1 | #
2 | ########### Configuration file for Mathieu Morlighem's nightly run on Linux ############
3 |
4 | #-------------------------------#
5 | # 1: ISSM general configuration #
6 | #-------------------------------#
7 |
8 | #ISSM main directory (full pathto ISSM trunk)
9 | ISSM_DIR="/u/wilkes-r1b/morlighe/svn/issm/trunk/cron/trunk"
10 | #ISSM_DIR="/u/wilkes-r1b/morlighe/svn/issm/trunk/cron/issm2.2"
11 |
12 | #ISSM Architecture
13 | ISSM_ARCH="linux-gnu-amd64"
14 |
15 | #Operating System
16 | OS="linux64"
17 |
18 | #MATLAB path
19 | MATLAB_PATH="/usr/local/pkgs/matlab-7.6/"
20 |
21 | #----------------------#
22 | # 2: ISSM Installation #
23 | #----------------------#
24 |
25 | #ISSM_INSTALLATION can have 3 values:
26 | # - "checkout" the existing version of the code will be erased and
27 | # the latest version will be checked out
28 | # - "update" the directory won't be erased but ISSM will be updated
29 | # ->skip to section 3
30 | # - "none" leave ISSM as is in its directory
31 | # ->skip to section 3
33 |
34 | #SVN repository
35 | REPOSITORY="http://s383-rhat/issm/svn/issm/trunk"
36 | #REPOSITORY="http://s383-rhat/issm/svn/issm/branches/issm2.2"
37 |
38 | #execution path used for parallel runs
39 | EXECUTION_PATH="/u/wilkes-r1b/morlighe/ExecutionNightlyRun"
40 |
41 | #-----------------------------------#
42 | # 3: External packages installation #
43 | #-----------------------------------#
44 |
45 | #ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES can have 3 values:
46 | # - "install" install all external packages listed below
47 | # - "copy" copy existing directories (EXTERNALPACKAGESDIR
49 | # - "none" leave external packages as is
50 | # ->skip to section 4
52 | EXTERNALPACKAGESDIR="/u/wilkes-r1b/morlighe/svn/issm/trunk/externalpackages"
53 | DEVPACKAGESDIR="/u/wilkes-r1b/morlighe/svn/issm/trunk/devpackages"
54 |
55 | #List of external pakages to be installed
56 | EXTERNALPACKAGES="matlab mpich2 petsc metis triangle dakota chaco"
57 |
58 | #---------------------#
59 | # 4: ISSM Compilation #
60 | #---------------------#
61 |
62 | #ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values:
63 | # - "yes" compile ISSM
64 | # - "no" do not compile ISSM
66 |
67 | #----------------------#
68 | # 5: Mail notification #
69 | #----------------------#
70 |
71 | #Mail delivery. If SKIPMAIL="no", the html nightly run report will be
72 | #sent to the adresses present in $ISSM_DIR/cron/mailinglist.
73 | SKIPMAIL="no"
74 |
75 | #Sender email address
76 | EMAIL_ADRESS="mathieu.morlighem@jpl.nasa.gov"
77 |
78 | #------------------------#
79 | # 6: Nightly run options #
80 | #------------------------#
81 |
82 | #number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually
83 | #safer as some packages are very sensitive to parallel compilation)
85 |
86 | #number of cpus used in the nightly runs.
88 |
89 | #Nightly run options. The matlab routine nightlyrun.m will be called
90 | #as follows: nightlyrun($NROPTIONS). The options must be understandable
91 | #by Matlab and nightlyrun.m
92 | #ex: "'id',[101 102 103]"
93 |