14 years |
seroussi |
grid to nodes in miscellaneous
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
moved grids to nodes/vertices
14 years |
seroussi |
grid in par files
14 years |
seroussi |
remove grid in nightly runs
14 years |
seroussi |
changed from grid to node in c
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
moved Grid to Node:
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
moved all grids to nodes
14 years |
seroussi |
function names including grid
14 years |
seroussi |
changed grid to node in matlab
14 years |
seroussi |
more general framework
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
no need to provide analysis_type in solve command anymore
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
no need to provide analysis_type in solve command anymore
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
no need to provide analysis_type in solve command anymore
14 years |
jschierm |
KML objects: Move dummy virtual functions from cpp to h files (among …
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Fixed m/enum/EnumToModelField.m from Synchronized
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
moved all Balanced* to Balance*
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
forgot a Balanced
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
updated Makefile.am
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Moved Balanced* to Balance*
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
moving Balanced* to Balance* TBC
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added outbin in clean target
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Start Tao only in controltao
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
No need for Tao in mex for now
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added TAO
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
added flags if _HAVE_TAO_ = 0
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
minor tao
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
working on TAO applied to control methods
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added Tao compilation libraries
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Homogenized and added tao
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added Toolkit for advanced optimization
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
updated outsidepoly and added folds
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Fixed matlab.m4 in case minor has two characters (7.11)
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Error out when parameter is not found (use Exist to check wether it …
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Error out when parameter is not found (use Exist to check wether it …
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
allows verbose('all')
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
copy function really ugly, removed.
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added compilation files for ogive
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added compilation files for ogive
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added crash for future tests
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
back to previous version of mpich
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
back to previous version of mpich
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
back to previous version for now
14 years |
seroussi |
diagnostic_ref in marshall
14 years |
seroussi |
added some checks for rotated spcs in ismodelselfconsistent
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
back to normal
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
DO NOT use moduleboot and moduleend in EnumToString/EnumToString.cpp …
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
changed mpiexec to mpirun as in mpich2 doc
14 years |
seroussi |
added refernetial in node
14 years |
seroussi |
diagnostic_ref in par file
14 years |
seroussi |
removed useless constructor in node
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added with 777 permissions
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
recommit with 777 chmod
14 years |
seroussi |
removed useless node constructor
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
faster Synchronize script
14 years |
seroussi |
added diagnostic_ref in IoModel
14 years |
seroussi |
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Use mpich2 1.3.1 in nightly runs
14 years |
seroussi |
extrude diagnostic_ref
14 years |
seroussi |
added check diagnostic_ref in ismodelselfconsisitent
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
mpich1.3 is now default
14 years |
seroussi |
default values are NaN in diagnostic_ref
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Use mpich 1.3.1 by default now
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Norm.h not needed
14 years |
seroussi |
added diagnostic_ref field in model
14 years |
seroussi |
some tolerances nightly runs validation
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
not needed anymore, use modules instead
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
moved EnumToString to EnumToStringx which is now a module
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added 2 mex modules: StringToEnum and EnumToString
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Use mex functions to get enums (no more number in matlabs)
14 years |
schlegel |
updated parametercontrol* so that cm_min and cm_max have the required size
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
completed install
14 years |
jschierm |
KML objects: Moved features dataset from KML_Document and KML_Folder …
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added mitgcm external package
14 years |
Eric.Larour |
works for any model, 2D and 3D
14 years |
jschierm |
KML file reader: Change type of KML object read functions.
14 years |
jschierm |
KML file reader: First round of changes to KML objects.
14 years |
jschierm |
KML: Addition of KMLFileReadUtils for KML file reading.
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added specs for macbookmathieu
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added config file for macbookmathieu
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added macbookmathieu config file
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added some comments
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added error message if bad usage (prevent issm from crashing if one …
14 years |
seroussi |
plots nightly run validation ismipf
14 years |
seroussi |
minor plots in nightly run validation
14 years |
seroussi |
minor mac helene
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added compilation of valgrind on mac
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added macmathieu and fixed maceric for valgrind
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
config for petsc 2 does not work
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added Makefile to make clean
14 years |
seroussi |
14 years |
seroussi |
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Back to previous version of mpich (we get weird crashes on macs)
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
some modif for new config files
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
mpich 1.3.2.p1 is the latest version
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
mpich 1.3.2.p1 is the latest version
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Updated organizer
14 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Changed name to configure.sh