

The idea is that comparing integers in C++ is easier and faster than comparing strings (which do not have a fixed size). So each model input/parameter is assigned an enum. In the code, you will see IceVolumeAboveFloatationEnum but the code interprets this "word" as the integer 68: each enum has a number associated to it by the compiler, at compile time. See this wikipedia page for more info.

Add a new Enum

If you want to add a new Enum, the ONLY file that needs to be changed is src/c/shared/Enum/EnumDefinitions.h. Open it with you favorite editor (vim) and add your new Enum. Make sure that:

  • It does not already exist (the compiler will tell you anyway)
  • It finishes with Enum,
  • it is in the right section:
    • if your Enum is for an Input, make sure it is between InputsSTARTEnum and InputsENDEnum
    • if your Enum is for a parameter, make sure it is between ParametersSTARTEnum and ParametersENDEnum

Then you can run a synchronization script that will update the matlab and python Enum, StringToEnum and EnumToString automatically:

cd $ISSM_DIR/src/c/shared/Enum/

You will then need to recompile src/c only, and there is no need to reconfigure:

cd $ISSM_DIR/src/c
make install
Last modified 6 years ago Last modified on 12/11/18 12:52:03
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