Changeset 4091

06/21/10 12:26:34 (15 years ago)

renamed UpdateInputsFromVectorx to InputUpdateFromVectorx

77 edited


  • issm/trunk/src/c/DataSet/DataSet.cpp

    r4079 r4091  
    1052 /*FUNCTION DataSet::UpdateInputsFromVector{{{1*/
    1053 void  DataSet::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vec, int name, int type){
    1055         vector<Object*>::iterator object;
    1056         for ( object=objects.begin() ; object < objects.end(); object++ ){
    1058                 (*object)->UpdateInputsFromVector(vec,name,type);
    1059         }
    1060 }
    1061 /*}}}*/
    1062 /*FUNCTION DataSet::UpdateInputsFromVector{{{1*/
    1063 void  DataSet::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vec, int name, int type){
    1065         vector<Object*>::iterator object;
    1066         for ( object=objects.begin() ; object < objects.end(); object++ ){
    1068                 (*object)->UpdateInputsFromVector(vec,name,type);
    1069         }
    1070 }
    1071 /*}}}*/
    1072 /*FUNCTION DataSet::UpdateInputsFromVector{{{1*/
    1073 void  DataSet::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vec, int name, int type){
    1075         vector<Object*>::iterator object;
    1076         for ( object=objects.begin() ; object < objects.end(); object++ ){
    1078                 (*object)->UpdateInputsFromVector(vec,name,type);
    1079         }
    1080 }
    1081 /*}}}*/
  • issm/trunk/src/c/DataSet/DataSet.h

    r4079 r4091  
    6868                void  SetSorting(int* in_sorted_ids,int* in_id_offsets);
    6969                void  Sort();
    70                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector,int name, int type);
    71                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector,int name, int type);
    72                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector,int name, int type);
    7370                int   RiftIsPresent();
    7471                int   MeltingIsPresent();
  • issm/trunk/src/c/

    r4085 r4091  
    436436                                        ./modules/GetVectorFromInputsx/GetVectorFromInputsx.h\
    437437                                        ./modules/GetVectorFromInputsx/GetVectorFromInputsx.cpp\
    438                                         ./modules/UpdateInputsFromVectorx/UpdateInputsFromVectorx.h\
    439                                         ./modules/UpdateInputsFromVectorx/UpdateInputsFromVectorx.cpp\
     438                                        ./modules/InputUpdateFromVectorx/InputUpdateFromVectorx.h\
     439                                        ./modules/InputUpdateFromVectorx/InputUpdateFromVectorx.cpp\
    440440                                        ./modules/UpdateGeometryx/UpdateGeometryx.h\
    441441                                        ./modules/UpdateGeometryx/UpdateGeometryx.cpp\
    959959                                        ./modules/GetVectorFromInputsx/GetVectorFromInputsx.h\
    960960                                        ./modules/GetVectorFromInputsx/GetVectorFromInputsx.cpp\
    961                                         ./modules/UpdateInputsFromVectorx/UpdateInputsFromVectorx.h\
    962                                         ./modules/UpdateInputsFromVectorx/UpdateInputsFromVectorx.cpp\
     961                                        ./modules/InputUpdateFromVectorx/InputUpdateFromVectorx.h\
     962                                        ./modules/InputUpdateFromVectorx/InputUpdateFromVectorx.cpp\
    963963                                        ./modules/UpdateGeometryx/UpdateGeometryx.h\
    964964                                        ./modules/UpdateGeometryx/UpdateGeometryx.cpp\
  • issm/trunk/src/c/modules/CostFunctionx/CostFunctionx.cpp

    r4043 r4091  
    3333        /*add surface area to elements :*/
    34         elements->UpdateInputsFromVector(&S,SurfaceAreaEnum,ConstantEnum);
     34        for(i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){
     35                Element* element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i);
     36                element->InputUpdateFromVector(&S,SurfaceAreaEnum,ConstantEnum);
     37        }
    3639        /*Compute cost function: */
  • issm/trunk/src/c/modules/Dux/Dux.cpp

    r4043 r4091  
    3939        /*add surface area to elements :*/
    40         elements->UpdateInputsFromVector(&S,SurfaceAreaEnum,ConstantEnum);
     40        for(i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){
     41                Element* element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i);
     42                element->InputUpdateFromVector(&S,SurfaceAreaEnum,ConstantEnum);
     43        }
    4245        /*Get size of matrix: */
  • issm/trunk/src/c/modules/InputUpdateFromVectorx/InputUpdateFromVectorx.cpp

    r4087 r4091  
    2424void InputUpdateFromVectorx( DataSet* elements,DataSet* nodes, DataSet* vertices, DataSet* loads, DataSet* materials, Parameters* parameters,double* vector, int NameEnum, int TypeEnum){
    26         /*First, get elements and loads configured: */
    27         elements->Configure(elements,loads, nodes,vertices, materials,parameters);
    28         loads->Configure(elements, loads, nodes,vertices, materials,parameters);
    29         nodes->Configure(elements, loads, nodes,vertices, materials,parameters);
    30         parameters->Configure(elements,loads, nodes,vertices, materials,parameters);
    32         /*Update elements, nodes, loads and materials from inputs: */
    33         elements->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
    34         nodes->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
    35         vertices->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
    36         loads->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
    37         materials->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
    38         parameters->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
    40 }
    42 void InputUpdateFromVectorx( DataSet* elements,DataSet* nodes, DataSet* vertices, DataSet* loads, DataSet* materials, Parameters* parameters,int* vector, int NameEnum, int TypeEnum){
     26        int i;
    4428        /*First, get elements and loads configured: */
    5034        /*Update elements, nodes, loads and materials from inputs: */
    51         elements->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
    52         nodes->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
    53         vertices->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
    54         loads->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
    55         materials->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
    56         parameters->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
     35        for(i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){
     36                Element* element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i);
     37                element->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
     38        }
     39        for(i=0;i<nodes->Size();i++){
     40                Node* node=(Node*)nodes->GetObjectByOffset(i);
     41                node->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
     42        }
     43        for(i=0;i<vertices->Size();i++){
     44                Vertex* vertex=(Vertex*)vertices->GetObjectByOffset(i);
     45                vertex->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
     46        }
     47        for(i=0;i<loads->Size();i++){
     48                Load* load=(Load*)loads->GetObjectByOffset(i);
     49                load->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
     50        }
     51        for(i=0;i<materials->Size();i++){
     52                Material* material=(Material*)materials->GetObjectByOffset(i);
     53                material->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
     54        }
     55        for(i=0;i<parameters->Size();i++){
     56                Param* parameter=(Param*)parameters->GetObjectByOffset(i);
     57                parameter->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
     58        }
    60 void InputUpdateFromVectorx( DataSet* elements,DataSet* nodes, DataSet* vertices, DataSet* loads, DataSet* materials, Parameters* parameters,bool* vector, int NameEnum, int TypeEnum){
     62void InputUpdateFromVectorx( DataSet* elements,DataSet* nodes, DataSet* vertices, DataSet* loads, DataSet* materials, Parameters* parameters,int* vector, int NameEnum, int TypeEnum){
     64        int i;
    6266        /*First, get elements and loads configured: */
    6872        /*Update elements, nodes, loads and materials from inputs: */
    69         elements->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
    70         nodes->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
    71         vertices->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
    72         loads->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
    73         materials->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
    74         parameters->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
     73        for(i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){
     74                Element* element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i);
     75                element->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
     76        }
     77        for(i=0;i<nodes->Size();i++){
     78                Node* node=(Node*)nodes->GetObjectByOffset(i);
     79                node->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
     80        }
     81        for(i=0;i<vertices->Size();i++){
     82                Vertex* vertex=(Vertex*)vertices->GetObjectByOffset(i);
     83                vertex->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
     84        }
     85        for(i=0;i<loads->Size();i++){
     86                Load* load=(Load*)loads->GetObjectByOffset(i);
     87                load->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
     88        }
     89        for(i=0;i<materials->Size();i++){
     90                Material* material=(Material*)materials->GetObjectByOffset(i);
     91                material->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
     92        }
     93        for(i=0;i<parameters->Size();i++){
     94                Param* parameter=(Param*)parameters->GetObjectByOffset(i);
     95                parameter->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
     96        }
     100void InputUpdateFromVectorx( DataSet* elements,DataSet* nodes, DataSet* vertices, DataSet* loads, DataSet* materials, Parameters* parameters,bool* vector, int NameEnum, int TypeEnum){
     102        int i;
     104        /*First, get elements and loads configured: */
     105        elements->Configure(elements,loads, nodes,vertices, materials,parameters);
     106        loads->Configure(elements, loads, nodes,vertices, materials,parameters);
     107        nodes->Configure(elements, loads, nodes,vertices, materials,parameters);
     108        parameters->Configure(elements,loads, nodes,vertices, materials,parameters);
     110        /*Update elements, nodes, loads and materials from inputs: */
     111        for(i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){
     112                Element* element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i);
     113                element->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
     114        }
     115        for(i=0;i<nodes->Size();i++){
     116                Node* node=(Node*)nodes->GetObjectByOffset(i);
     117                node->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
     118        }
     119        for(i=0;i<vertices->Size();i++){
     120                Vertex* vertex=(Vertex*)vertices->GetObjectByOffset(i);
     121                vertex->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
     122        }
     123        for(i=0;i<loads->Size();i++){
     124                Load* load=(Load*)loads->GetObjectByOffset(i);
     125                load->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
     126        }
     127        for(i=0;i<materials->Size();i++){
     128                Material* material=(Material*)materials->GetObjectByOffset(i);
     129                material->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
     130        }
     131        for(i=0;i<parameters->Size();i++){
     132                Param* parameter=(Param*)parameters->GetObjectByOffset(i);
     133                parameter->InputUpdateFromVector(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);
     134        }
  • issm/trunk/src/c/modules/Misfitx/Misfitx.cpp

    r4043 r4091  
    3333        /*add surface area to elements :*/
    34         elements->UpdateInputsFromVector(&S,SurfaceAreaEnum,ConstantEnum);
     34        for(i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){
     35                Element* element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i);
     36                element->InputUpdateFromVector(&S,SurfaceAreaEnum,ConstantEnum);
     37        }
    3639        /*Compute Misfit: */
  • issm/trunk/src/c/modules/PenaltyConstraintsx/RiftConstraints.cpp

    r4043 r4091  
    309309        /*feed max_penetration to inputs: */
    310         loads->UpdateInputsFromVector(&max_penetration,MaxPenetrationEnum,ConstantEnum);
     310        for(i=0;i<loads->Size();i++){
     311                Load* load=(Load*)loads->GetObjectByOffset(i);
     312                load->InputUpdateFromVector(&max_penetration,MaxPenetrationEnum,ConstantEnum);
     313        }
  • issm/trunk/src/c/modules/UpdateGeometryx/UpdateGeometryx.cpp

    r4057 r4091  
    107107        /*Put back into inputs:*/
    108         UpdateInputsFromVectorx( elements,nodes, vertices,loads, materials,  parameters,vec_newthickness,ThicknessEnum,VertexEnum); //clobber existing thickness input with new one
    109         UpdateInputsFromVectorx( elements,nodes, vertices,loads, materials,  parameters,vec_bed,BedEnum,VertexEnum);
    110         UpdateInputsFromVectorx( elements,nodes, vertices,loads, materials,  parameters,vec_surface,SurfaceEnum,VertexEnum);
     108        InputUpdateFromVectorx( elements,nodes, vertices,loads, materials,  parameters,vec_newthickness,ThicknessEnum,VertexEnum); //clobber existing thickness input with new one
     109        InputUpdateFromVectorx( elements,nodes, vertices,loads, materials,  parameters,vec_bed,BedEnum,VertexEnum);
     110        InputUpdateFromVectorx( elements,nodes, vertices,loads, materials,  parameters,vec_surface,SurfaceEnum,VertexEnum);
    112112        /*Free ressources:*/
  • issm/trunk/src/c/modules/modules.h

    r4085 r4091  
    3131#include "./InputUpdateFromSolutionx/InputUpdateFromSolutionx.h"
    3232#include "./InputUpdateFromDakotax/InputUpdateFromDakotax.h"
    33 #include "./UpdateInputsFromVectorx/UpdateInputsFromVectorx.h"
     33#include "./InputUpdateFromVectorx/InputUpdateFromVectorx.h"
    3434#include "./UpdateGeometryx/UpdateGeometryx.h"
    3535#include "./UpdateVertexPositionsx/UpdateVertexPositionsx.h"
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Constraints/Rgb.h

    r4085 r4091  
    3535                int    Id();
    3636                int    MyRank();
    37                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    38                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    39                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     37                void    InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     38                void    InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     39                void    InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4040                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4141                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Constraints/Spc.h

    r4085 r4091  
    3939                double GetValue();
    4040                Object* copy();
    41                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    42                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    43                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     41                void    InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     42                void    InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     43                void    InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4444                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4545                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/DofVec.h

    r4085 r4091  
    4747                int   MyRank();
    4848                int   Size();
    49                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    50                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    51                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     49                void    InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     50                void    InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     51                void    InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    5252                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    5353                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/ElementResults/BeamVertexElementResult.h

    r4085 r4091  
    3838                int   EnumType();
    40                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    41                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    42                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     40                void    InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     41                void    InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     42                void    InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4343                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4444                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/ElementResults/DoubleElementResult.h

    r4085 r4091  
    4040                int   EnumType();
    42                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    43                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    44                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     42                void    InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     43                void    InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     44                void    InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4545                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4646                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/ElementResults/PentaVertexElementResult.h

    r4085 r4091  
    3939                int   EnumType();
    41                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    42                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    43                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     41                void    InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     42                void    InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     43                void    InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4444                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4545                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/ElementResults/SingVertexElementResult.h

    r4085 r4091  
    3838                int   EnumType();
    40                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    41                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    42                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     40                void    InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     41                void    InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     42                void    InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4343                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4444                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/ElementResults/TriaVertexElementResult.h

    r4085 r4091  
    3838                int   EnumType();
    40                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    41                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    42                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     40                void    InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     41                void    InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     42                void    InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4343                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4444                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Elements/Beam.cpp

    r4085 r4091  
    612 /*FUNCTION Beam::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/
    613 void  Beam::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
     612/*FUNCTION Beam::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/
     613void  Beam::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
    615615        /*Check that name is an element input*/
    639 /*FUNCTION Beam::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/
    640 void  Beam::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
    641         ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!");
    642 }
    643 /*}}}*/
    644 /*FUNCTION Beam::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/
    645 void  Beam::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
     639/*FUNCTION Beam::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/
     640void  Beam::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
     641        ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!");
     644/*FUNCTION Beam::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/
     645void  Beam::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
    646646        ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!");
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Elements/Beam.h

    r4085 r4091  
    5555                Object* copy();
    5656                void  SetClone(int* minranks);
    57                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
    58                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
    59                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
     57                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
     58                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
     59                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
    6060                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    6161                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Elements/Penta.cpp

    r4085 r4091  
    4806 /*FUNCTION Penta::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/
    4807 void  Penta::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
     4806/*FUNCTION Penta::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/
     4807void  Penta::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
    48094809        /*Check that name is an element input*/
    4834 /*FUNCTION Penta::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/
    4835 void  Penta::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
     4834/*FUNCTION Penta::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/
     4835void  Penta::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
    48364836        ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!");
    4839 /*FUNCTION Penta::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/
    4840 void  Penta::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
     4839/*FUNCTION Penta::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/
     4840void  Penta::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
    48414841        ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!");
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Elements/Penta.h

    r4085 r4091  
    180180                void  InputUpdateFromSolutionBalancedthickness2( double* solutiong);
    181181                void  InputUpdateFromSolutionBalancedvelocities( double* solutiong);
    182                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
    183                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
    184                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
     182                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
     183                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
     184                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
    185185                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name);
    186186                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name);
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Elements/Sing.cpp

    r4085 r4091  
    426 /*FUNCTION Sing::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/
    427 void  Sing::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
     426/*FUNCTION Sing::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/
     427void  Sing::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
    429429        /*Check that name is an element input*/
    451 /*FUNCTION Sing::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/
    452 void  Sing::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
    453         ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!");
    454 }
    455 /*}}}*/
    456 /*FUNCTION Sing::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/
    457 void  Sing::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
     451/*FUNCTION Sing::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/
     452void  Sing::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
     453        ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!");
     456/*FUNCTION Sing::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/
     457void  Sing::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
    458458        ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!");
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Elements/Sing.h

    r4085 r4091  
    5555                void  SetClone(int* minranks);
    5656                int   MyRank();
    57                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
    58                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
    59                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
     57                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
     58                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
     59                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
    6060                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    6161                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Elements/Tria.cpp

    r4085 r4091  
    4965 /*FUNCTION Tria::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/
    4966 void  Tria::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
     4965/*FUNCTION Tria::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/
     4966void  Tria::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
    49684968        /*Check that name is an element input*/
    4993 /*FUNCTION Tria::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/
    4994 void  Tria::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
     4993/*FUNCTION Tria::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/
     4994void  Tria::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
    49954995        ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!");
    4998 /*FUNCTION Tria::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/
    4999 void  Tria::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
     4998/*FUNCTION Tria::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/
     4999void  Tria::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
    50005000        ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!");
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Elements/Tria.h

    r4085 r4091  
    158158                void  InputUpdateFromSolutionBalancedthickness2( double* solution);
    159159                void  InputUpdateFromSolutionBalancedvelocities( double* solution);
    160                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
    161                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
    162                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
     160                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
     161                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
     162                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
    163163                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name);
    164164                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name);
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/ExternalResults/BoolExternalResult.h

    r4085 r4091  
    5555                int   MyRank();
    57                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    58                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    59                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     57                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     58                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     59                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    6060                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    6161                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/ExternalResults/DoubleExternalResult.h

    r4085 r4091  
    5555                int   MyRank();
    57                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    58                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    59                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     57                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     58                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     59                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    6060                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    6161                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/ExternalResults/DoubleVecExternalResult.h

    r4085 r4091  
    5454                int   MyRank();
    56                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    57                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    58                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     56                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     57                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     58                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    5959                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    6060                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/ExternalResults/IntExternalResult.h

    r4085 r4091  
    5555                int   MyRank();
    57                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    58                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    59                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     57                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     58                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     59                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    6060                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    6161                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/ExternalResults/PetscVecExternalResult.h

    r4085 r4091  
    5353                int   MarshallSize();
    5454                int   MyRank();
    55                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    56                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    57                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     55                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     56                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     57                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    5858                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    5959                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/ExternalResults/StringExternalResult.h

    r4085 r4091  
    5454                int   MyRank();
    56                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    57                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    58                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     56                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     57                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     58                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    5959                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    6060                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Inputs/BeamVertexInput.h

    r4085 r4091  
    3636                Object* copy();
    3737                int   EnumType();
    38                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    39                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    40                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     38                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     39                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     40                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4141                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4242                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Inputs/BoolInput.h

    r4085 r4091  
    3636                Object* copy();
    3737                int   EnumType();
    38                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    39                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    40                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     38                void    InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     39                void    InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     40                void    InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4141                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4242                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Inputs/DoubleInput.h

    r4085 r4091  
    3838                int   EnumType();
    40                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    41                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    42                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     40                void    InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     41                void    InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     42                void    InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4343                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4444                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Inputs/IntInput.h

    r4085 r4091  
    3636                Object* copy();
    3737                int   EnumType();
    38                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    39                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    40                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     38                void    InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     39                void    InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     40                void    InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4141                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4242                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Inputs/PentaVertexInput.h

    r4085 r4091  
    3535                Object* copy();
    3636                int   EnumType();
    37                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    38                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    39                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     37                void    InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     38                void    InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     39                void    InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4040                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4141                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Inputs/SingVertexInput.h

    r4085 r4091  
    3535                Object* copy();
    3636                int   EnumType();
    37                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    38                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    39                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     37                void    InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     38                void    InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     39                void    InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4040                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4141                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Inputs/TriaVertexInput.h

    r4085 r4091  
    3636                Object* copy();
    3737                int   EnumType();
    38                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    39                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    40                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     38                void    InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     39                void    InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     40                void    InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4141                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4242                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Loads/Icefront.cpp

    r4090 r4091  
    1348 /*FUNCTION Icefront::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    1349 void  Icefront::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
     1348/*FUNCTION Icefront::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     1349void  Icefront::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
    13501350        /*Nothing updated yet*/
    1353 /*FUNCTION Icefront::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    1354 void  Icefront::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
     1353/*FUNCTION Icefront::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     1354void  Icefront::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
    13551355        /*Nothing updated yet*/
    1358 /*FUNCTION Icefront::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    1359 void  Icefront::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
     1358/*FUNCTION Icefront::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     1359void  Icefront::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
    13601360        /*Nothing updated yet*/
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Loads/Icefront.h

    r4085 r4091  
    4949                int   MarshallSize();
    5050                int   MyRank();
    51                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
    52                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
    53                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
     51                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
     52                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
     53                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
    5454                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name);
    5555                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name);
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Loads/Numericalflux.h

    r4085 r4091  
    4444                int   MarshallSize();
    4545                int   MyRank();
    46                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    47                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    48                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     46                void    InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     47                void    InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     48                void    InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4949                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    5050                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Loads/Pengrid.cpp

    r4085 r4091  
    735 /*FUNCTION Pengrid::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    736 void  Pengrid::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
     735/*FUNCTION Pengrid::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     736void  Pengrid::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
    737737        /*Nothing updated yet*/
    740 /*FUNCTION Pengrid::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    741 void  Pengrid::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
     740/*FUNCTION Pengrid::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     741void  Pengrid::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
    742742        /*Nothing updated yet*/
    745 /*FUNCTION Pengrid::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    746 void  Pengrid::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
     745/*FUNCTION Pengrid::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     746void  Pengrid::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
    747747        /*Nothing updated yet*/
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Loads/Pengrid.h

    r4085 r4091  
    5050                int   MarshallSize();
    5151                int   MyRank();
    52                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
    53                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
    54                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
     52                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
     53                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
     54                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
    5555                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name);
    5656                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name);
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Loads/Penpair.h

    r4085 r4091  
    4141                int   MarshallSize();
    4242                int   MyRank();
    43                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    44                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    45                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     43                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     44                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     45                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4646                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4747                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Loads/Riftfront.h

    r4085 r4091  
    5959                int   MarshallSize();
    6060                int   MyRank();
    61                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    62                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    63                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     61                void    InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     62                void    InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     63                void    InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    6464                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    6565                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Materials/Material.h

    r4085 r4091  
    2626                virtual void  Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset)=0;
    2727                virtual void  UpdateFromInputs(void* inputs)=0;
    28                 virtual void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type)=0;
    29                 virtual void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type)=0;
    30                 virtual void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type)=0;
     28                virtual void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type)=0;
     29                virtual void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type)=0;
     30                virtual void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type)=0;
    3131                virtual void  InputUpdateFromSolution(double* solution)=0;
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Materials/Matice.cpp

    r4085 r4091  
    430 /*FUNCTION Matice::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    431 void  Matice::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
    432         /*Nothing updated yet*/
    433 }
    434 /*}}}*/
    435 /*FUNCTION Matice::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    436 void  Matice::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
    437         /*Nothing updated yet*/
    438 }
    439 /*}}}*/
    440 /*FUNCTION Matice::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    441 void  Matice::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
     430/*FUNCTION Matice::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     431void  Matice::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
     432        /*Nothing updated yet*/
     435/*FUNCTION Matice::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     436void  Matice::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
     437        /*Nothing updated yet*/
     440/*FUNCTION Matice::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     441void  Matice::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
    442442        /*Nothing updated yet*/
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Materials/Matice.h

    r4085 r4091  
    4444                double GetB();
    4545                double GetN();
    46                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
    47                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
    48                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
     46                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
     47                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
     48                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
    4949                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name);
    5050                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name);
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Materials/Matpar.cpp

    r4085 r4091  
    281 /*FUNCTION Matpar::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    282 void   Matpar::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
    283         /*Nothing updated yet*/
    284 }
    285 /*}}}*/
    286 /*FUNCTION Matpar::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    287 void   Matpar::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
    288         /*Nothing updated yet*/
    289 }
    290 /*}}}*/
    291 /*FUNCTION Matpar::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    292 void   Matpar::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
     281/*FUNCTION Matpar::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     282void   Matpar::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
     283        /*Nothing updated yet*/
     286/*FUNCTION Matpar::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     287void   Matpar::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
     288        /*Nothing updated yet*/
     291/*FUNCTION Matpar::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     292void   Matpar::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
    293293        /*Nothing updated yet*/
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Materials/Matpar.h

    r4085 r4091  
    5656                double GetMeltingPoint();
    5757                Object* copy();
    58                 void   UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
    59                 void   UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
    60                 void   UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
     58                void   InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
     59                void   InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
     60                void   InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
    6161                void   InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name);
    6262                void   InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name);
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Node.cpp

    r4079 r4091  
    839 /*FUNCTION Node::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){{{2*/
    840 void  Node::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
     839/*FUNCTION Node::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){{{2*/
     840void  Node::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
    842842        /*Nothing updated yet*/
    845 /*FUNCTION Node::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){{{2*/
    846 void  Node::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
     845/*FUNCTION Node::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){{{2*/
     846void  Node::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
    848848        /*Nothing updated yet*/
    851 /*FUNCTION Node::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){{{2*/
    852 void  Node::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
     851/*FUNCTION Node::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){{{2*/
     852void  Node::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
    854854        /*Nothing updated yet*/
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Node.h

    r4085 r4091  
    5353                int   MyRank(void);
    5454                void  SetVertexDof(int in_dof);
    55                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
    56                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
    57                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
     55                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
     56                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
     57                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
    5858                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name);
    5959                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name);
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Object.h

    r4085 r4091  
    2525                virtual int   Enum()=0;
    2626                virtual Object* copy()=0;
    27                 virtual void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type)=0;
    28                 virtual void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type)=0;
    29                 virtual void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type)=0;
     27                virtual void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type)=0;
     28                virtual void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type)=0;
     29                virtual void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type)=0;
    3030                virtual void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name)=0;
    3131                virtual void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name)=0;
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Params/BoolParam.cpp

    r4079 r4091  
    146 /*FUNCTION BoolParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    147 void  BoolParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
     146/*FUNCTION BoolParam::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     147void  BoolParam::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
    148148        /*Nothing updated yet*/
    151 /*FUNCTION BoolParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    152 void  BoolParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
     151/*FUNCTION BoolParam::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     152void  BoolParam::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
    153153        /*Nothing updated yet*/
    156 /*FUNCTION BoolParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    157 void  BoolParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
     156/*FUNCTION BoolParam::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     157void  BoolParam::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
    158158        /*Nothing updated yet*/
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Params/BoolParam.h

    r4085 r4091  
    5050                int   MarshallSize();
    5151                int   MyRank();
    52                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
    53                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
    54                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
     52                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
     53                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
     54                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
    5555                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name);
    5656                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name);
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Params/DoubleMatParam.cpp

    r4079 r4091  
    202 /*FUNCTION DoubleMatParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    203 void  DoubleMatParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
    204         /*Nothing updated yet*/
    205 }
    206 /*}}}*/
    207 /*FUNCTION DoubleMatParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    208 void  DoubleMatParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
    209         /*Nothing updated yet*/
    210 }
    211 /*}}}*/
    212 /*FUNCTION DoubleMatParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    213 void  DoubleMatParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
     202/*FUNCTION DoubleMatParam::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     203void  DoubleMatParam::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
     204        /*Nothing updated yet*/
     207/*FUNCTION DoubleMatParam::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     208void  DoubleMatParam::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
     209        /*Nothing updated yet*/
     212/*FUNCTION DoubleMatParam::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     213void  DoubleMatParam::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
    214214        /*Nothing updated yet*/
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Params/DoubleMatParam.h

    r4085 r4091  
    5353                int   MarshallSize();
    5454                int   MyRank();
    55                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
    56                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
    57                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
     55                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
     56                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
     57                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
    5858                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name);
    5959                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name);
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Params/DoubleParam.cpp

    r4079 r4091  
    168 /*FUNCTION DoubleParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    169 void  DoubleParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
     168/*FUNCTION DoubleParam::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     169void  DoubleParam::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
    170170        /*Nothing updated yet*/
    173 /*FUNCTION DoubleParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    174 void  DoubleParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
     173/*FUNCTION DoubleParam::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     174void  DoubleParam::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
    175175        /*Nothing updated yet*/
    178 /*FUNCTION DoubleParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    179 void  DoubleParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
     178/*FUNCTION DoubleParam::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     179void  DoubleParam::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
    180180        /*Nothing updated yet*/
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Params/DoubleParam.h

    r4085 r4091  
    5151                int   MarshallSize();
    5252                int   MyRank();
    53                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
    54                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
    55                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
     53                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
     54                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
     55                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
    5656                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name);
    5757                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name);
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Params/DoubleVecParam.cpp

    r4079 r4091  
    212 /*FUNCTION DoubleVecParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    213 void  DoubleVecParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
    214         /*Nothing updated yet*/
    215 }
    216 /*}}}*/
    217 /*FUNCTION DoubleVecParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    218 void  DoubleVecParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
    219         /*Nothing updated yet*/
    220 }
    221 /*}}}*/
    222 /*FUNCTION DoubleVecParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    223 void  DoubleVecParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
     212/*FUNCTION DoubleVecParam::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     213void  DoubleVecParam::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
     214        /*Nothing updated yet*/
     217/*FUNCTION DoubleVecParam::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     218void  DoubleVecParam::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
     219        /*Nothing updated yet*/
     222/*FUNCTION DoubleVecParam::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     223void  DoubleVecParam::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
    224224        /*Nothing updated yet*/
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Params/DoubleVecParam.h

    r4085 r4091  
    5151                int   MarshallSize();
    5252                int   MyRank();
    53                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
    54                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
    55                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
     53                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
     54                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
     55                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
    5656                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name);
    5757                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name);
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Params/IntParam.cpp

    r4079 r4091  
    147 /*FUNCTION IntParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    148 void  IntParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
     147/*FUNCTION IntParam::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     148void  IntParam::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
    149149        /*Nothing updated yet*/
    152 /*FUNCTION IntParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    153 void  IntParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
     152/*FUNCTION IntParam::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     153void  IntParam::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
    154154        /*Nothing updated yet*/
    157 /*FUNCTION IntParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    158 void  IntParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
     157/*FUNCTION IntParam::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     158void  IntParam::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
    159159        /*Nothing updated yet*/
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Params/IntParam.h

    r4085 r4091  
    5151                int   MarshallSize();
    5252                int   MyRank();
    53                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
    54                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
    55                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
     53                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
     54                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
     55                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
    5656                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name);
    5757                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name);
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Params/PetscMatParam.cpp

    r4079 r4091  
    229 /*FUNCTION PetscMatParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    230 void  PetscMatParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
    231         /*Nothing updated yet*/
    232 }
    233 /*}}}*/
    234 /*FUNCTION PetscMatParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    235 void  PetscMatParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
    236         /*Nothing updated yet*/
    237 }
    238 /*}}}*/
    239 /*FUNCTION PetscMatParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    240 void  PetscMatParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
     229/*FUNCTION PetscMatParam::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     230void  PetscMatParam::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
     231        /*Nothing updated yet*/
     234/*FUNCTION PetscMatParam::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     235void  PetscMatParam::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
     236        /*Nothing updated yet*/
     239/*FUNCTION PetscMatParam::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     240void  PetscMatParam::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
    241241        /*Nothing updated yet*/
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Params/PetscMatParam.h

    r4085 r4091  
    5151                int   MarshallSize();
    5252                int   MyRank();
    53                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
    54                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
    55                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
     53                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
     54                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
     55                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
    5656                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name);
    5757                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name);
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Params/PetscVecParam.cpp

    r4079 r4091  
    223 /*FUNCTION PetscVecParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    224 void  PetscVecParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
    225         /*Nothing updated yet*/
    226 }
    227 /*}}}*/
    228 /*FUNCTION PetscVecParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    229 void  PetscVecParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
    230         /*Nothing updated yet*/
    231 }
    232 /*}}}*/
    233 /*FUNCTION PetscVecParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    234 void  PetscVecParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
     223/*FUNCTION PetscVecParam::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     224void  PetscVecParam::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
     225        /*Nothing updated yet*/
     228/*FUNCTION PetscVecParam::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     229void  PetscVecParam::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
     230        /*Nothing updated yet*/
     233/*FUNCTION PetscVecParam::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     234void  PetscVecParam::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
    235235        /*Nothing updated yet*/
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Params/PetscVecParam.h

    r4085 r4091  
    5151                int   MarshallSize();
    5252                int   MyRank();
    53                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
    54                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
    55                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
     53                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
     54                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
     55                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
    5656                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name);
    5757                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name);
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Params/StringArrayParam.cpp

    r4079 r4091  
    252 /*FUNCTION StringArrayParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    253 void  StringArrayParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
    254         /*Nothing updated yet*/
    255 }
    256 /*}}}*/
    257 /*FUNCTION StringArrayParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    258 void  StringArrayParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
    259         /*Nothing updated yet*/
    260 }
    261 /*}}}*/
    262 /*FUNCTION StringArrayParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    263 void  StringArrayParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
     252/*FUNCTION StringArrayParam::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     253void  StringArrayParam::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
     254        /*Nothing updated yet*/
     257/*FUNCTION StringArrayParam::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     258void  StringArrayParam::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
     259        /*Nothing updated yet*/
     262/*FUNCTION StringArrayParam::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     263void  StringArrayParam::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
    264264        /*Nothing updated yet*/
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Params/StringArrayParam.h

    r4085 r4091  
    5353                int   MarshallSize();
    5454                int   MyRank();
    55                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
    56                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
    57                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
     55                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
     56                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
     57                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
    5858                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name);
    5959                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name);
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Params/StringParam.cpp

    r4079 r4091  
    178 /*FUNCTION StringParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    179 void  StringParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
    180         /*Nothing updated yet*/
    181 }
    182 /*}}}*/
    183 /*FUNCTION StringParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    184 void  StringParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
    185         /*Nothing updated yet*/
    186 }
    187 /*}}}*/
    188 /*FUNCTION StringParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
    189 void  StringParam::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
     178/*FUNCTION StringParam::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     179void  StringParam::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
     180        /*Nothing updated yet*/
     183/*FUNCTION StringParam::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     184void  StringParam::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
     185        /*Nothing updated yet*/
     188/*FUNCTION StringParam::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/
     189void  StringParam::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
    190190        /*Nothing updated yet*/
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Params/StringParam.h

    r4085 r4091  
    5151                int   MarshallSize();
    5252                int   MyRank();
    53                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
    54                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
    55                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
     53                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
     54                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
     55                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
    5656                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name);
    5757                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name);
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/SolPar.h

    r4085 r4091  
    3939                int   Enum();
    4040                Object* copy();
    41                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    42                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    43                 void    UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     41                void    InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     42                void    InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
     43                void    InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4444                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
    4545                void    InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");}
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Vertex.cpp

    r4079 r4091  
    185 /*FUNCTION Vertex::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{2*/
    186 void  Vertex::UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
    187         /*Nothing updated yet*/
    188 }
    189 /*}}}*/
    190 /*FUNCTION Vertex::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{2*/
    191 void  Vertex::UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
    192         /*Nothing updated yet*/
    193 }
    194 /*}}}*/
    195 /*FUNCTION Vertex::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{2*/
    196 void  Vertex::UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
     185/*FUNCTION Vertex::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{2*/
     186void  Vertex::InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type){
     187        /*Nothing updated yet*/
     190/*FUNCTION Vertex::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{2*/
     191void  Vertex::InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){
     192        /*Nothing updated yet*/
     195/*FUNCTION Vertex::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{2*/
     196void  Vertex::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){
    197197        /*Nothing updated yet*/
  • issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Vertex.h

    r4085 r4091  
    5050                void  UpdateFromDakota(void* vinputs);
    5151                void  UpdatePosition(double* thickness,double* bed);
    52                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
    53                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
    54                 void  UpdateInputsFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
     52                void  InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type);
     53                void  InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type);
     54                void  InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);
    5555                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name);
    5656                void  InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name);
  • issm/trunk/src/c/solutions/gradient_core.cpp

    r4055 r4091  
    5656        /*plug back into inputs: */
    57         UpdateInputsFromVectorx( femmodel-> elements,femmodel-> nodes, femmodel-> vertices,femmodel-> loads, femmodel-> materials,  femmodel->parameters,gradient,GradientEnum,VertexEnum);
    58         UpdateInputsFromVectorx( femmodel-> elements,femmodel-> nodes, femmodel-> vertices,femmodel-> loads, femmodel-> materials,  femmodel->parameters,old_gradient,OldGradientEnum,VertexEnum);
     57        InputUpdateFromVectorx( femmodel-> elements,femmodel-> nodes, femmodel-> vertices,femmodel-> loads, femmodel-> materials,  femmodel->parameters,gradient,GradientEnum,VertexEnum);
     58        InputUpdateFromVectorx( femmodel-> elements,femmodel-> nodes, femmodel-> vertices,femmodel-> loads, femmodel-> materials,  femmodel->parameters,old_gradient,OldGradientEnum,VertexEnum);
    6060        /*Free ressources and return:*/
  • issm/trunk/src/c/solvers/solver_thermal_nonlinear.cpp

    r4085 r4091  
    112112                //Update inputs using new solution:
    113                 UpdateInputsFromVectorx( fem->elements,fem->nodes, fem->vertices, fem->loads, fem->materials, fem->parameters,tg,TemperatureEnum,VertexEnum);
     113                InputUpdateFromVectorx( fem->elements,fem->nodes, fem->vertices, fem->loads, fem->materials, fem->parameters,tg,TemperatureEnum,VertexEnum);
    114114                InputUpdateFromSolutionx(fem->elements,fem->nodes, fem->vertices, fem->loads, fem->materials, fem->parameters,tg);
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.