04/09/22 06:47:21 (3 years ago)

CHG: changed use of lapse rate coefficients in SMBautoregression

1 edited


  • issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Enum/Enum.vim

    r26874 r26947  
    465465syn keyword cConstant SmbDpermilEnum
    466466syn keyword cConstant SmbDsnowIdxEnum
     467syn keyword cConstant SmbElevationBinsEnum
    467468syn keyword cConstant SmbCldFracEnum
    468469syn keyword cConstant SmbDelta18oEnum
    492493syn keyword cConstant SmbIsturbulentfluxEnum
    493494syn keyword cConstant SmbKEnum
    494 syn keyword cConstant SmbLapseRateNegEnum
    495 syn keyword cConstant SmbLapseRatePosEnum
     495syn keyword cConstant SmbLapseRatesEnum
    496496syn keyword cConstant SmbNumBasinsEnum
     497syn keyword cConstant SmbNumElevationBinsEnum
    497498syn keyword cConstant SmbNumRequestedOutputsEnum
    498499syn keyword cConstant SmbPfacEnum
    10861087syn keyword cConstant TransientAccumulatedDeltaIceThicknessEnum
    10871088syn keyword cConstant VelEnum
     1089syn keyword cConstant VVmismipglposinputEnum
    10881090syn keyword cConstant VxAverageEnum
    10891091syn keyword cConstant VxBaseEnum
    16231625syn keyword cType Cfsurfacesquare
    16241626syn keyword cType Channel
     1627syn keyword cType classes
    16251628syn keyword cType Constraint
    16261629syn keyword cType Constraints
    16291632syn keyword cType ControlInput
    16301633syn keyword cType Covertree
     1634syn keyword cType DatasetInput
    16311635syn keyword cType DataSetParam
    1632 syn keyword cType DatasetInput
    16331636syn keyword cType Definition
    16341637syn keyword cType DependentObject
    16431646syn keyword cType ElementInput
    16441647syn keyword cType ElementMatrix
     1648syn keyword cType Elements
    16451649syn keyword cType ElementVector
    1646 syn keyword cType Elements
    16471650syn keyword cType ExponentialVariogram
    16481651syn keyword cType ExternalResult
    16511654syn keyword cType Friction
    16521655syn keyword cType Gauss
     1656syn keyword cType GaussianVariogram
     1657syn keyword cType gaussobjects
    16531658syn keyword cType GaussPenta
    16541659syn keyword cType GaussSeg
    16551660syn keyword cType GaussTetra
    16561661syn keyword cType GaussTria
    1657 syn keyword cType GaussianVariogram
    16581662syn keyword cType GenericExternalResult
    16591663syn keyword cType GenericOption
    16711675syn keyword cType IssmDirectApplicInterface
    16721676syn keyword cType IssmParallelDirectApplicInterface
     1677syn keyword cType krigingobjects
    16731678syn keyword cType Load
    16741679syn keyword cType Loads
    16811686syn keyword cType Matice
    16821687syn keyword cType Matlitho
     1688syn keyword cType matrixobjects
    16831689syn keyword cType MatrixParam
    16841690syn keyword cType Misfit
    16931699syn keyword cType Observations
    16941700syn keyword cType Option
     1701syn keyword cType Options
    16951702syn keyword cType OptionUtilities
    1696 syn keyword cType Options
    16971703syn keyword cType Param
    16981704syn keyword cType Parameters
    17081714syn keyword cType Regionaloutput
    17091715syn keyword cType Results
     1716syn keyword cType Riftfront
    17101717syn keyword cType RiftStruct
    1711 syn keyword cType Riftfront
    17121718syn keyword cType SealevelGeometry
    17131719syn keyword cType Seg
    17141720syn keyword cType SegInput
     1721syn keyword cType Segment
    17151722syn keyword cType SegRef
    1716 syn keyword cType Segment
    17171723syn keyword cType SpcDynamic
    17181724syn keyword cType SpcStatic
    17331739syn keyword cType Vertex
    17341740syn keyword cType Vertices
    1735 syn keyword cType classes
    1736 syn keyword cType gaussobjects
    1737 syn keyword cType krigingobjects
    1738 syn keyword cType matrixobjects
    17391741syn keyword cType AdjointBalancethickness2Analysis
    17401742syn keyword cType AdjointBalancethicknessAnalysis
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.