12/18/19 14:04:15 (5 years ago)

CHG: took out UpdateStericRate and UpdateDynamicRate methods, not needed anymore.
Using new Inputs approach to speed up the retrieval of steric and dynamic sea-level change rates.
The global mean steric change rate is now a transient input (P0) instead of a transient parameter. This
will allow for future dsl class where we have a multi-model ensemble that dakota can play we at run time!

1 edited


  • issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Enum/Enum.vim

    r24479 r24481  
    129129syn keyword cConstant DomainDimensionEnum
    130130syn keyword cConstant DomainTypeEnum
    131 syn keyword cConstant DslGlobalAverageThermostericSeaLevelChangeEnum
    132131syn keyword cConstant DslModelEnum
    133132syn keyword cConstant EarthIdEnum
    521520syn keyword cConstant DrivingStressXEnum
    522521syn keyword cConstant DrivingStressYEnum
     522syn keyword cConstant DslGlobalAverageThermostericSeaLevelChangeEnum
    523523syn keyword cConstant DslSeaSurfaceHeightChangeAboveGeoidEnum
    524524syn keyword cConstant DslStericRateEnum
    13291329syn keyword cType Cfsurfacesquare
    13301330syn keyword cType Channel
    1331 syn keyword cType classes
    13321331syn keyword cType Constraint
    13331332syn keyword cType Constraints
    13361335syn keyword cType ControlInput2
    13371336syn keyword cType Covertree
     1337syn keyword cType DataSetParam
    13381338syn keyword cType DatasetInput2
    1339 syn keyword cType DataSetParam
    13401339syn keyword cType Definition
    13411340syn keyword cType DependentObject
    13491348syn keyword cType ElementInput2
    13501349syn keyword cType ElementMatrix
     1350syn keyword cType ElementVector
    13511351syn keyword cType Elements
    1352 syn keyword cType ElementVector
    13531352syn keyword cType ExponentialVariogram
    13541353syn keyword cType ExternalResult
    13571356syn keyword cType Friction
    13581357syn keyword cType Gauss
    1359 syn keyword cType GaussianVariogram
    1360 syn keyword cType gaussobjects
    13611358syn keyword cType GaussPenta
    13621359syn keyword cType GaussSeg
    13631360syn keyword cType GaussTetra
    13641361syn keyword cType GaussTria
     1362syn keyword cType GaussianVariogram
    13651363syn keyword cType GenericExternalResult
    13661364syn keyword cType GenericOption
    13771375syn keyword cType IssmDirectApplicInterface
    13781376syn keyword cType IssmParallelDirectApplicInterface
    1379 syn keyword cType krigingobjects
    13801377syn keyword cType Load
    13811378syn keyword cType Loads
    13881385syn keyword cType Matice
    13891386syn keyword cType Matlitho
    1390 syn keyword cType matrixobjects
    13911387syn keyword cType MatrixParam
    13921388syn keyword cType Misfit
    14011397syn keyword cType Observations
    14021398syn keyword cType Option
     1399syn keyword cType OptionUtilities
    14031400syn keyword cType Options
    1404 syn keyword cType OptionUtilities
    14051401syn keyword cType Param
    14061402syn keyword cType Parameters
    14161412syn keyword cType Regionaloutput
    14171413syn keyword cType Results
     1414syn keyword cType RiftStruct
    14181415syn keyword cType Riftfront
    1419 syn keyword cType RiftStruct
    14201416syn keyword cType Seg
    14211417syn keyword cType SegInput2
     1418syn keyword cType SegRef
    14221419syn keyword cType Segment
    1423 syn keyword cType SegRef
    14241420syn keyword cType SpcDynamic
    14251421syn keyword cType SpcStatic
    14401436syn keyword cType Vertex
    14411437syn keyword cType Vertices
     1438syn keyword cType classes
     1439syn keyword cType gaussobjects
     1440syn keyword cType krigingobjects
     1441syn keyword cType matrixobjects
    14421442syn keyword cType AdjointBalancethickness2Analysis
    14431443syn keyword cType AdjointBalancethicknessAnalysis
    14581458syn keyword cType FreeSurfaceBaseAnalysis
    14591459syn keyword cType FreeSurfaceTopAnalysis
     1460syn keyword cType GLheightadvectionAnalysis
    14601461syn keyword cType GiaIvinsAnalysis
    1461 syn keyword cType GLheightadvectionAnalysis
    14621462syn keyword cType HydrologyDCEfficientAnalysis
    14631463syn keyword cType HydrologyDCInefficientAnalysis
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.