04/19/13 10:35:57 (12 years ago)

CHG: implementation of revised ISSM toolkit.
We now have the following objects in the ISSM toolkit:
IssmMat and IssmVec: these are the wrappers to all our toolkit objects. These are hooked up to the
src/c/objects/matrix/Matrix.h and Vector.h objects.
We need of course enums that go with them, which map into Petsc constructs, such as MpiDenseEnum, DenseEnum,
etc ...
The toolkit now implements a MatDense matrix, and a future MatMpiDense matrix, as well as a SeqVec and
future MpiVec vector.
There is also an abstract class, called IssmAbsMat and IssmAbsVec, from which all our matrix and vector objects,
except for IssmMat and IssmVec, derive.
Updated all the wrappers and modules to use these new objects.
The toolkit options database is derived from the .toolkit file which is read at the beginning of any run. Very similar
to what Petsc does with its options database. Created a static class to hold this options database, in src/c/classes/ToolkitOptions.h
very similar to our static class holding the IssmComm.

1 edited


  • issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/EnumToStringx/EnumToStringx.cpp

    r14655 r14656  
    519519                case XYEnum : return "XY";
    520520                case XYZPEnum : return "XYZP";
     521                case DenseEnum : return "Dense";
     522                case MpiDenseEnum : return "MpiDense";
     523                case SeqEnum : return "Seq";
     524                case MpiEnum : return "Mpi";
    521525                case OptionEnum : return "Option";
    522526                case GenericOptionEnum : return "GenericOption";
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