16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
16 years |
seroussi |
fixed problem with diagnostic mixed hutter/macayeal in 2d
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
not needed anymore
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
remove website from trunk
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
moved and improved website from trunk to website directory
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
created Ala trash directory
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added a routine to compute stress and strainrate properties quickly …
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
website location
16 years |
seroussi |
16 years |
seroussi |
16 years |
seroussi |
added archives prognostic test14 for cielo serial and parallel
16 years |
seroussi |
added archives prognostic test12 for cielo serial and parallel
16 years |
seroussi |
no reason to limit prognostic to macayealpattyn
16 years |
seroussi |
added archives prognostic test16 cielo serial and parallel
16 years |
seroussi |
added archives test7 prognostic cielo serial and parallel
16 years |
seroussi |
added prognostic archives test1 cielo serial and parallel
16 years |
seroussi |
need to extrude thickness in 3d
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
do not compute Kgg_nopenalty each time if lowmem is not activated
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
do not recompute K_gg_nopenalty if lowmem=0
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
do not overwrite analysis_types if char*=NULL
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
initial temperature and melting not needed for thermalsteady
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added prognostic parallel 2d
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
no more sparse2 adn m2html in the startup
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
improved generated doc layout
16 years |
seroussi |
fixed crash with VelocityDepthAverage
16 years |
seroussi |
added prognostic in penta
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
much better font size and colors
16 years |
seroussi |
fixed artificial diffusivity
16 years |
seroussi |
minor subanalysis type
16 years |
seroussi |
added prognostic_core in cielo serial
16 years |
seroussi |
fixed a few problems with prognostic
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
16 years |
seroussi |
added PVector in prognostic
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
minor (cosmetics)
16 years |
seroussi |
forgot to define elements_width
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
multiple declaration
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
some fixing
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
some fixing
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
do not change the cluster here: WILKES is used in nightly runs not ASTRID
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
improved html doc
16 years |
seroussi |
archives parallel test6
16 years |
seroussi |
archives parallel test 5
16 years |
seroussi |
archives parallel test 19
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
Added no-matlab dakota compilation
16 years |
seroussi |
archives parallel test 18
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
Missing Spawn core for Dakota spawning of our core solution sequences
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
Added dakota parallel c code capability + Prognostic capability
16 years |
seroussi |
archives parallel test 11
16 years |
seroussi |
archives parallel test 10
16 years |
seroussi |
16 years |
seroussi |
numlayers number of layers for the grids
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
Added no matlab install + ParallelLibrary patches
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
nsteps+1 time steps
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
some fixing
16 years |
seroussi |
16 years |
seroussi |
added cielo serial test6
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
not needed
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
marshall temperature and melting to initialize thermal transients runs
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
marshall temperature and melting to initialize thermal transients runs
16 years |
seroussi |
added cielo serial test11
16 years |
seroussi |
cielo serial test19
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
not needed
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
melting output in m/yr
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
not needed
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added PenaltySystemMatrices in diagnostic_core_linear (needed by melting)
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
added time output for thermal transient
16 years |
seroussi |
need to extrude npart for hutter 3d
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
set wait on lock as 1 by default
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
fixed Control Output
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
first fixing of load results for a thermal run
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
fixed output (do not use VecToMPISerial when my_rank==0 only)
16 years |
seroussi |
no penalties in hutter
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
missing memory allocation for tg
16 years |
seroussi |
need uppergrid for hutter even in 3d
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
fixed problem with subamalysis type if thermal (ERIC, tell me if you …
16 years |
seroussi |
added cielo parallel test 17
16 years |
seroussi |
added cielo parallel test8
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
stop if min_thermal_cons reached
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
moved melting_g tp m_g
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
moved melting_g to m_g
16 years |
seroussi |
minor correction
16 years |
seroussi |
added cielo parallel test2
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
save transient results in thermaltransient_results field
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
missing parameters for thermal transient (initial temperature and pressure)
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
missing analysis type in transient runs
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
bad copy and paste in model processor: no frozen grids in thermal
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
bas viscosity computation
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
fixed melting test
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
kmax computed only ONCE before computing the penalized stiffness matrix
16 years |
seroussi |
archives test19 for new mesh
16 years |
seroussi |
archives test6 for new mesh