Changeset 5068
- Timestamp:
- 08/09/10 11:25:08 (15 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk/cron
- Files:
- 8 deleted
- 9 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
TabularUnified issm/trunk/cron/configs/linux64_larour ¶
r4681 r5068 2 2 ########### Configuration file for Eric Larour's nightly run on Linux ############ 3 3 4 #1: ISSM general configuration 5 #----------------------------- 4 #-------------------------------# 5 # 1: ISSM general configuration # 6 #-------------------------------# 6 7 7 8 #ISSM main directory (full pathto ISSM trunk) 8 9 ISSM_DIR="/u/astrid-r1b/larour/issm/trunk/cron/trunk" 10 #ISSM_DIR="/u/wilkes-r1b/morlighe/svn/issm/trunk/cron/issm2.2" 9 11 10 12 #ISSM Architecture … … 17 19 MATLAB_PATH="/usr/local/pkgs/matlab-7.6/" 18 20 19 #2: ISSM Installation 20 #-------------------- 21 #----------------------# 22 # 2: ISSM Installation # 23 #----------------------# 21 24 22 #ISSM installation. If SKIPINSTALLATION="no" the existing version of the 23 #code will be erased. The new version will be checked out and fully 24 #installed. If SKIPINSTALLATION="yes", the following options won't be 25 #used. Go to section 3 26 27 SKIPINSTALLATION="no" 25 #ISSM_INSTALLATION can have 3 values: 26 # - "checkout" the existing version of the code will be erased and 27 # the latest version will be checked out 28 # - "update" the directory won't be erased but ISSM will be updated 29 # ->skip to section 3 30 # - "none" leave ISSM as is in its directory 31 # ->skip to section 3 32 ISSM_INSTALLATION="update" 28 33 29 34 #SVN repository 30 35 REPOSITORY="http://s383-rhat/issm/svn/issm/trunk" 36 #REPOSITORY="http://s383-rhat/issm/svn/issm/branches/issm2.2" 31 37 32 38 #execution path used for parallel runs 33 39 EXECUTION_PATH="/u/astrid-r1b/larour/issm/execution" 34 40 35 #External packages installation. If SKIPPACKAGESCOMPILATION="no" the 36 #packages mentionned in EXTERNALPACKAGES will be fully installed which 37 #requires a long time. If SKIPPACKAGESCOMPILATION="yes", the external 38 #packages directory will be removed and the directories 39 #EXTERNALPACKAGESDIR and DEVPACKAGESDIR will be copied. 41 #-----------------------------------# 42 # 3: External packages installation # 43 #-----------------------------------# 40 44 41 SKIPPACKAGESCOMPILATION="no" 45 #ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES can have 3 values: 46 # - "install" install all external packages listed below 47 # - "copy" copy existing directories (EXTERNALPACKAGESDIR 48 # and DEVPACKAGESDIR) 49 # - "none" leave external packages as is 50 # ->skip to section 4 51 ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES="none" 42 52 EXTERNALPACKAGESDIR="/u/astrid-r1b/larour/issm/trunk/externalpackages" 43 53 DEVPACKAGESDIR="/u/astrid-r1b/larour/issm/trunk/devpackages" … … 46 56 EXTERNALPACKAGES="matlab mpich2 petsc metis triangle dakota chaco" 47 57 48 #3: ISSM Compilation 49 #------------------- 58 #---------------------# 59 # 4: ISSM Compilation # 60 #---------------------# 50 61 51 #ISSM compilation. If SKIPCOMPILATION="no" ISSM will be reconfigured 52 #and compiled. 53 SKIPCOMPILATION="no" 62 #ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values: 63 # - "yes" compile ISSM 64 # - "no" do not compile ISSM 65 ISSM_COMPILATION="no" 54 66 55 #4: Mail notification 56 #-------------------- 67 #----------------------# 68 # 5: Mail notification # 69 #----------------------# 57 70 58 71 #Mail delivery. If SKIPMAIL="no", the html nightly run report will be … … 61 74 62 75 #Sender email address 63 EMAIL_ADRESS="eric.larour"76 EMAIL_ADRESS="" 64 77 65 #5: Nightly run options 66 #---------------------- 78 #------------------------# 79 # 6: Nightly run options # 80 #------------------------# 67 81 68 82 #number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually 69 83 #safer as some packages are very sensitive to parallel compilation) 70 NUMCPUS_INSTALL= 184 NUMCPUS_INSTALL=8 71 85 72 86 #number of cpus used in the nightly runs. 73 NUMCPUS_RUN= 1487 NUMCPUS_RUN=8 74 88 75 89 #Nightly run options. The matlab routine nightlyrun.m will be called 76 90 #as follows: nightlyrun($NROPTIONS). The options must be understandable 77 #by Matlab and nightlyrun.m. Example: NROPTIONS="'parallel',0" 91 #by Matlab and nightlyrun.m 92 #ex: "'id',[101 102 103]" 78 93 79 94 NROPTIONS="" -
TabularUnified issm/trunk/cron/configs/linux64_morlighem ¶
r3610 r5068 2 2 ########### Configuration file for Mathieu Morlighem's nightly run on Linux ############ 3 3 4 #1: ISSM general configuration 5 #----------------------------- 4 #-------------------------------# 5 # 1: ISSM general configuration # 6 #-------------------------------# 6 7 7 8 #ISSM main directory (full pathto ISSM trunk) 8 9 ISSM_DIR="/u/wilkes-r1b/morlighe/svn/issm/trunk/cron/trunk" 10 #ISSM_DIR="/u/wilkes-r1b/morlighe/svn/issm/trunk/cron/issm2.2" 9 11 10 12 #ISSM Architecture … … 17 19 MATLAB_PATH="/usr/local/pkgs/matlab-7.6/" 18 20 19 #2: ISSM Installation 20 #-------------------- 21 #----------------------# 22 # 2: ISSM Installation # 23 #----------------------# 21 24 22 #ISSM installation. If SKIPINSTALLATION="no" the existing version of the 23 #code will be erased. The new version will be checked out and fully 24 #installed. If SKIPINSTALLATION="yes", the following options won't be 25 #used. Go to section 3 26 27 SKIPINSTALLATION="no" 25 #ISSM_INSTALLATION can have 3 values: 26 # - "checkout" the existing version of the code will be erased and 27 # the latest version will be checked out 28 # - "update" the directory won't be erased but ISSM will be updated 29 # ->skip to section 3 30 # - "none" leave ISSM as is in its directory 31 # ->skip to section 3 32 ISSM_INSTALLATION="update" 28 33 29 34 #SVN repository 30 35 REPOSITORY="http://s383-rhat/issm/svn/issm/trunk" 36 #REPOSITORY="http://s383-rhat/issm/svn/issm/branches/issm2.2" 31 37 32 38 #execution path used for parallel runs 33 39 EXECUTION_PATH="/u/wilkes-r1b/morlighe/ExecutionNightlyRun" 34 40 35 #External packages installation. If SKIPPACKAGESCOMPILATION="no" the 36 #packages mentionned in EXTERNALPACKAGES will be fully installed which 37 #requires a long time. If SKIPPACKAGESCOMPILATION="yes", the external 38 #packages directory will be removed and the directories 39 #EXTERNALPACKAGESDIR and DEVPACKAGESDIR will be copied. 41 #-----------------------------------# 42 # 3: External packages installation # 43 #-----------------------------------# 40 44 41 SKIPPACKAGESCOMPILATION="no" 45 #ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES can have 3 values: 46 # - "install" install all external packages listed below 47 # - "copy" copy existing directories (EXTERNALPACKAGESDIR 48 # and DEVPACKAGESDIR) 49 # - "none" leave external packages as is 50 # ->skip to section 4 51 ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES="none" 42 52 EXTERNALPACKAGESDIR="/u/wilkes-r1b/morlighe/svn/issm/trunk/externalpackages" 43 53 DEVPACKAGESDIR="/u/wilkes-r1b/morlighe/svn/issm/trunk/devpackages" 44 54 45 55 #List of external pakages to be installed 46 EXTERNALPACKAGES="matlab mpich2 petsc metis triangle "56 EXTERNALPACKAGES="matlab mpich2 petsc metis triangle dakota chaco" 47 57 48 #3: ISSM Compilation 49 #------------------- 58 #---------------------# 59 # 4: ISSM Compilation # 60 #---------------------# 50 61 51 #ISSM compilation. If SKIPCOMPILATION="no" ISSM will be reconfigured 52 #and compiled. 53 SKIPCOMPILATION="no" 62 #ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values: 63 # - "yes" compile ISSM 64 # - "no" do not compile ISSM 65 ISSM_COMPILATION="yes" 54 66 55 #4: Mail notification 56 #-------------------- 67 #----------------------# 68 # 5: Mail notification # 69 #----------------------# 57 70 58 71 #Mail delivery. If SKIPMAIL="no", the html nightly run report will be … … 63 76 EMAIL_ADRESS="" 64 77 65 #5: Nightly run options 66 #---------------------- 78 #------------------------# 79 # 6: Nightly run options # 80 #------------------------# 67 81 68 82 #number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually 69 83 #safer as some packages are very sensitive to parallel compilation) 70 NUMCPUS_INSTALL= 184 NUMCPUS_INSTALL=8 71 85 72 86 #number of cpus used in the nightly runs. 73 NUMCPUS_RUN= 687 NUMCPUS_RUN=7 74 88 75 89 #Nightly run options. The matlab routine nightlyrun.m will be called 76 90 #as follows: nightlyrun($NROPTIONS). The options must be understandable 77 91 #by Matlab and nightlyrun.m 92 #ex: "'id',[101 102 103]" 78 93 79 94 NROPTIONS="" -
TabularUnified issm/trunk/cron/configs/linux64_seroussi ¶
r3610 r5068 2 2 ########### Configuration file for Helene Seroussi's nightly run on Linux ############ 3 3 4 #1: ISSM general configuration 5 #----------------------------- 4 #-------------------------------# 5 # 1: ISSM general configuration # 6 #-------------------------------# 6 7 7 8 #ISSM main directory (full pathto ISSM trunk) … … 17 18 MATLAB_PATH="/usr/local/pkgs/matlab-7.6/" 18 19 19 #2: ISSM Installation 20 #-------------------- 20 #----------------------# 21 # 2: ISSM Installation # 22 #----------------------# 21 23 22 #ISSM installation. If SKIPINSTALLATION="no" the existing version of the 23 #code will be erased. The new version will be checked out and fully 24 #installed. If SKIPINSTALLATION="yes", the following options won't be 25 #used. Go to section 3 26 27 SKIPINSTALLATION="no" 24 #ISSM_INSTALLATION can have 3 values: 25 # - "checkout" the existing version of the code will be erased and 26 # the latest version will be checked out 27 # - "update" the directory won't be erased but ISSM will be updated 28 # ->skip to section 3 29 # - "none" leave ISSM as is in its directory 30 # ->skip to section 3 31 ISSM_INSTALLATION="update" 28 32 29 33 #SVN repository 30 34 REPOSITORY="http://s383-rhat/issm/svn/issm/trunk" 35 #REPOSITORY="http://s383-rhat/issm/svn/issm/branches/issm2.2" 31 36 32 37 #execution path used for parallel runs 33 38 EXECUTION_PATH="/u/wilkes-r1b/seroussi/ExecutionNightlyRun" 34 39 35 #External packages installation. If SKIPPACKAGESCOMPILATION="no" the 36 #packages mentionned in EXTERNALPACKAGES will be fully installed which 37 #requires a long time. If SKIPPACKAGESCOMPILATION="yes", the external 38 #packages directory will be removed and the directories 39 #EXTERNALPACKAGESDIR and DEVPACKAGESDIR will be copied. 40 #-----------------------------------# 41 # 3: External packages installation # 42 #-----------------------------------# 40 43 41 SKIPPACKAGESCOMPILATION="no" 44 #ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES can have 3 values: 45 # - "install" install all external packages listed below 46 # - "copy" copy existing directories (EXTERNALPACKAGESDIR 47 # and DEVPACKAGESDIR) 48 # - "none" leave external packages as is 49 # ->skip to section 4 50 ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES="none" 42 51 EXTERNALPACKAGESDIR="/u/wilkes-r1b/seroussi/svn/issm/trunk/externalpackages" 43 52 DEVPACKAGESDIR="/u/wilkes-r1b/seroussi/svn/issm/trunk/devpackages" 44 53 45 54 #List of external pakages to be installed 46 EXTERNALPACKAGES="matlab mpich2 petsc metis triangle dakota "55 EXTERNALPACKAGES="matlab mpich2 petsc metis triangle dakota chaco" 47 56 48 #3: ISSM Compilation 49 #------------------- 57 #---------------------# 58 # 4: ISSM Compilation # 59 #---------------------# 50 60 51 #ISSM compilation. If SKIPCOMPILATION="no" ISSM will be reconfigured 52 #and compiled. 53 SKIPCOMPILATION="no" 61 #ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values: 62 # - "yes" compile ISSM 63 # - "no" do not compile ISSM 64 ISSM_COMPILATION="yes" 54 65 55 #4: Mail notification 56 #-------------------- 66 #----------------------# 67 # 5: Mail notification # 68 #----------------------# 57 69 58 70 #Mail delivery. If SKIPMAIL="no", the html nightly run report will be … … 63 75 EMAIL_ADRESS="" 64 76 65 #5: Nightly run options 66 #---------------------- 77 #------------------------# 78 # 6: Nightly run options # 79 #------------------------# 67 80 68 81 #number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually 69 82 #safer as some packages are very sensitive to parallel compilation) 70 NUMCPUS_INSTALL= 183 NUMCPUS_INSTALL=8 71 84 72 85 #number of cpus used in the nightly runs. 73 NUMCPUS_RUN= 886 NUMCPUS_RUN=7 74 87 75 88 #Nightly run options. The matlab routine nightlyrun.m will be called 76 89 #as follows: nightlyrun($NROPTIONS). The options must be understandable 77 90 #by Matlab and nightlyrun.m 91 #ex: "'id',[101 102 103]" 78 92 79 93 NROPTIONS="" -
TabularUnified issm/trunk/cron/configs/macosx32_seroussi ¶
r2191 r5068 1 1 # 2 ########### Configuration file for Helene Seroussi's nightly run on MAC############2 ########### Configuration file for Helene Seroussi's nightly run on Linux ############ 3 3 4 #1: ISSM general configuration 5 #----------------------------- 4 #-------------------------------# 5 # 1: ISSM general configuration # 6 #-------------------------------# 6 7 7 8 #ISSM main directory (full pathto ISSM trunk) … … 17 18 MATLAB_PATH="/Applications/" 18 19 19 #2: ISSM Installation 20 #-------------------- 20 #----------------------# 21 # 2: ISSM Installation # 22 #----------------------# 21 23 22 #ISSM installation. If SKIPINSTALLATION="no" the existing version of the 23 #code will be erased. The new version will be checked out and fully 24 #installed. If SKIPINSTALLATION="yes", the following options won't be 25 #used. Go to section 3 26 27 SKIPINSTALLATION="no" 24 #ISSM_INSTALLATION can have 3 values: 25 # - "checkout" the existing version of the code will be erased and 26 # the latest version will be checked out 27 # - "update" the directory won't be erased but ISSM will be updated 28 # ->skip to section 3 29 # - "none" leave ISSM as is in its directory 30 # ->skip to section 3 31 ISSM_INSTALLATION="update" 28 32 29 33 #SVN repository 30 34 REPOSITORY="http://s383-rhat/issm/svn/issm/trunk" 35 #REPOSITORY="http://s383-rhat/issm/svn/issm/branches/issm2.2" 31 36 32 37 #execution path used for parallel runs 33 38 EXECUTION_PATH="" 34 39 35 #External packages installation. If SKIPPACKAGESCOMPILATION="no" the 36 #packages mentionned in EXTERNALPACKAGES will be fully installed which 37 #requires a long time. If SKIPPACKAGESCOMPILATION="yes", the external 38 #packages directory will be removed and the directories 39 #EXTERNALPACKAGESDIR and DEVPACKAGESDIR will be copied. 40 #-----------------------------------# 41 # 3: External packages installation # 42 #-----------------------------------# 40 43 41 SKIPPACKAGESCOMPILATION="no" 44 #ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES can have 3 values: 45 # - "install" install all external packages listed below 46 # - "copy" copy existing directories (EXTERNALPACKAGESDIR 47 # and DEVPACKAGESDIR) 48 # - "none" leave external packages as is 49 # ->skip to section 4 50 ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES="none" 42 51 EXTERNALPACKAGESDIR="" 43 52 DEVPACKAGESDIR="" 44 53 45 54 #List of external pakages to be installed 46 EXTERNALPACKAGES=" "55 EXTERNALPACKAGES="matlab mpich2 petsc metis triangle dakota chaco" 47 56 48 #3: ISSM Compilation 49 #------------------- 57 #---------------------# 58 # 4: ISSM Compilation # 59 #---------------------# 50 60 51 #ISSM compilation. If SKIPCOMPILATION="no" ISSM will be reconfigured 52 #and compiled. 53 SKIPCOMPILATION="no" 61 #ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values: 62 # - "yes" compile ISSM 63 # - "no" do not compile ISSM 64 ISSM_COMPILATION="yes" 54 65 55 #4: Mail notification 56 #-------------------- 66 #----------------------# 67 # 5: Mail notification # 68 #----------------------# 57 69 58 70 #Mail delivery. If SKIPMAIL="no", the html nightly run report will be … … 63 75 EMAIL_ADRESS="" 64 76 65 #5: Nightly run options 66 #---------------------- 77 #------------------------# 78 # 6: Nightly run options # 79 #------------------------# 67 80 68 81 #number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually … … 76 89 #as follows: nightlyrun($NROPTIONS). The options must be understandable 77 90 #by Matlab and nightlyrun.m 91 #ex: "'id',[101 102 103]" 78 92 79 NROPTIONS=" 'parallel',0"93 NROPTIONS="" -
TabularUnified issm/trunk/cron/configs/winxp32_larour ¶
r3610 r5068 1 1 # 2 ########### Configuration file for Eric Larour's nightly run on Windows############2 ########### Configuration file for Eric Larour's nightly run on Linux ############ 3 3 4 #1: ISSM general configuration 5 #----------------------------- 4 #-------------------------------# 5 # 1: ISSM general configuration # 6 #-------------------------------# 6 7 7 8 #ISSM main directory (full pathto ISSM trunk) … … 17 18 MATLAB_PATH="C:/MATLAB/R2009a/" 18 19 19 #2: ISSM Installation 20 #-------------------- 20 #----------------------# 21 # 2: ISSM Installation # 22 #----------------------# 21 23 22 #ISSM installation. If SKIPINSTALLATION="no" the existing version of the 23 #code will be erased. The new version will be checked out and fully 24 #installed. If SKIPINSTALLATION="yes", the following options won't be 25 #used. Go to section 3 26 27 SKIPINSTALLATION="no" 24 #ISSM_INSTALLATION can have 3 values: 25 # - "checkout" the existing version of the code will be erased and 26 # the latest version will be checked out 27 # - "update" the directory won't be erased but ISSM will be updated 28 # ->skip to section 3 29 # - "none" leave ISSM as is in its directory 30 # ->skip to section 3 31 ISSM_INSTALLATION="update" 28 32 29 33 #SVN repository 30 34 REPOSITORY="http://s383-rhat/issm/svn/issm/trunk" 35 #REPOSITORY="http://s383-rhat/issm/svn/issm/branches/issm2.2" 31 36 32 37 #execution path used for parallel runs 33 EXECUTION_PATH=" "38 EXECUTION_PATH="/u/astrid-r1b/larour/issm/execution" 34 39 35 #External packages installation. If SKIPPACKAGESCOMPILATION="no" the 36 #packages mentionned in EXTERNALPACKAGES will be fully installed which 37 #requires a long time. If SKIPPACKAGESCOMPILATION="yes", the external 38 #packages directory will be removed and the directories 39 #EXTERNALPACKAGESDIR and DEVPACKAGESDIR will be copied. 40 #-----------------------------------# 41 # 3: External packages installation # 42 #-----------------------------------# 40 43 41 SKIPPACKAGESCOMPILATION="yes" 44 #ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES can have 3 values: 45 # - "install" install all external packages listed below 46 # - "copy" copy existing directories (EXTERNALPACKAGESDIR 47 # and DEVPACKAGESDIR) 48 # - "none" leave external packages as is 49 # ->skip to section 4 50 ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES="none" 42 51 EXTERNALPACKAGESDIR="/cygdrive/c/home/externalpackages" 43 52 DEVPACKAGESDIR="/cygdrive/c/home/devpackages" 44 53 45 54 #List of external pakages to be installed 46 EXTERNALPACKAGES="matlab petsc metis triangle dakota"55 EXTERNALPACKAGES="matlab mpich2 petsc metis triangle dakota chaco" 47 56 48 #3: ISSM Compilation 49 #------------------- 57 #---------------------# 58 # 4: ISSM Compilation # 59 #---------------------# 50 60 51 #ISSM compilation. If SKIPCOMPILATION="no" ISSM will be reconfigured 52 #and compiled. 53 SKIPCOMPILATION="no" 61 #ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values: 62 # - "yes" compile ISSM 63 # - "no" do not compile ISSM 64 ISSM_COMPILATION="no" 54 65 55 #4: Mail notification 56 #-------------------- 66 #----------------------# 67 # 5: Mail notification # 68 #----------------------# 57 69 58 70 #Mail delivery. If SKIPMAIL="no", the html nightly run report will be … … 63 75 EMAIL_ADRESS="" 64 76 65 #5: Nightly run options 66 #---------------------- 77 #------------------------# 78 # 6: Nightly run options # 79 #------------------------# 67 80 68 81 #number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually … … 76 89 #as follows: nightlyrun($NROPTIONS). The options must be understandable 77 90 #by Matlab and nightlyrun.m 91 #ex: "'id',[101 102 103]" 78 92 79 NROPTIONS=" 'parallel',0"93 NROPTIONS="" -
TabularUnified issm/trunk/cron/cronfiles/linux_cronfile ¶
r4790 r5068 5 5,, 6 6 7 #cronjob: issm sunday-friday 9:00pm 8 30 12 * * * cd /u/astrid-r1b/larour/issm/trunk/cron/ && ./ configs/linux64_larour 9 0 23 * * * cd /u/astrid-r1b/larour/issm/trunk/cron/ && ./ configs/linux64_larour 7 #cronjob 8 00 09 * * 1-5 cd /u/wilkes-r1b/morlighe/svn/issm/trunk/cron/ && ./ configs/linux64_morlighem 9 30 12 * * 1-5 cd /u/wilkes-r1b/morlighe/svn/issm/trunk/cron/ && ./ configs/linux64_morlighem 10 00 15 * * 1-5 cd /u/wilkes-r1b/morlighe/svn/issm/trunk/cron/ && ./ configs/linux64_morlighem 11 00 18 * * 1-5 cd /u/wilkes-r1b/morlighe/svn/issm/trunk/cron/ && ./ configs/linux64_morlighem 12 00 23 * * 1-5 cd /u/wilkes-r1b/morlighe/svn/issm/trunk/cron/ && ./ configs/linux64_morlighem2 -
TabularUnified issm/trunk/cron/ ¶
r4911 r5068 78 78 79 79 #Lauch installation 80 #Checkout and install ISSM if requested (SKIPINSTALLATION){{{181 if [ "$ SKIPINSTALLATION" != "yes" ]80 #Checkout/update/none ISSM if requested (ISSM_INSTALLATION){{{1 81 if [ "$ISSM_INSTALLATION" == "checkout" ] 82 82 then 83 83 … … 86 86 svn checkout $REPOSITORY 87 87 88 #source environment variables with new matlab path 89 cd $ISSM_DIR/etc 90 source MATLAB_DIR=$MATLAB_PATH 91 92 #create simpler cluster.rc file, with only the cluster we are interested in. 93 cat << END > cluster.rc 88 elif [ "$ISSM_INSTALLATION" == "update" ] 89 then 90 91 #only update ISSM 92 cd $ISSM_DIR 93 svn update 94 95 elif [ "$ISSM_INSTALLATION" == "none" ] 96 then 97 98 #do nothing 99 echo "Skipping ISSM installation" 100 101 else 102 103 #Error message 104 echo "ISSM_INSTALLATION supported values are: checkout, update and none. Exiting..." >&2 # Error message to stderr. 105 exit 1 106 107 fi 108 #}}} 109 #Create cluster.rc {{{1 110 #create simpler cluster.rc file, with only the cluster we are interested in. 111 cd $ISSM_DIR/etc 112 cat << END > cluster.rc 94 113 begin 95 114 cluster_name=$HOST_NAME … … 101 120 end 102 121 END 103 104 #Compile external packages if requested (SKIPPACKAGESCOMPILATION){{{2 105 if [ "$SKIPPACKAGESCOMPILATION" = "yes" ] 106 then 107 108 #erase externapackages, and link with externalpackages_dir 109 cd $ISSM_DIR 110 rm -rf externalpackages 111 cp -Rf $EXTERNALPACKAGESDIR ./ 112 113 rm -rf devpackages 114 cp -Rf $DEVPACKAGESDIR ./ 115 else 116 117 cd $ISSM_DIR/externalpackages 118 for ep in $EXTERNALPACKAGES 119 do 120 cd $ep 121 if [ "$ep" == "petsc" ] 122 then 123 #For Petsc (2.3 for now) 124 cp configs/2.3.2-p3/$OS/* . 125 #cp configs/3.0.0-p11/$OS/* . 126 #cat | sed -e "s/version='2.3.2-p3'/version='3.0.0-p11'/g" > 127 #mv 128 else 129 cp configs/$OS/* . 130 fi 131 ./ $NUMCPUS_INSTALL 132 cd .. 133 done 134 135 #3: install automake and autoconf 136 cd $ISSM_DIR/devpackages 137 make 122 #}}} 123 #Source environment variables with new matlab path {{{1 124 cd $ISSM_DIR/etc 125 source MATLAB_DIR=$MATLAB_PATH 126 #}}} 127 #install/copy/none external packages (ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES){{{1 128 if [ "$ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES" == "install" ] 129 then 130 cd $ISSM_DIR/externalpackages 131 for ep in $EXTERNALPACKAGES 132 do 133 cd $ep 134 if [ "$ep" == "petsc" ] 135 then 136 #For Petsc (2.3 for now) 137 cp configs/2.3.2-p3/$OS/* . 138 #cp configs/3.0.0-p11/$OS/* . 139 #cat | sed -e "s/version='2.3.2-p3'/version='3.0.0-p11'/g" > 140 #mv 141 else 142 cp configs/$OS/* . 143 fi 144 ./ $NUMCPUS_INSTALL 138 145 cd .. 139 fi 140 #}}} 146 done 147 148 #3: install automake and autoconf 149 cd $ISSM_DIR/devpackages 150 make 151 cd .. 152 153 elif [ "$ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES" == "copy" ] 154 then 155 156 #erase externapackages, and link with externalpackages_dir 157 cd $ISSM_DIR 158 rm -rf externalpackages 159 cp -Rf $EXTERNALPACKAGESDIR ./ 160 161 rm -rf devpackages 162 cp -Rf $DEVPACKAGESDIR ./ 163 164 elif [ "$ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES" == "none" ] 165 then 166 167 #Do nothing 168 echo "Skipping external packages installation" 169 141 170 else 142 171 143 #source environment variables with new matlab path 144 cd $ISSM_DIR/etc 145 source MATLAB_DIR=$MATLAB_PATH 146 147 fi 148 #}}} 149 #Compile ISSM if requested (SKIPCOMPILATION) {{{1 150 if [ "$SKIPCOMPILATION" != "yes" ] 151 then 172 #Error message 173 echo "ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES supported values are: install, copy and none. Exiting..." >&2 # Error message to stderr. 174 exit 1 175 176 fi 177 #}}} 178 #ISSM compilation yes/no (ISSM_COMPILATION) {{{1 179 if [ "$ISSM_COMPILATION" == "yes" ] 180 then 181 152 182 cd $ISSM_DIR 153 svn update183 make distclean 154 184 sh scripts/ 155 185 sh configs/$OS/$ #use petsc2 for now … … 168 198 make -j $NUMCPUS_INSTALL install 169 199 fi 200 201 elif [ "$ISSM_COMPILATION" == "no" ] 202 then 203 204 #do nothing 205 echo "Skipping ISSM compilation" 206 207 else 208 209 #Error message 210 echo "ISSM_COMPILATION supported values are: yes and no. Exiting..." >&2 # Error message to stderr. 211 exit 1 212 170 213 fi 171 214 #}}} … … 181 224 fi 182 225 #}}} 183 #Create NightlyRundirectory and nightly.log {{{1226 #Create TEMP directory and nightly.log {{{1 184 227 #put installation elapsed time in nightly.log 185 228 INSTALL_TIME=$(timer) 186 229 ELAPSED_INSTALL=$(timer $START_TIME) 187 rm -rf $ISSM_DIR/ test/Verification/NightlyRun188 mkdir $ISSM_DIR/ test/Verification/NightlyRun189 cat << END > $ISSM_DIR/ test/Verification/NightlyRun/nightly.log230 rm -rf $ISSM_DIR/TEMP 231 mkdir $ISSM_DIR/TEMP 232 cat << END > $ISSM_DIR/TEMP/nightly.log 190 233 today: $(echo $TODAY) 191 234 user: $(echo $USER) … … 199 242 200 243 #Run tests 201 #Call run .sh script{{{1244 #Call script{{{1 202 245 cd $ISSM_DIR/cron/ 203 ./run .sh $1246 ./ $1 204 247 #}}} 205 248 #Complete nightly.log {{{1 206 249 ELAPSED_RUN=$(timer $INSTALL_TIME) 207 250 ELAPSED_TOTAL=$(timer $START_TIME) 208 cat << END >> $ISSM_DIR/ test/Verification/NightlyRun/nightly.log251 cat << END >> $ISSM_DIR/TEMP/nightly.log 209 252 elapsed_run: $(echo $ELAPSED_RUN) 210 253 elapsed_total: $(echo $ELAPSED_TOTAL) … … 215 258 #Build html report {{{1 216 259 cd $ISSM_DIR/cron/ 217 ./report .sh218 echo "html report located in $ISSM_DIR/ test/Verification/NightlyRun/report.html"260 ./ 261 echo "html report located in $ISSM_DIR/TEMP/report.html" 219 262 #}}} 220 263 #send mail if requested (SKIPMAIL) {{{1 … … 231 274 if [ "$OS" = "linux64" ] 232 275 then 233 cat - $ISSM_DIR/test/Verification/NightlyRun/report.html <<HERE | /usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t276 cat - $ISSM_DIR/TEMP/report.html <<HERE | /usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t 234 277 From: "ISSM Nightly run" <$EMAIL_ADRESS> 235 278 To: $i … … 239 282 HERE 240 283 else 241 cat - $ISSM_DIR/ test/Verification/NightlyRun/report.html <<HERE | /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t284 cat - $ISSM_DIR/TEMP/report.html <<HERE | /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t 242 285 From: "ISSM Nightly run" <$EMAIL_ADRESS> 243 286 To: $i -
TabularUnified issm/trunk/cron/ ¶
r4679 r5068 3 3 4 4 #First go to the nightly run directory (created by 5 cd $ISSM_DIR/ test/Verification/NightlyRun/5 cd $ISSM_DIR/nightlylog/ 6 6 7 7 #----------------------------# … … 39 39 MATLAB_FONT='style="color:#404040; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Tahoma; font-size:14px; font-weight: normal;" align="left"' 40 40 41 BODY_STYLE='width=" 1050px"'42 BODY_FONT= "style=\"color:#404040; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Tahoma; font-size:14px;\""41 BODY_STYLE='width="800px"' 42 BODY_FONT='style="color:#404040; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Tahoma; font-size:14px;"' 43 43 44 44 FOOTER_STYLE='width="800px" cellpadding="10"' … … 128 128 <th $(echo $BODY_FONT)>Result</th> 129 129 <th $(echo $BODY_FONT)>Tolerance</th> 130 <th $(echo $BODY_FONT)>Test name</th> 131 <th $(echo $BODY_FONT)>Analysis</th> 132 <th $(echo $BODY_FONT)>Subanalysis </th> 133 <th $(echo $BODY_FONT)>Qmu</th> 134 <th $(echo $BODY_FONT)>Control</th> 135 <th $(echo $BODY_FONT)>Control fit</th> 136 <th $(echo $BODY_FONT)>Parallel</th> 130 <th $(echo $BODY_FONT)>Test id</th> 131 <th $(echo $BODY_FONT)>Test name</th> 137 132 <th $(echo $BODY_FONT)>Field checked</th> 138 133 </tr> … … 151 146 FONTL=$(echo "$BODY_FONTL bgcolor=#ffff00"); 152 147 echo $line | awk -v FONTC="$FONTC" -v FONTL="$FONTL" ' 153 { printf("<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n <td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n",FONTL,$1,FONTC,"N/A",FONTL,$3,FONTL,$5,FONTL,$7,FONTC,$9,FONTC,$11,FONTC,$13,FONTC,$15,FONTC,"N/A");}148 { printf("<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n\n",FONTL,$1,FONTC,$3,FONTC,$6,FONTL,$9,FONTL,$11);} 154 149 '; 155 150 … … 169 164 FONTL=$(echo "$BODY_FONTL $color") 170 165 echo $line | awk -v FONTC="$FONTC" -v FONTL="$FONTL" ' 171 { printf("<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s%s%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n <td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n",FONTL,$1,FONTL,$3,$4,$5,FONTL,$7,FONTL,$9,FONTL,$11,FONTC,$13,FONTC,$15,FONTC,$17,FONTC,$19,FONTL,$21);}166 { printf("<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s%s%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n\n",FONTL,$1,FONTL,$3,$4,$5,FONTC,$8,FONTL,$11,FONTL,$13);} 172 167 '; 173 168 fi -
TabularUnified issm/trunk/cron/ ¶
r3528 r5068 1 1 #!/bin/bash 2 2 3 #get configs 3 #prepare runs 4 #get configs {{{1 4 5 if [ $# -ne 1 ]; 5 6 then … … 8 9 exit 1 9 10 fi 10 INIT_PATH=`cat $ISSM_DIR/test/Verification/NightlyRun/nightly.log | grep "init_path" | awk '{print $2}'` 11 12 #Go to init_Path and source config 13 INIT_PATH=$(cat $ISSM_DIR/nightlylog/nightly.log | grep "init_path" | awk '{print $2}') 11 14 cd $INIT_PATH 12 15 source $1; 13 14 #check NUMCPUS_RUN options 16 #}}} 17 #check NUMCPUS_RUN options {{{1 15 18 if [ "$NUMCPUS_RUN" = "" ] 16 19 then … … 18 21 NUMCPUS_RUN=1 19 22 fi 20 21 #create softlink to startup 22 cd $ISSM_DIR/test/ Verification/NightlyRun/23 #}}} 24 #create softlink to startup {{{1 25 cd $ISSM_DIR/test/NightlyRun/ 23 26 ln -s $ISSM_DIR/startup.m . 27 #}}} 24 28 25 29 #Launch all tests on different cpus … … 27 31 do 28 32 #Launch matlab and the nightly run script 29 cat > $ISSM_DIR/ test/Verification/NightlyRun/matlab_run$i.m << EOF30 warning off %necessary to avoid a nightly.log of several Go for cielo_parallel33 cat > $ISSM_DIR/nightlylog/matlab_run$i.m << EOF 34 warning off %necessary to avoid a nightly.log of several Go for parallel runs 31 35 try, 32 $(if [ "$NROPTIONS" = "" ] 36 cd $ISSM_DIR/test/NightlyRun 37 startup; 38 $(if [ "$NROPTIONS" = "" ] 33 39 then 34 echo " nightlyrun('rank',$i,'numprocs',$NUMCPUS_RUN);"40 echo "runme('rank',$i,'numprocs',$NUMCPUS_RUN);" 35 41 else 36 echo " nightlyrun($NROPTIONS,'rank',$i,'numprocs',$NUMCPUS_RUN);"42 echo "runme($NROPTIONS,'rank',$i,'numprocs',$NUMCPUS_RUN);" 37 43 fi 38 44 ) 39 45 catch me, 40 46 %An error occured, get report and exit 41 47 directory=strsplit(pwd,'/'); 42 48 message=getReport(me) 43 fid=fopen([ISSM_DIR '/ test/Verification/NightlyRun/matlaberror.log'], 'at');49 fid=fopen([ISSM_DIR '/nightlylog/matlaberror.log'], 'at'); 44 50 fprintf(fid,'\nMatlab error occured in: %s\n\n',directory{end}); 45 51 fprintf(fid,'%s',message); … … 48 54 exit 49 55 EOF 50 MATLAB_VERSION="7.6" #7.2,7.4,7.6 and 7.8 51 /usr/local/pkgs/matlab-$MATLAB_VERSION/bin/matlab -nojvm -nosplash -r matlab_run$i -logfile matlab_log$i.log & 56 57 #Start run from nightlylog directory 58 cd $ISSM_DIR/nightlylog/ 59 60 #Start test 61 MATLAB_VERSION="7.6" #7.2,7.4,7.6 and 7.8 62 /usr/local/pkgs/matlab-$MATLAB_VERSION/bin/matlab -nojvm -nosplash -r matlab_run$i -logfile matlab_log$i.log & 63 52 64 done 53 65 66 #wait until matlab closes 54 67 wait 55 56 #remove matlab_run scripts.57 rm -rf matlab_run*.m58 68 59 69 #concatenate all reports
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.