

Maui uses bash as default shell. Add the following to your ~/.bashrc (change the path to ISSM_DIR to be consistent with your own installation):

export ISSM_DIR=/nesi/project/nesiXXXXX/issm/trunk-jpl
source $ISSM_DIR/etc/

module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-intel

And replace ISSM_DIR with your actual trunk. Log out and log back in to apply this change (or source your ~/.bashrc)

Installing ISSM on Maui

Maui will only be used to run the code, you will use your local machine for pre and post processing, you will never use Maui's MATLAB. You only need to install the following package:

  • m1qn3 (use

Use the following configuration script (adapt to your needs):

export CXX=CC
export CC=cc
export FC=ftn
./configure \
 --prefix=$ISSM_DIR \
 --with-wrappers=no \
 --with-m1qn3-dir="$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/m1qn3/install" \
 --with-petsc-dir="$PETSC_DIR" \
 --with-metis-dir="$CRAY_TPSL_PREFIX_DIR" \
 --with-mumps-dir="$CRAY_TPSL_PREFIX_DIR" \
 --with-mpi-include="$CRAY_MPICH2_DIR/include" \
 --with-mpi-libflags="-L$CRAY_MPICH2_DIR/lib -lmpich -lmpl -lfmpich -lmpichcxx -lmpichf90" \
 --without-kriging \
 --without-kml \
 --without-Gia \
 --without-Love \
Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on 07/23/20 07:58:13
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