15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
some bug fixing
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added comments to printmodel
Added inset option in plots
Fixed text …
15 years |
seroussi |
added AGU presentation to website
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
forgot to change Makefile.am for Bamg
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
renamed md into md3d
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
renamed md into md3d
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
erase .tif model
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added 'alloptions','on' option
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
moved all objects to the objects directory
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Introduced nlines and ncols options
15 years |
seroussi |
minor references
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Not needed, printmodel can do that now
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Improved option driven printmodel
15 years |
seroussi |
minor reference
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added Triangle.cpp and updated WriteMetric
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
moved all Triangles functions from Mesh2 and Metric.cpp to Triangles.cpp
15 years |
seroussi |
added two references
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
moved Triangles routines of Mesh2.cpp to Triangles.cpp
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed c/Bamgx/MeshQuad.cpp
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed Bamgx/MeshGeom.cpp
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
relica from FEM++
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
minor renaming
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
created 2 files Triangles and Geometry for corresponding classes
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed Meshio from bamg
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
minor verbosity
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
file not needed anymore
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed all drawings
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed useless files on Bamg
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed usedless code
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed useless code and fix crash (do not free bamgmesh in bamg)
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed useless code
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added WriteGeometry
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed useless code
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Better Read/Write routines in Bamg
15 years |
seroussi |
minor problems in equations leading to Pattyn's model
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed theoryguide from website
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
passed MaxAngle into options and renamed BamgArgs BamgOpts
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
fixed Bamg anisotropic mesh adaptation!
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added Mathieu's AGU poster
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
fixed first crash (bad initialization of triangles)
15 years |
seroussi |
added Jenkins lecture on ice shelf/ocean interaction
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
some improvements but anisotropic mesh still crashing
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Renamed basinzoom option to basin
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
fixed nightly runs
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
back to initial version of FreeFem++
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
minor bamg
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
some improvements in Bamg
15 years |
seroussi |
minor archive
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added holes in bamg
15 years |
seroussi |
minor wrong example
15 years |
seroussi |
added AverageFilter function to smooth maps
15 years |
seroussi |
added AverageFilter function to smooth maps
15 years |
seroussi |
minor, new archives for control, for direction normalisation
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
forgot to normalize vector
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
now Bamg does not use files anymore (youhouss)
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
some improvements in Bamg interface (to be continued)
15 years |
seroussi |
minor, increased tolerance for control steadystate nightly runs
15 years |
seroussi |
minor modification on greenland template for ppt
15 years |
seroussi |
added references in bibtex
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Tagged issm2.1, used for AGU fall meeting 2009
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
updated archives since the orthogonalization is not done systematically
15 years |
seroussi |
added examples with the possible options of parametercontrolB
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
fixed some mistakes and added Bamg docs
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
minor bug fix
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
normalize only if last gradient was bad (ie: search_scalar=0)
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
normalize only if last gradient was bad (ie: search_scalar=0)
15 years |
ala |
Detect gradient direction of inverse control method
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added some routines to process quiver plots
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
moved description next to title
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added folds on index also
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added folds for a better readability
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added colors in rift plots (also support options: density,colorlevels,...)
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Added rift documentation.
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
moved Eric's presentations from ppt to pdf
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
doc for rifts
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Better check of rifts structure
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Allowed already read profile as input
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Bigger border
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Added frequency of quiver arrows
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Allow presence of rifts in YamsCall
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Added Bamg module.
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Small inoffensive bug, if there is such a thing
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Added tres
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Added Bamgx module
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Added Bamg and TriMeshNoDensity modules.
Bamg: we are trying to …
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
some doc
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
meshnodensity: used to include rifts inside existing mesh: creates …
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
rifts routines placeholder.
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added Grl template
15 years |
seroussi |
Minor, improved headers for latlong/xy conversions
15 years |
seroussi |
Minor added option to use in transient_field
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed control_analysis=1 by default
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Added fracture arctcles
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Added Petsc, Matlab, Mumps references + Rignot2008b