5 years |
bdef |
CHG: taking care of single timestep result in NC export
5 years |
bdef |
CHG:last tweaks on netCDF IO
5 years |
bdef |
CHG:optimisation of the netcdf i/o
5 years |
bdef |
BUG:fix on SLURM keyword and treatment of masked array in import from …
5 years |
bdef |
CHG: syntax cahnge to meet most of Pep8 requirement
6 years |
bdef |
CHG:some pep8 compliance and changes in Write tests
6 years |
bdef |
BUG:fixing an import incompatibility
6 years |
bdef |
CHG: shifting to py3 version of python interface (py2 compatible)
7 years |
bdef |
BUG: fixing toolkits to be able to run from nc models
8 years |
bdef |
CHG: adding case in load for future matlab compatibility
8 years |
bdef |
CHG:minor typo fix
8 years |
sjohnsen |
CHG:Deleted print and double import of Odereddict
8 years |
sjohnsen |
CHG:added OrderedDict
8 years |
bdef |
CHG: major cosmetic clean up we now ask shape (N,) rather than (N,1) …
8 years |
bdef |
BUG: a few more fixes
8 years |
bdef |
BUG: modifs to NC in/out removing print in parseresults
8 years |
bdef |
BUG:fixing bug introduced for the step indexing
8 years |
bdef |
BUG: fixing display due to behaviour change of getvalue()
8 years |
bdef |
BUG:compatibility fix for netCDF4-1.2
8 years |
bdef |
BUG: fixed indexing for results may have broke something elsewhere
8 years |
bdef |
BUG:update to netCDF export import after clearing the nightly runs
8 years |
bdef |
BUG:sorting a few bugs, now able to run from netCDF
8 years |
bdef |
NEW:adding netcd export import ability in python
12 years |
cborstad |
CHG: python models are saved as database structures, checking for …
12 years |
jschierm |
CHG: Allow more inputs in Python savevars and loadvars.
12 years |
jschierm |
CHG: Change arguments on Python savevars and loadvars to match Matlab.
12 years |
jschierm |
NEW: Python functions to save and load variables (including models) to …