Changeset 11994
- Timestamp:
- 04/16/12 14:48:34 (13 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl
- Files:
- 9 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Property svn:ignore
old new 7 7 config.status 8 8 configure 9 doxygen10 9 ISSM.paf 11 10 ISSM.ppf 12 11 ISSM.ppf_cache 13 12 libtool 14 list15 13 Makefile 16 14 17 15 stamp-h1 18 16 svn-commit* 19 nightlylog
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
/issm/trunk merged: 11526,11533,11681-11682,11710,11778-11779
- Property svn:ignore
r11937 r11994 191 191 *darwin*) 192 192 dnl mex -v gives all the flags for compilation of mex files 193 dnl if matlab version is 7. 10or more, we must use mexmaci64 (64 bits)193 dnl if matlab version is 7.9 or more, we must use mexmaci64 (64 bits) 194 194 MEXLINK="-O -Wl,-flat_namespace -undefined suppress -arch i386 -bundle -Wl,-exported_symbols_list,$MATLAB_ROOT/extern/lib/maci/" 195 195 MEXLIB=" -L$MATLAB_ROOT/bin/maci/ -lmx -lmex -lmat -lstdc++ -largeArrayDims" 196 196 if test $MATLAB_MAJOR -ge 7; then 197 if test $MATLAB_MINOR -ge 10; then197 if test $MATLAB_MINOR -ge 9; then 198 198 MEXLINK="-O -Wl,-flat_namespace -undefined suppress -bundle -Wl,-exported_symbols_list,$MATLAB_ROOT/extern/lib/maci64/" 199 199 MEXLIB=" -L$MATLAB_ROOT/bin/maci64/ -lmx -lmex -lmat -lstdc++" -
r11510 r11994 11 11 12 12 void PositiveDegreeDayx(Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes, Vertices* vertices,Loads* loads,Materials* materials, Parameters* parameters){ 13 14 Element* element = NULL;15 13 16 for(int i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){ 17 element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i); 18 element->PositiveDegreeDay(); 19 } 14 // void PositiveDegreeDayx(hd,vTempsea,vPrec,agd,Tsurf,ni){ 15 // note "v" prefix means 12 monthly means, ie time dimension 16 // INPUT parameters: ni: working size of arrays 17 // INPUT: surface elevation (m): hd(NA) 18 // monthly mean surface sealevel temperature (degrees C): vTempsea(NA 19 // ,NTIME) 20 // monthly mean precip rate (m/yr water equivalent): vPrec(NA,NTIME) 21 // OUTPUT: mass-balance (m/yr ice): agd(NA) 22 // mean annual surface temperature (degrees C): Tsurf(NA) 20 23 24 int i, it, jj, itm; 25 double DT = 0.02, sigfac, snormfac; 26 double signorm = 5.5; // signorm : sigma of the temperature distribution for a normal day 27 double siglim; // sigma limit for the integration which is equal to 2.5 sigmanorm 28 double signormc; // sigma of the temperature distribution for cloudy day 29 double siglimc=0, siglim0, siglim0c; 30 double tstep, tsint, tint, tstepc; 31 int NPDMAX = 1504, NPDCMAX = 1454; 32 //double pdds[NPDMAX]={0}; 33 //double pds[NPDCMAX]={0}; 34 double pddt, pd ; // pd : snow/precip fraction, precipitation falling as snow 35 double PDup, PDCUT = 2.0; // PDcut: rain/snow cutoff temperature (C) 36 double tstar; // monthly mean surface temp 37 38 double* pdds=NULL; 39 double* pds=NULL; 40 Element* element = NULL; 41 42 pdds=(double*)xmalloc(NPDMAX*sizeof(double)+1); 43 pds=(double*)xmalloc(NPDCMAX*sizeof(double)+1); 44 45 46 // PDD constant 47 siglim = 2.5*signorm; 48 49 // initialize PDD (creation of a lookup table) 50 tstep = 0.1; 51 tsint = tstep*0.5; 52 sigfac = -1.0/(2.0*pow(signorm,2)); 53 snormfac = 1.0/(signorm*sqrt(2.0*acos(-1.0))); 54 siglim = 2.5*signorm; 55 itm = (int)(2*siglim/DT + 1.5); 56 57 if (itm >= NPDMAX){ 58 printf("increase NPDMAX in massBalance.cpp\n"); 59 exit (1); 60 } 61 for (it = 0; it < itm; it++){ 62 // tstar = REAL(it)*DT-siglim; 63 tstar = it*DT-siglim; 64 tint = tsint; 65 pddt = 0; 66 for ( jj = 0; jj < 600; jj++){ 67 if (tint > (tstar+siglim)){break;} 68 pddt = pddt + tint*exp(sigfac*(pow((tint-tstar),2)))*tstep; 69 tint = tint+tstep; 70 } 71 pdds[it] = pddt*snormfac; 72 } 73 pdds[itm+1] = siglim + DT; 74 75 //*********compute PD(T) : snow/precip fraction. precipitation falling as snow 76 tstepc = 0.1; 77 tsint = PDCUT-tstepc*0.5; 78 signormc = signorm - 0.5; 79 sigfac = -1.0/(2.0*pow(signormc,2)); 80 snormfac = 1.0/(signormc*sqrt(2.0*acos(-1.0))); 81 siglimc = 2.5*signormc ; 82 itm = (int)((PDCUT+2.*siglimc)/DT + 1.5); 83 if (itm >= NPDCMAX){ 84 printf("'increase NPDCMAX in p35com'\n"); 85 exit (1); 86 } 87 for (it = 0; it < itm; it++ ){ 88 tstar = it*DT-siglimc; 89 // tstar = REAL(it)*DT-siglimc; 90 tint = tsint; // start against upper bound 91 pd = 0; 92 for (jj = 0; jj < 600; jj++){ 93 if (tint<(tstar-siglimc)) {break;} 94 pd = pd + exp(sigfac*(pow((tint-tstar),2)))*tstepc; 95 tint = tint-tstepc; 96 } 97 pds[it] = pd*snormfac; // gaussian integral lookup table for snow fraction 98 } 99 pds[itm+1] = 0; 100 // *******END initialize PDD 101 102 for(i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){ 103 element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i); 104 element->PositiveDegreeDay(pdds,pds,signorm); 105 } 106 /*free ressouces: */ 107 xfree((void**)&pdds); 108 xfree((void**)&pds); 109 21 110 } -
r11695 r11994 71 71 virtual void MigrateGroundingLine(double* old_floating_ice,double* sheet_ungrounding)=0; 72 72 virtual void PotentialSheetUngrounding(Vector* potential_sheet_ungrounding)=0; 73 virtual void PositiveDegreeDay( void)=0;73 virtual void PositiveDegreeDay(double* pdds,double* pds,double signorm)=0; 74 74 virtual int UpdatePotentialSheetUngrounding(double* potential_sheet_ungrounding,Vector* vec_nodes_on_iceshelf,double* nodes_on_iceshelf)=0; 75 75 virtual void ResetCoordinateSystem()=0; -
r11695 r11994 2410 2410 /*}}}*/ 2411 2411 /*FUNCTION Penta::PositiveDegreeDay{{{1*/ 2412 void Penta::PositiveDegreeDay(){ 2413 2414 _error_("Not implemented yet"); 2412 void Penta::PositiveDegreeDay(double* pdds,double* pds,double signorm){ 2413 2414 2415 int i,iqj,imonth; 2416 double agd[NUMVERTICES]; // surface and basal 2417 double saccu[NUMVERTICES] = {0}; // yearly surface accumulation 2418 double smelt[NUMVERTICES] = {0}; // yearly melt 2419 double precrunoff[NUMVERTICES]; // yearly runoff 2420 double prect; // total precipitation during 1 year taking into account des. ef. 2421 double water; //water=rain + snowmelt 2422 double runoff; //meltwater only, does not include rain 2423 double sconv; //rhow_rain/rhoi / 12 months 2424 2425 double rho_water,rho_ice,density; 2426 double lapser=6.5/1000, sealev=0; // lapse rate. degrees per meter. 2427 double desfac = 0.5; //desert elevation factor 2428 double s0p[NUMVERTICES]={0}; //should be set to elevation from precip source 2429 double s0t[NUMVERTICES]={0}; //should be set to elevation from temperature source 2430 double st; // elevation between altitude of the temp record and current altitude 2431 double sp; // elevation between altitude of the prec record and current altitude 2432 2433 2434 // PDD and PD constants and variables 2435 double siglim; // sigma limit for the integration which is equal to 2.5 sigmanorm 2436 double siglimc=0, siglim0, siglim0c; 2437 double PDup, pddsig, PDCUT = 2.0; // PDcut: rain/snow cutoff temperature (C) 2438 double DT = 0.02; 2439 double pddt, pd; // pd: snow/precip fraction, precipitation falling as snow 2440 2441 double q, qmpt; // q is desert/elev. fact, hnpfac is huybrect fact, and pd is normal dist. 2442 double qm[NUMVERTICES] = {0}; // snow part of the precipitation 2443 double qmt[NUMVERTICES] = {0}; // precipitation without desertification effect adjustment 2444 double qmp[NUMVERTICES] = {0}; // desertification taken into account 2445 double pdd[NUMVERTICES] = {0}; 2446 double frzndd[NUMVERTICES] = {0}; 2447 2448 double tstar; // monthly mean surface temp 2449 double Tsum[NUMVERTICES]= {0}; // average summer (JJA) temperature 2450 double Tsurf[NUMVERTICES] = {0}; // average annual temperature 2451 2452 double h[NUMVERTICES],s[NUMVERTICES],ttmp[NUMVERTICES],prectmp[NUMVERTICES]; // ,b[NUMVERTICES] 2453 double t[NUMVERTICES][12],prec[NUMVERTICES][12]; 2454 double deltm=1/12; 2455 int ismon[12]={12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11}; 2456 2457 double snwm; // snow that could have been melted in a year. 2458 double snwmf; // ablation factor for snow per positive degree day. 2459 double smf; // ablation factor for ice per pdd (Braithwaite 1995 from tarasov 2002). 2460 2461 double dfrz=1.5, CovrLm=2009./3.35e+5, dCovrLm=dfrz*CovrLm; //m*J kg^-1 C^-1 /(J kg^-1)=m/C yr 2462 double supice,supcap,diffndd; 2463 double fsupT=0.5, fsupndd=0.5; // Tsurf mode factors for supice 2464 double pddtj[NUMVERTICES], hmx2; 2465 2466 /*Recover info at the vertices: */ 2467 GetInputListOnVertices(&h[0],ThicknessEnum); 2468 GetInputListOnVertices(&s[0],SurfaceEnum); 2469 GetInputListOnVertices(&ttmp[0],ThermalSpctemperatureEnum); 2470 GetInputListOnVertices(&prectmp[0],SurfaceforcingsPrecipitationEnum); 2471 2472 for(i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++) ttmp[i]=ttmp[i]-273.15; // convertion from Kelvin to celcius 2473 2474 for(i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++) 2475 for(imonth=0;imonth<12;imonth++){ 2476 t[i][imonth]=ttmp[i]; 2477 prec[i][imonth]=prectmp[i]; 2478 } 2479 2480 /*Get material parameters :*/ 2481 rho_ice=matpar->GetRhoIce(); 2482 rho_water=matpar->GetRhoWater(); 2483 density=rho_ice/rho_water; 2484 2485 sconv=(rho_water/rho_ice)/12.; //rhow_rain/rhoi / 12 months 2486 2487 /*PDD constant*/ 2488 siglim = 2.5*signorm; 2489 siglim0 = siglim/DT + 0.5; 2490 siglim0c = siglimc/DT + 0.5; 2491 PDup = siglimc+PDCUT; 2492 2493 // seasonal loop 2494 for (iqj = 0; iqj < 12; iqj++){ 2495 imonth = ismon[iqj]; 2496 for (i = 0; i < NUMVERTICES; i++){ 2497 st=(s[i]-s0t[i])/1000; 2498 tstar = t[i][imonth] - lapser *max(st,sealev); 2499 Tsurf[i] = tstar*deltm+Tsurf[i]; 2500 2501 /*********compute PD ****************/ 2502 if (tstar < PDup){ 2503 pd = 1; 2504 if (tstar >= -siglimc){ pd = pds[int(tstar/DT + siglim0c)];}} 2505 else { 2506 pd = 0;} 2507 2508 /******exp des/elev precip reduction*******/ 2509 sp=(s[i]-s0p[i])/1000; // deselev effect is wrt chng in topo 2510 if (sp>0.0){q = exp(-desfac*sp);} 2511 else {q = 1.0;} 2512 2513 qmt[i]= qmt[i] + prec[i][imonth]*sconv; //*sconv to convert in m of ice equivalent 2514 qmpt= q*prec[i][imonth]*sconv; 2515 qmp[i]= qmp[i] + qmpt; 2516 qm[i]= qm[i] + qmpt*pd; 2517 2518 /*********compute PDD************/ 2519 // ndd(month)=-(tstar-pdd(month)) since ndd+pdd gives expectation of 2520 // gaussian=T_m, so ndd=-(Tsurf-pdd) 2521 if (iqj>6 && iqj<10){ Tsum[i]=Tsum[i]+tstar;} 2522 if (tstar >= siglim) {pdd[i] = pdd[i] + tstar*deltm;} 2523 else if (tstar> -siglim){ 2524 pddsig=pdds[int(tstar/DT + siglim0)]; 2525 pdd[i] = pdd[i] + pddsig*deltm; 2526 frzndd[i] = frzndd[i] - (tstar-pddsig)*deltm;} 2527 else{frzndd[i] = frzndd[i] - tstar*deltm; } 2528 } 2529 } // end of seasonal loop 2530 2531 //****************************************************************** 2532 for(i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++){ 2533 saccu[i] = qm[i]; 2534 prect = qmp[i]; // total precipitation during 1 year taking into account des. ef. 2535 Tsum[i]=Tsum[i]/3; 2536 2537 /***** determine PDD factors *****/ 2538 if(Tsum[i]< -1.) { 2539 snwmf=2.65*0.001; // ablation factor for snow per positive degree day.*0.001 to go from mm to m/ppd 2540 smf=17.22*0.001; // ablation factor for ice per pdd (Braithwaite 1995 from tarasov 2002) 2541 } 2542 else if(Tsum[i]< 10){ 2543 snwmf = (0.15*Tsum[i] + 2.8)*0.001; 2544 smf = (0.0067*pow((10.-Tsum[i]),3) + 8.3)*0.001; 2545 } 2546 else{ 2547 snwmf=4.3*0.001; 2548 smf=8.3*0.001; 2549 } 2550 snwmf=0.95*snwmf; 2551 smf=0.95*smf; 2552 2553 /***** compute PDD ablation and refreezing *****/ 2554 pddt = pdd[i] *365; 2555 snwm = snwmf*pddt; // snow that could have been melted in a year 2556 hmx2 = min(h[i],dfrz); // refreeze active layer max depth: dfrz 2557 2558 if(snwm < saccu[i]) { 2559 water=prect-saccu[i] + snwm; //water=rain + snowmelt 2560 // l 2.2= capillary factor 2561 // Should refreezing be controlled by frzndd or by mean annual Tsurf? 2562 // dCovrLm concept is of warming of active layer (thickness =d@=1- 2563 // >2m) 2564 // problem with water seepage into ice: should be sealed after 2565 // refreezing 2566 // so everything needs to be predicated on 1 year scale, except for 2567 // thermal 2568 // conductivity through ice 2569 // also, need to account that melt season has low accum, so what's 2570 // going to 2571 // hold the meltwater around for refreezing? And melt-time will have 2572 // low seasonal frzndd 2573 2574 // Superimposed ice : Pfeffer et al. 1991, Tarasov 2002 2575 2576 supice= min(hmx2*CovrLm*frzndd[i]+2.2*(saccu[i]-snwm), water); // superimposed ice 2577 supcap=min(2.2*(saccu[i]-snwm),water); 2578 runoff=snwm - supice; //meltwater only, does not include rain 2579 } 2580 else { //all snow melted 2581 supice= min(hmx2*CovrLm*frzndd[i], prect ); 2582 runoff= saccu[i] + smf*(pddt-saccu[i]/snwmf) - supice; 2583 supcap=0; 2584 } 2585 // pdd melting doesn't cool Tsurf, so ndd refreeze shouldn't warm it 2586 // except pdd melt heat source is atmosphere, while refreeze is 2587 // ground/ice stored interim 2588 // assume pdd=ndd, then melt should equal refreeze and Tsurf should=0 2589 // assume ndd=2*pdd, then all supice is refrozen, but Tsurf should be 2590 // <0 2591 // assume ndd>pdd, little melt => little supice 2592 // bottom line: compare for Tsurf<0 : supice and no supice case, 2593 // expect Tsurf difference 2594 // except some of cooling flux comes from atmosphere// 2595 // 1 dm supice should not raise Tsurf by 1/dCovrLm = 16.675C 2596 // does supice make sense when H< 0.1m? then d=thermoactive ice layer //// 2597 // < 0.1 2598 2599 // make more sense to just use residual pdd-ndd except that pdd 2600 // residual not clear yet 2601 // frzndd should not be used up by refreezing in snow, so stick in 2602 // supcap. 2603 diffndd=0; 2604 if (frzndd[i]>0) { 2605 diffndd=fsupndd*min((supice-supcap)/dCovrLm ,frzndd[i]); 2606 frzndd[i]=frzndd[i]-diffndd; 2607 } 2608 if(runoff<0){ 2609 saccu[i]= saccu[i] -runoff; 2610 smelt[i] = 0; 2611 precrunoff[i]=prect-saccu[i]; 2612 //here assume pdd residual is 0, => 2613 Tsurf[i]= max(Tsurf[i],-frzndd[i]); 2614 } 2615 else { 2616 smelt[i] = runoff; 2617 precrunoff[i]=prect-max(0.,supice)-saccu[i];} 2618 //here really need pdd balance, try 0.5 fudge factor? 2619 //at least runoff>0 => it's fairly warm, so Tsurf is !<<0, 2620 //yet from site plots, can be ice free with Tsurf=-5.5C 2621 if(Tsurf[i]<0) { 2622 Tsurf[i]= min(Tsurf[i]+fsupT*diffndd , 0.);} 2623 2624 agd[i] = -smelt[i]+saccu[i]; 2625 pddtj[i]=pddt; 2626 2627 /*Update inputs*/ 2628 this->inputs->AddInput(new PentaP1Input(SurfaceforcingsMassBalanceEnum,&agd[0])); ////////verifier le nom 2629 // this->inputs->AddInput(new TriaVertexInput(ThermalSpcTemperatureEnum,&Tsurf[0])); 2630 this->inputs->AddInput(new PentaP1Input(ThermalSpctemperatureEnum,&Tsurf[0])); 2631 2632 } //end of the for loop over the vertices 2415 2633 } 2416 2634 /*}}}*/ -
r11695 r11994 112 112 void PatchFill(int* pcount, Patch* patch); 113 113 void PatchSize(int* pnumrows, int* pnumvertices,int* pnumnodes); 114 void PositiveDegreeDay( void);114 void PositiveDegreeDay(double* pdds,double* pds,double signorm); 115 115 void ProcessResultsUnits(void); 116 116 void ResetCoordinateSystem(void); -
r11720 r11994 2235 2235 /*}}}*/ 2236 2236 /*FUNCTION Tria::PositiveDegreeDay{{{1*/ 2237 void Tria::PositiveDegreeDay(){ 2238 2239 _error_("Not implemented yet"); 2237 void Tria::PositiveDegreeDay(double* pdds,double* pds,double signorm){ 2238 2239 int i,iqj,imonth; 2240 double agd[NUMVERTICES]; // surface and basal 2241 double saccu[NUMVERTICES] = {0}; // yearly surface accumulation 2242 double smelt[NUMVERTICES] = {0}; // yearly melt 2243 double precrunoff[NUMVERTICES]; // yearly runoff 2244 double prect; // total precipitation during 1 year taking into account des. ef. 2245 double water; //water=rain + snowmelt 2246 double runoff; //meltwater only, does not include rain 2247 double sconv; //rhow_rain/rhoi / 12 months 2248 2249 double rho_water,rho_ice,density; 2250 double lapser=6.5/1000, sealev=0; // lapse rate. degrees per meter. 2251 double desfac = 0.5; //desert elevation factor 2252 double s0p[NUMVERTICES]={0}; //should be set to elevation from precip source 2253 double s0t[NUMVERTICES]={0}; //should be set to elevation from temperature source 2254 double st; // elevation between altitude of the temp record and current altitude 2255 double sp; // elevation between altitude of the prec record and current altitude 2256 2257 2258 // PDD and PD constants and variables 2259 double siglim; // sigma limit for the integration which is equal to 2.5 sigmanorm 2260 double siglimc=0, siglim0, siglim0c; 2261 double PDup, pddsig, PDCUT = 2.0; // PDcut: rain/snow cutoff temperature (C) 2262 double DT = 0.02; 2263 double pddt, pd; // pd: snow/precip fraction, precipitation falling as snow 2264 2265 double q, qmpt; // q is desert/elev. fact, hnpfac is huybrect fact, and pd is normal dist. 2266 double qm[NUMVERTICES] = {0}; // snow part of the precipitation 2267 double qmt[NUMVERTICES] = {0}; // precipitation without desertification effect adjustment 2268 double qmp[NUMVERTICES] = {0}; // desertification taken into account 2269 double pdd[NUMVERTICES] = {0}; 2270 double frzndd[NUMVERTICES] = {0}; 2271 2272 double tstar; // monthly mean surface temp 2273 double Tsum[NUMVERTICES]= {0}; // average summer (JJA) temperature 2274 double Tsurf[NUMVERTICES] = {0}; // average annual temperature 2275 2276 double h[NUMVERTICES],s[NUMVERTICES],ttmp[NUMVERTICES],prectmp[NUMVERTICES]; // ,b[NUMVERTICES] 2277 double t[NUMVERTICES][12],prec[NUMVERTICES][12]; 2278 double deltm=1/12; 2279 int ismon[12]={12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11}; 2280 2281 double snwm; // snow that could have been melted in a year. 2282 double snwmf; // ablation factor for snow per positive degree day. 2283 double smf; // ablation factor for ice per pdd (Braithwaite 1995 from tarasov 2002). 2284 2285 double dfrz=1.5, CovrLm=2009./3.35e+5, dCovrLm=dfrz*CovrLm; //m*J kg^-1 C^-1 /(J kg^-1)=m/C yr 2286 double supice,supcap,diffndd; 2287 double fsupT=0.5, fsupndd=0.5; // Tsurf mode factors for supice 2288 double pddtj[NUMVERTICES], hmx2; 2289 2290 /*Recover info at the vertices: */ 2291 GetInputListOnVertices(&h[0],ThicknessEnum); 2292 GetInputListOnVertices(&s[0],SurfaceEnum); 2293 GetInputListOnVertices(&ttmp[0],ThermalSpctemperatureEnum); 2294 GetInputListOnVertices(&prectmp[0],SurfaceforcingsPrecipitationEnum); 2295 2296 for(i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++) ttmp[i]=ttmp[i]-273.15; // convertion from Kelvin to celcius 2297 2298 for(i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++) 2299 for(imonth=0;imonth<12;imonth++){ 2300 t[i][imonth]=ttmp[i]; 2301 prec[i][imonth]=prectmp[i]; 2302 } 2303 2304 /*Get material parameters :*/ 2305 rho_ice=matpar->GetRhoIce(); 2306 rho_water=matpar->GetRhoWater(); 2307 density=rho_ice/rho_water; 2308 2309 sconv=(rho_water/rho_ice)/12.; //rhow_rain/rhoi / 12 months 2310 2311 /*PDD constant*/ 2312 siglim = 2.5*signorm; 2313 siglim0 = siglim/DT + 0.5; 2314 siglim0c = siglimc/DT + 0.5; 2315 PDup = siglimc+PDCUT; 2316 2317 // seasonal loop 2318 for (iqj = 0; iqj < 12; iqj++){ 2319 imonth = ismon[iqj]; 2320 for (i = 0; i < NUMVERTICES; i++){ 2321 st=(s[i]-s0t[i])/1000; 2322 tstar = t[i][imonth] - lapser *max(st,sealev); 2323 Tsurf[i] = tstar*deltm+Tsurf[i]; 2324 2325 /*********compute PD ****************/ 2326 if (tstar < PDup){ 2327 pd = 1; 2328 if (tstar >= -siglimc){ pd = pds[int(tstar/DT + siglim0c)];}} 2329 else { 2330 pd = 0;} 2331 2332 /******exp des/elev precip reduction*******/ 2333 sp=(s[i]-s0p[i])/1000; // deselev effect is wrt chng in topo 2334 if (sp>0.0){q = exp(-desfac*sp);} 2335 else {q = 1.0;} 2336 2337 qmt[i]= qmt[i] + prec[i][imonth]*sconv; //*sconv to convert in m of ice equivalent 2338 qmpt= q*prec[i][imonth]*sconv; 2339 qmp[i]= qmp[i] + qmpt; 2340 qm[i]= qm[i] + qmpt*pd; 2341 2342 /*********compute PDD************/ 2343 // ndd(month)=-(tstar-pdd(month)) since ndd+pdd gives expectation of 2344 // gaussian=T_m, so ndd=-(Tsurf-pdd) 2345 if (iqj>6 && iqj<10){ Tsum[i]=Tsum[i]+tstar;} 2346 if (tstar >= siglim) {pdd[i] = pdd[i] + tstar*deltm;} 2347 else if (tstar> -siglim){ 2348 pddsig=pdds[int(tstar/DT + siglim0)]; 2349 pdd[i] = pdd[i] + pddsig*deltm; 2350 frzndd[i] = frzndd[i] - (tstar-pddsig)*deltm;} 2351 else{frzndd[i] = frzndd[i] - tstar*deltm; } 2352 } 2353 } // end of seasonal loop 2354 2355 //****************************************************************** 2356 for(i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++){ 2357 saccu[i] = qm[i]; 2358 prect = qmp[i]; // total precipitation during 1 year taking into account des. ef. 2359 Tsum[i]=Tsum[i]/3; 2360 2361 /***** determine PDD factors *****/ 2362 if(Tsum[i]< -1.) { 2363 snwmf=2.65*0.001; // ablation factor for snow per positive degree day.*0.001 to go from mm to m/ppd 2364 smf=17.22*0.001; // ablation factor for ice per pdd (Braithwaite 1995 from tarasov 2002) 2365 } 2366 else if(Tsum[i]< 10){ 2367 snwmf = (0.15*Tsum[i] + 2.8)*0.001; 2368 smf = (0.0067*pow((10.-Tsum[i]),3) + 8.3)*0.001; 2369 } 2370 else{ 2371 snwmf=4.3*0.001; 2372 smf=8.3*0.001; 2373 } 2374 snwmf=0.95*snwmf; 2375 smf=0.95*smf; 2376 2377 /***** compute PDD ablation and refreezing *****/ 2378 pddt = pdd[i] *365; 2379 snwm = snwmf*pddt; // snow that could have been melted in a year 2380 hmx2 = min(h[i],dfrz); // refreeze active layer max depth: dfrz 2381 2382 if(snwm < saccu[i]) { 2383 water=prect-saccu[i] + snwm; //water=rain + snowmelt 2384 // l 2.2= capillary factor 2385 // Should refreezing be controlled by frzndd or by mean annual Tsurf? 2386 // dCovrLm concept is of warming of active layer (thickness =d@=1- 2387 // >2m) 2388 // problem with water seepage into ice: should be sealed after 2389 // refreezing 2390 // so everything needs to be predicated on 1 year scale, except for 2391 // thermal 2392 // conductivity through ice 2393 // also, need to account that melt season has low accum, so what's 2394 // going to 2395 // hold the meltwater around for refreezing? And melt-time will have 2396 // low seasonal frzndd 2397 2398 // Superimposed ice : Pfeffer et al. 1991, Tarasov 2002 2399 2400 supice= min(hmx2*CovrLm*frzndd[i]+2.2*(saccu[i]-snwm), water); // superimposed ice 2401 supcap=min(2.2*(saccu[i]-snwm),water); 2402 runoff=snwm - supice; //meltwater only, does not include rain 2403 } 2404 else { //all snow melted 2405 supice= min(hmx2*CovrLm*frzndd[i], prect ); 2406 runoff= saccu[i] + smf*(pddt-saccu[i]/snwmf) - supice; 2407 supcap=0; 2408 } 2409 // pdd melting doesn't cool Tsurf, so ndd refreeze shouldn't warm it 2410 // except pdd melt heat source is atmosphere, while refreeze is 2411 // ground/ice stored interim 2412 // assume pdd=ndd, then melt should equal refreeze and Tsurf should=0 2413 // assume ndd=2*pdd, then all supice is refrozen, but Tsurf should be 2414 // <0 2415 // assume ndd>pdd, little melt => little supice 2416 // bottom line: compare for Tsurf<0 : supice and no supice case, 2417 // expect Tsurf difference 2418 // except some of cooling flux comes from atmosphere// 2419 // 1 dm supice should not raise Tsurf by 1/dCovrLm = 16.675C 2420 // does supice make sense when H< 0.1m? then d=thermoactive ice layer //// 2421 // < 0.1 2422 2423 // make more sense to just use residual pdd-ndd except that pdd 2424 // residual not clear yet 2425 // frzndd should not be used up by refreezing in snow, so stick in 2426 // supcap. 2427 diffndd=0; 2428 if (frzndd[i]>0) { 2429 diffndd=fsupndd*min((supice-supcap)/dCovrLm ,frzndd[i]); 2430 frzndd[i]=frzndd[i]-diffndd; 2431 } 2432 if(runoff<0){ 2433 saccu[i]= saccu[i] -runoff; 2434 smelt[i] = 0; 2435 precrunoff[i]=prect-saccu[i]; 2436 //here assume pdd residual is 0, => 2437 Tsurf[i]= max(Tsurf[i],-frzndd[i]); 2438 } 2439 else { 2440 smelt[i] = runoff; 2441 precrunoff[i]=prect-max(0.,supice)-saccu[i];} 2442 //here really need pdd balance, try 0.5 fudge factor? 2443 //at least runoff>0 => it's fairly warm, so Tsurf is !<<0, 2444 //yet from site plots, can be ice free with Tsurf=-5.5C 2445 if(Tsurf[i]<0) { 2446 Tsurf[i]= min(Tsurf[i]+fsupT*diffndd , 0.);} 2447 2448 agd[i] = -smelt[i]+saccu[i]; 2449 pddtj[i]=pddt; 2450 2451 /*Update inputs*/ 2452 this->inputs->AddInput(new TriaP1Input(SurfaceforcingsMassBalanceEnum,&agd[0])); ////////verifier le nom 2453 // this->inputs->AddInput(new TriaVertexInput(ThermalSpcTemperatureEnum,&Tsurf[0])); 2454 this->inputs->AddInput(new TriaP1Input(ThermalSpctemperatureEnum,&Tsurf[0])); 2455 2456 } //end of the for loop over the vertices 2240 2457 } 2241 2458 /*}}}*/ -
r11695 r11994 108 108 int NodalValue(double* pvalue, int index, int natureofdataenum,bool process_units); 109 109 void PotentialSheetUngrounding(Vector* potential_sheet_ungrounding); 110 void PositiveDegreeDay( void);110 void PositiveDegreeDay(double* pdds,double* pds,double signorm); 111 111 void RequestedOutput(int output_enum,int step,double time); 112 112 void ListResultsInfo(int** results_enums,int** results_size,double** results_times,int** results_steps,int* num_results); -
r11924 r11994 130 130 fielddisplay(obj,'spcvy','y-axis velocity constraint (NaN means no constraint)'); 131 131 fielddisplay(obj,'spcvz','z-axis velocity constraint (NaN means no constraint)'); 132 fielddisplay(obj,'icefront','segments on ice front list (last column 0-> Air, 1-> Water, 2->Ice ');132 fielddisplay(obj,'icefront','segments on ice front list (last column 0-> Air, 1-> Water, 2->Ice)'); 133 133 134 134 disp(sprintf('\n %s','Rift options:'));
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