Changeset 14709 for issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/objects/Bucket.h
- Timestamp:
- 04/22/13 18:03:21 (12 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r14685 r14709 10 10 #include "./Object.h" 11 11 #include "../../shared/Alloc/alloc.h" 12 #include "../../Container/DataSet.h" 13 #include "../../toolkits/toolkitsenums.h" 12 14 /*}}}*/ 15 16 #define BUCKETSIZEOFREQUESTS 6 /*how many MPI_Isend requests does it take to transfer the contents of a bucket to another cpu?*/ 13 17 14 18 template <class doubletype> class Bucket: public Object{ … … 25 29 26 30 /*constructors, destructors: */ 31 Bucket(){ /*{{{*/ 32 this->m=0; 33 this->n=0; 34 this->idxm=NULL; 35 this->idxn=NULL; 36 this->values=NULL; 37 mode=INS_VAL; 38 } /*}}}*/ 27 39 Bucket(int min,int* idxmin,int nin,int* idxnin,doubletype* valuesin,InsMode modein){ /*{{{*/ 28 40 this->m=min; … … 79 91 _error_("Not implemented yet (similar to Elements)"); }; 80 92 /*}}}*/ 93 94 /*specific routines of Bucket: */ 95 void SpawnBucketsPerCpu(DataSet* bucketsofcpu_i,int rank_i,int* rowranks){ /*{{{*/ 96 97 int i,j; 98 99 /*go through our idxm index of rows this bucket owns, and spawn buckets 100 *if these rows belong to cpu rank_i. Use rowranks to determine this.*/ 101 for(i=0;i<m;i++){ 102 if (rowranks[idxm[i]]==rank_i){ 103 /*This row belongs to cpu rank_i, so spawn a bucket with this row, and add it to the bucketsofcpu_i dataset: */ 104 bucketsofcpu_i->AddObject(new Bucket(1,idxm+i,n,idxn,values+n*i,mode)); 105 } 106 } 107 108 }; 109 /*}}}*/ 110 void SetLocalMatrixValues(double* local_matrix,int lower_row,int global_N){ /*{{{*/ 111 112 int i,j; 113 for(i=0;i<m;i++){ 114 for(j=0;j<n;j++){ 115 *(local_matrix+global_N*(idxm[i]-lower_row)+idxn[j])=*(values+n*i+j); 116 } 117 } 118 119 }; 120 /*}}}*/ 121 void Isend(int receiver_rank,MPI_Request* requests,int* pcount,MPI_Comm comm){ /*{{{*/ 122 int count=0; 123 int int_mode; 124 125 /*Recover pointer: */ 126 count=*pcount; 127 128 /*Send all the information required: */ 129 MPI_Isend(&m,1,MPI_INT,receiver_rank,2,comm,requests+count); count++; 130 if(m){ MPI_Isend(idxm,m,MPI_INT,receiver_rank,3,comm,requests+count); count++; } 131 MPI_Isend(&n,1,MPI_INT,receiver_rank,4,comm,requests+count); count++; 132 if(n){ MPI_Isend(idxn,n,MPI_INT,receiver_rank,5,comm,requests+count); count++; } 133 if(m*n){ MPI_Isend(values,m*n,MPI_DOUBLE,receiver_rank,6,comm,requests+count); count++; } 134 int_mode=(int)mode; 135 MPI_Isend(&int_mode,1,MPI_INT,receiver_rank,7,comm,requests+count); count++; 136 137 /*Allocate pointers: */ 138 *pcount=count; 139 140 } /*}}}*/ 141 void Recv(int sender_rank, MPI_Comm comm){ /*{{{*/ 142 143 MPI_Status status; 144 int int_mode; 145 146 MPI_Recv(&m,1, MPI_INT,sender_rank,2, comm, &status); 147 if(m){ 148 idxm=new int[m]; 149 MPI_Recv(idxm,m, MPI_INT,sender_rank,3, comm, &status); 150 } 151 MPI_Recv(&n,1, MPI_INT,sender_rank,4, comm, &status); 152 if(n){ 153 idxn=new int[n]; 154 MPI_Recv(idxn,n, MPI_INT,sender_rank,5, comm, &status); 155 } 156 if(m*n){ 157 values=new doubletype[m*n]; 158 MPI_Recv(values,m*n, MPI_DOUBLE,sender_rank,6, comm, &status); 159 } 160 MPI_Recv(&int_mode,1, MPI_INT,sender_rank,7, comm, &status); 161 mode=(InsMode)int_mode; 162 163 } /*}}}*/ 81 164 }; 82 165
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