Changeset 25045

06/17/20 13:05:40 (5 years ago)

BUG: ‘nuv’ -> ‘uuv’

1 edited


  • issm/trunk-jpl/src/m/classes/qmu/

    r25028 r25045  
    1515    Usage:
    16         nuv = uniform_uncertain(
     16        uuv = uniform_uncertain(
    1717            'descriptor', descriptor,
    1818            'lower', lower,
    2121            )
    23         where nuv is the uniform_uncertain object returned by the constructor,
     23        where uuv is the uniform_uncertain object returned by the constructor,
    2424        lower and upper are the pdf distribution bounds, and partition is the
    2525        partition vector for distributed variables. Can be a partition vector
    7878            if uuv.isscaled():
    7979                uuv.partition = options.getfieldvalue('partition')
    80                 nuv.nsteps = options.getfieldvalue('nsteps', 1)
     80                uuv.nsteps = options.getfieldvalue('nsteps', 1)
    8181                npart = qmupart2npart(uuv.partition)
    82                 if npart != nuv.upper.shape[0]:
     82                if npart != uuv.upper.shape[0]:
    8383                    raise RuntimeError("uniform_uncertain constructor: for the scaled variable %s the upper field is not currently a vector of values for all the partitions described in the partition vector" % uuv.descriptor)
    84                 if npart != nuv.lower.shape[0]:
     84                if npart != uuv.lower.shape[0]:
    8585                    raise RuntimeError("uniform_uncertain constructor: for the scaled variable %s the lower field is not currently a vector of values for all the partitions described in the partition vector" % uuv.descriptor)
    86                 if nuv.nsteps != nuv.upper.shape[1]:
    87                     raise RuntimeError("uniform_uncertain constructor: for the scaled variable %s the col size of the upper field should be identical to the number of time steps" % nuv.descriptor)
    88                 if nuv.nsteps != nuv.lower.shape[1]:
    89                     raise RuntimeError("uniform_uncertain constructor: for the scaled variable %s the col size of the lower field should be identical to the number of time steps" % nuv.descriptor)
     86                if uuv.nsteps != uuv.upper.shape[1]:
     87                    raise RuntimeError("uniform_uncertain constructor: for the scaled variable %s the col size of the upper field should be identical to the number of time steps" % uuv.descriptor)
     88                if uuv.nsteps != uuv.lower.shape[1]:
     89                    raise RuntimeError("uniform_uncertain constructor: for the scaled variable %s the col size of the lower field should be identical to the number of time steps" % uuv.descriptor)
    9191        return [uuv] # Always return a list, so we have something akin to a MATLAB single row matrix
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