16 years |
Eric.Larour |
Parallel control method
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed accelerated element
16 years |
seroussi |
removed accelerated triaelem model in tests 2d
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Readd bin in path after a solution sequence
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
rewritten nightly runs for issm
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
moved ArgusContour to Contour
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
no more ArgusContourToMesh
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
took out suite sparse
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
Not needed anymore
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
some fixing
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
moved macayealdiagnostic to diagnostic
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
moved icediagnostic -> diagnostic (removed ice from the functions name)
16 years |
seroussi |
initial input
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
initial input from ice1
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
Cleanup of cielo solutions
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
New patch for C++ compatibility
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
Took out parallel compiling. Gives unrepeatable problems
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
New trash directory
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
updated classes form ice1
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
Extra ../ not needed
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
Patch of mpicxx.h
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
added autotools
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
Netcdf not supported yet
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
Switch from packages to externalpackages
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
packages to externalpackages
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
New environment variable for autotools
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
New configure.sh, using environment variables
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
Added development packages
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
Switched from packages to externalpackages. Added development tools
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added new tests form ice1
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed old tests
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
Now add them back as real files
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
First delete symbolic files
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
initial update of ISSM (copy of ice1)
16 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
config.mk must be created by the user
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
Introduced new Brent Search based Control Optimization algorithm
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
Introduced new Brent Search based Control Optimization algorithm
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
Not needed
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
Relic from previous module
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
status not needed
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
Not needed
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
Modified for new location
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
not needed
16 years |
Eric.Larour |
Initial import