08/28/18 09:45:51 (7 years ago)
Mathieu Morlighem

merged trunk-jpl and trunk for revision 23187

3 edited


  • issm/trunk

  • issm/trunk/src

  • issm/trunk/src/wrappers/javascript/io/javascriptio.h

    r22758 r23189  
    1818#include "../../../c/shared/shared.h"
    20 void WriteData(IssmPDouble** pmatrix,int* pnel, int* matrix, int M,int N);
    21 void WriteData(IssmPDouble** pmatrix,int* pM, int* pN, int* matrix, int M, int N);
    22 void WriteData(IssmPDouble** pmatrix,int* pM, int* pN, IssmPDouble* matrix, int M, int N);
     20void WriteData(IssmPDouble** pmatrix, int* pnel, int* matrix, int M,int N);
     21void WriteData(IssmPDouble** pmatrix, int* pM, int* pN, int* matrix, int M, int N);
     22void WriteData(IssmPDouble** pmatrix, int* pM, int* pN, IssmPDouble* matrix, int M, int N);
     23void WriteData(IssmPDouble** pmatrix, int** pSize, IssmPDouble* matrix, int* size);
    2324void WriteData(IssmPDouble** px, int* pnods, int* vector, int M);
    2425void WriteData(IssmPDouble** px, int* pnods, double* vector, int M);
    2728void WriteData(IssmPDouble** pdataref, IssmSeqVec<double>* vector);
    2829void WriteData(IssmPDouble** pdouble, void*);
     30void WriteData(int** VerticesSize, double** Vertices, int** EdgesSize, double** Edges, int** CornersSize, double** Corners, int** RequiredVerticesSize, double** RequiredVertices, int** RequiredEdgesSize, double** RequiredEdges, int** CrackedEdgesSize, double** CrackedEdges, int** SubDomainsSize, double** SubDomains, BamgGeom* bamggeom);
     31void WriteData(int** VerticesSize, double** Vertices, int** EdgesSize, double** Edges, int** TrianglesSize, double** Triangles, int** IssmEdgesSize, double** IssmEdges, int** IssmSegmentsSize, double** IssmSegments, int** VerticesOnGeomVertexSize, double** VerticesOnGeomVertex, int** VerticesOnGeomEdgeSize, double** VerticesOnGeomEdge, int** EdgesOnGeomEdgeSize, double** EdgesOnGeomEdge, int** SubDomainsSize, double** SubDomains, int** SubDomainsFromGeomSize, double** SubDomainsFromGeom, int** ElementConnectivitySize, double** ElementConnectivity, int** NodalConnectivitySize, double** NodalConnectivity, int** NodalElementConnectivitySize, double** NodalElementConnectivity, int** CrackedVerticesSize, double** CrackedVertices, int** CrackedEdgesSize, double** CrackedEdges, int** PreviousNumberingSize, double** PreviousNumbering, BamgMesh* bamgmesh);
    3033void FetchData(char** pstring, char* stringin);
    3740void FetchData(int **pmatrix, int* pM, int* pN, int* matrixin, int M, int N);
    3841void FetchData(Contours** pcontours,double* x, double* y, int nods);
     42void FetchData(BamgGeom** pbamggeom, int* VerticesSize, double* Vertices, int* EdgesSize, double* Edges, int* CornersSize, double* Corners, int* RequiredVerticesSize, double* RequiredVertices, int* RequiredEdgesSize, double* RequiredEdges, int* CrackedEdgesSize, double* CrackedEdges, int* SubDomainsSize, double* SubDomains);
     43void FetchData(BamgMesh** pbamgmesh, int* VerticesSize, double* Vertices, int* EdgesSize, double* Edges, int* TrianglesSize, double* Triangles, int* CrackedEdgesSize, double* CrackedEdges, int* VerticesOnGeomEdgeSize, double* VerticesOnGeomEdge, int* VerticesOnGeomVertexSize, double* VerticesOnGeomVertex, int* EdgesOnGeomEdgeSize, double* EdgesOnGeomEdge, int* IssmSegmentsSize, double* IssmSegments);
     44void FetchData(BamgOpts** pbamgopts, double anisomax, double cutoff, double coeff, double errg, double gradation, int Hessiantype, int maxnbv, double maxsubdiv, int Metrictype, int nbjacobi, int nbsmooth, double omega, double power, int verbose, int Crack, int KeepVertices, int splitcorners, double hmin, double hmax, int* hminVerticesSize, double* hminVertices, int* hmaxVerticesSize, double* hmaxVertices, int* hVerticesSize, double* hVertices, int* metricSize, double* metric, int* fieldSize, double* field, int* errSize, double* err);
    3945void FetchData(Options** poptions,int NRHS, int nrhs, const char* optionname, double optionvalue);
    4046void FetchData(int* pinteger,int integer);
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