 2489 siglim0 = siglim/DT + 0.5; 2490 siglim0c = siglimc/DT + 0.5; 2491 PDup = siglimc+PDCUT; 2492 2493 // seasonal loop 2494 for (iqj = 0; iqj < 12; iqj++){ 2495 imonth = ismon[iqj]; 2496 for (i = 0; i < NUMVERTICES; i++){ 2497 st=(s[i]-s0t[i])/1000; 2498 tstar = t[i][imonth] - lapser *max(st,sealev); 2499 Tsurf[i] = tstar*deltm+Tsurf[i]; 2500 2501 /*********compute PD ****************/ 2502 if (tstar < PDup){ 2503 pd = 1; 2504 if (tstar >= -siglimc){ pd = pds[int(tstar/DT + siglim0c)];}} 2505 else { 2506 pd = 0;} 2507 2508 /******exp des/elev precip reduction*******/ 2509 sp=(s[i]-s0p[i])/1000; // deselev effect is wrt chng in topo 2510 if (sp>0.0){q = exp(-desfac*sp);} 2511 else {q = 1.0;} 2512 2513 qmt[i]= qmt[i] + prec[i][imonth]*sconv; //*sconv to convert in m of ice equivalent 2514 qmpt= q*prec[i][imonth]*sconv; 2515 qmp[i]= qmp[i] + qmpt; 2516 qm[i]= qm[i] + qmpt*pd; 2517 2518 /*********compute PDD************/ 2519 // ndd(month)=-(tstar-pdd(month)) since ndd+pdd gives expectation of 2520 // gaussian=T_m, so ndd=-(Tsurf-pdd) 2521 if (iqj>6 && iqj<10){ Tsum[i]=Tsum[i]+tstar;} 2522 if (tstar >= siglim) {pdd[i] = pdd[i] + tstar*deltm;} 2523 else if (tstar> -siglim){ 2524 pddsig=pdds[int(tstar/DT + siglim0)]; 2525 pdd[i] = pdd[i] + pddsig*deltm; 2526 frzndd[i] = frzndd[i] - (tstar-pddsig)*deltm;} 2527 else{frzndd[i] = frzndd[i] - tstar*deltm; } 2528 } 2529 } // end of seasonal loop 2530 2531 //****************************************************************** 2532 for(i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++){ 2533 saccu[i] = qm[i]; 2534 prect = qmp[i]; // total precipitation during 1 year taking into account des. ef. 2535 Tsum[i]=Tsum[i]/3; 2536 2537 /***** determine PDD factors *****/ 2538 if(Tsum[i]< -1.) { 2539 snwmf=2.65*0.001; // ablation factor for snow per positive degree day.*0.001 to go from mm to m/ppd 2540 smf=17.22*0.001; // ablation factor for ice per pdd (Braithwaite 1995 from tarasov 2002) 2541 } 2542 else if(Tsum[i]< 10){ 2543 snwmf = (0.15*Tsum[i] + 2.8)*0.001; 2544 smf = (0.0067*pow((10.-Tsum[i]),3) + 8.3)*0.001; 2545 } 2546 else{ 2547 snwmf=4.3*0.001; 2548 smf=8.3*0.001; 2549 } 2550 snwmf=0.95*snwmf; 2551 smf=0.95*smf; 2552 2553 /***** compute PDD ablation and refreezing *****/ 2554 pddt = pdd[i] *365; 2555 snwm = snwmf*pddt; // snow that could have been melted in a year 2556 hmx2 = min(h[i],dfrz); // refreeze active layer max depth: dfrz 2557 2558 if(snwm < saccu[i]) { 2559 water=prect-saccu[i] + snwm; //water=rain + snowmelt 2560 // l 2.2= capillary factor 2561 // Should refreezing be controlled by frzndd or by mean annual Tsurf? 2562 // dCovrLm concept is of warming of active layer (thickness =d@=1- 2563 // >2m) 2564 // problem with water seepage into ice: should be sealed after 2565 // refreezing 2566 // so everything needs to be predicated on 1 year scale, except for 2567 // thermal 2568 // conductivity through ice 2569 // also, need to account that melt season has low accum, so what's 2570 // going to 2571 // hold the meltwater around for refreezing? And melt-time will have 2572 // low seasonal frzndd 2573 2574 // Superimposed ice : Pfeffer et al. 1991, Tarasov 2002 2575 2576 supice= min(hmx2*CovrLm*frzndd[i]+2.2*(saccu[i]-snwm), water); // superimposed ice 2577 supcap=min(2.2*(saccu[i]-snwm),water); 2578 runoff=snwm - supice; //meltwater only, does not include rain 2579 } 2580 else { //all snow melted 2581 supice= min(hmx2*CovrLm*frzndd[i], prect ); 2582 runoff= saccu[i] + smf*(pddt-saccu[i]/snwmf) - supice; 2583 supcap=0; 2584 } 2585 // pdd melting doesn't cool Tsurf, so ndd refreeze shouldn't warm it 2586 // except pdd melt heat source is atmosphere, while refreeze is 2587 // ground/ice stored interim 2588 // assume pdd=ndd, then melt should equal refreeze and Tsurf should=0 2589 // assume ndd=2*pdd, then all supice is refrozen, but Tsurf should be 2590 // <0 2591 // assume ndd>pdd, little melt => little supice 2592 // bottom line: compare for Tsurf<0 : supice and no supice case, 2593 // expect Tsurf difference 2594 // except some of cooling flux comes from atmosphere// 2595 // 1 dm supice should not raise Tsurf by 1/dCovrLm = 16.675C 2596 // does supice make sense when H< 0.1m? then d=thermoactive ice layer //// 2597 // < 0.1 2598 2599 // make more sense to just use residual pdd-ndd except that pdd 2600 // residual not clear yet 2601 // frzndd should not be used up by refreezing in snow, so stick in 2602 // supcap. 2603 diffndd=0; 2604 if (frzndd[i]>0) { 2605 diffndd=fsupndd*min((supice-supcap)/dCovrLm ,frzndd[i]); 2606 frzndd[i]=frzndd[i]-diffndd; 2607 } 2608 if(runoff<0){ 2609 saccu[i]= saccu[i] -runoff; 2610 smelt[i] = 0; 2611 precrunoff[i]=prect-saccu[i]; 2612 //here assume pdd residual is 0, => 2613 Tsurf[i]= max(Tsurf[i],-frzndd[i]); 2614 } 2615 else { 2616 smelt[i] = runoff; 2617 precrunoff[i]=prect-max(0.,supice)-saccu[i];} 2618 //here really need pdd balance, try 0.5 fudge factor? 2619 //at least runoff>0 => it's fairly warm, so Tsurf is !<<0, 2620 //yet from site plots, can be ice free with Tsurf=-5.5C 2621 if(Tsurf[i]<0) { 2622 Tsurf[i]= min(Tsurf[i]+fsupT*diffndd , 0.);} 2623 2624 agd[i] = -smelt[i]+saccu[i]; 2625 pddtj[i]=pddt; 2626 2627 /*Update inputs*/ 2628 this->inputs->AddInput(new PentaP1Input(SurfaceforcingsMassBalanceEnum,&agd[0])); ////////verifier le nom 2629 // this->inputs->AddInput(new TriaVertexInput(ThermalSpcTemperatureEnum,&Tsurf[0])); 2630 this->inputs->AddInput(new PentaP1Input(ThermalSpctemperatureEnum,&Tsurf[0])); 2631 2632 } //end of the for loop over the vertices 2415 2633 } 2416 2634 /*}}}*/
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