15 years |
seroussi |
minor modifications in test/Miscellaneous
15 years |
seroussi |
minor modifications of examples
15 years |
seroussi |
15 years |
seroussi |
take analysis_type only once
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
missing AnalysisTypeFromEnum
15 years |
seroussi |
added examples with the possible options of parametercontroldrag
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Added new solution type: control gradient. Can now retrieve control …
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Different order for tres diagnostic and thermal.
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Added aliases, similar to bash aliases.
meshread: can not read quads. …
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Added multisolve capability, with corresponding queue/ scripts.
Added …
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Added PropagateFlagsUntilDistance module.
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Better handling of sub_analysis_type
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Better handling of sub_analysis_type
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added some comments
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
minor (removed lines not needed)
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Fixed Makefile to avoid LOST FLOATS error
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
PropagateFlagsUntilDistance: new extractor of element flags, augmented …
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Moved queueing scripts to new directory queue
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added Durand2009a.pdf
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added some comments and changed variable names
15 years |
seroussi |
added presentation AGU into Conferences
15 years |
seroussi |
Minor references
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Specify position option, by name of person.
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added ISSM website reference
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
ensure log values in caxis are correct.
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
plot_mesh now adopts nlines,ncols framework
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
formatting error.
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Added Agu09 presentations.
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Agu 09 presentations
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Agu 09 Larour
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
reverted back to 2863 (cleaner version)
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
moved Bamgx/Mesh2.h to Bamgx/Bamgx.h
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed all ostreams from Bamg
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed useless code
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed useless code
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
code not needed
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed all cout and cerr
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed some couts
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed some cout(s) (TBC)
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed all throwassert.hpp
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
replaced all asserts by throw errorexception
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
began to replace all asserts
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed error.hpp
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed ErrorMesh class
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
replaced all Error by throw error
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed Mesh2.cpp
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
reduced Mesh2.cpp to its minimum
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
added Bamgx/objects/Vertex.cpp
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
readded clean up
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
fixed grlformatting.sh for astrid
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
added Bamgx/objects/ListofIntersectionTriangles.cpp
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
moved SetOfE4.cpp to objects
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
added Bamgx/objects/QuadTree.cpp
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed Bamgx/R2.cpp (everything is in the headerfile)
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added Bamgx/objects/MatVVP2x2.cpp and Bamgx/objects/MetricAnIso.cpp
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed Bamgx/Metric.cpp
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added agu bib style
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added grlformatting.sh
15 years |
seroussi |
minor, missing argument in usage
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
changed agutmpl
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added ncols nlines capability to plot_overlay
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
some bug fixing
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added comments to printmodel
Added inset option in plots
Fixed text …
15 years |
seroussi |
added AGU presentation to website
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
forgot to change Makefile.am for Bamg
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
renamed md into md3d
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
renamed md into md3d
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
erase .tif model
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added 'alloptions','on' option
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
moved all objects to the objects directory
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Introduced nlines and ncols options
15 years |
seroussi |
minor references
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Not needed, printmodel can do that now
15 years |
Eric.Larour |
Improved option driven printmodel
15 years |
seroussi |
minor reference
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
Added Triangle.cpp and updated WriteMetric
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
moved all Triangles functions from Mesh2 and Metric.cpp to Triangles.cpp
15 years |
seroussi |
added two references
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
moved Triangles routines of Mesh2.cpp to Triangles.cpp
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed c/Bamgx/MeshQuad.cpp
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed Bamgx/MeshGeom.cpp
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
relica from FEM++
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
minor renaming
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
created 2 files Triangles and Geometry for corresponding classes
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed Meshio from bamg
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
minor verbosity
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
file not needed anymore
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed all drawings
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed useless files on Bamg
15 years |
Mathieu Morlighem |
removed usedless code