08/31/12 17:23:24 (13 years ago)

NEW: large change to the code, to adapt to ADOLC requirements.

This change relates to the introduction of template classes and functions for the
Option.h abstract class. This is needed, because we want to make the Matlab
API independent from the libCore objects, which are dependent on the IssmDouble*
ADOLC type (adouble), when the Matlab API is dependent on the IssmPDouble* type (double).

To make them independent, we need to be able to specify at run time Options, Matrix and
Vector objects that hold either IssmDouble or IssmPDouble objects. The only way to do
that is through the use of templated classes for Option.h, Matrix and Vector.

The change gets rid of a lot of useless code (especially in the classes/objects/Options
directory), by introducing template versions of the same code.

The bulk of the changes to src/modules and src/mex modules is to adapt to this
new runtime declaration of templated Matrix, Vector and Option objects.

1 edited


  • issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/InterpFromMesh2dx/InterpFromMesh2dx.h

    r12832 r13216  
    2323        double ymin,ymax;
    2424        int    nods_prime;
    25         Vector*    data_prime;
     25        Vector<IssmDouble>*    data_prime;
    2626        double* x_prime;
    2727        double* y_prime;
    3333} InterpFromMesh2dxThreadStruct;
    35 int InterpFromMesh2dx( Vector** pdata_prime,double* index_data, double* x_data, double* y_data, int nods_data,int nels_data, double* data, int data_length, double* x_prime, double* y_prime, int nods_prime,
     35int InterpFromMesh2dx( Vector<IssmDouble>** pdata_prime,double* index_data, double* x_data, double* y_data, int nods_data,int nels_data, double* data, int data_length, double* x_prime, double* y_prime, int nods_prime,
    3636                double* default_values,int num_default_values,Contour** contours,int numcontours);
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