Changeset 12168 for issm/branches/trunk-jpl-damage/m4/issm_options.m4
- Timestamp:
- 05/01/12 17:28:47 (13 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/branches/trunk-jpl-damage
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Property svn:ignore
old new 7 7 config.status 8 8 configure 9 doxygen10 9 ISSM.paf 11 10 ISSM.ppf 12 11 ISSM.ppf_cache 13 12 libtool 14 list15 13 Makefile 16 14 17 15 stamp-h1 18 16 svn-commit* 19 nightlylog
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
/issm/trunk merged: 11526,11533,11681-11682,11710,11778-11779,11995 /issm/trunk-jpl merged: 11992-11994,11996-12003,12005-12113,12115-12161,12163-12166
- Property svn:ignore
r12004 r12168 13 13 fi 14 14 dnl }}} 15 dnl Serial build {{{ 16 AC_ARG_WITH([serial], 17 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-serial = value],[serial compilation. ]), 18 [SERIAL_VALUE=$withval],[SERIAL_VALUE="yes"]) 19 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for serial compilation) 20 AM_CONDITIONAL([NOSERIAL], [test $SERIAL_VALUE = no]) 21 AM_CONDITIONAL([SERIAL], [test $SERIAL_VALUE = yes]) 22 AC_MSG_RESULT($SERIAL_VALUE) 23 dnl }}} 24 dnl Parallel build {{{ 25 AC_ARG_WITH([parallel], 26 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-parallel = value], [parallel compilation. ]), 27 [PARALLEL_VALUE=$withval],[PARALLEL_VALUE="yes"]) 28 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for parallel compilation) 29 AM_CONDITIONAL([NOPARALLEL], [test $PARALLEL_VALUE = no]) 30 AM_CONDITIONAL([PARALLEL], [test $PARALLEL_VALUE = yes]) 31 AC_MSG_RESULT($PARALLEL_VALUE) 15 dnl Modules build {{{ 16 AC_ARG_WITH([modules], 17 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-modules = value],[modules compilation. ]), 18 [MODULES_VALUE=$withval],[MODULES_VALUE="yes"]) 19 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for modules compilation) 20 AM_CONDITIONAL([MODULES], [test $MODULES_VALUE = yes]) 21 AC_MSG_RESULT($MODULES_VALUE) 22 dnl }}} 23 dnl Extensions{{{ 32 24 ISSMEXT=".exe" 33 25 AC_SUBST([ISSMEXT]) 34 dnl }}}35 dnl Serial or Parallel check {{{36 dnl Check that at least serial or parallel builds have been requested!37 if test "$SERIAL_VALUE" != "yes" ; then38 if test "$PARALLEL_VALUE" != "yes"; then39 AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot request --with-serial=no and --with-parallel=no at the same time!])40 fi41 fi42 26 dnl }}} 43 27 … … 81 65 export CXXFLAGS=" -O3 -xS -D_INTEL_LINUX_ " 82 66 export CFLAGS=" -O3 -xS -D_INTEL_LINUX_ " 67 elif test $VENDOR = arm-linux; then 68 export CC=$ANDROID_DIR/arm-linux-android-4.0/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-cc 69 export CXX=$ANDROID_DIR/arm-linux-android-4.0/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-cc 70 83 71 else 84 72 AC_MSG_ERROR([unknow compiler vendor!]) … … 92 80 dnl 1. See if matlab has been provided 93 81 AC_ARG_WITH([matlab-dir], 94 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-matlab-dir =DIR], [matlab root directory. necessary for serial build.]),82 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-matlab-dir=DIR], [matlab root directory. necessary for serial build.]), 95 83 [MATLAB_ROOT=$withval],[MATLAB_ROOT=""]) 96 84 97 AC_MSG_CHECKING([w ether Matlab is enabled])85 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether matlab is enabled]) 98 86 if test -d "$MATLAB_ROOT"; then 99 87 HAVE_MATLAB=yes … … 109 97 dnl 2. if matlab is provided, get version number 110 98 if test x$HAVE_MATLAB = xyes; then 111 AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Matlab version])99 AC_MSG_CHECKING([for matlab version]) 112 100 MATLAB_VERSION="" 113 101 … … 172 160 173 161 dnl 3. Get Matlab libraries 174 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Matlab headers and libraries in $MATLAB_ROOT)162 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for matlab headers and libraries in $MATLAB_ROOT) 175 163 MATLABINCL=-I"$MATLAB_ROOT/extern/include"; 176 164 … … 191 179 *darwin*) 192 180 dnl mex -v gives all the flags for compilation of mex files 193 dnl if matlab version is 7. 10or more, we must use mexmaci64 (64 bits)181 dnl if matlab version is 7.9 or more, we must use mexmaci64 (64 bits) 194 182 MEXLINK="-O -Wl,-flat_namespace -undefined suppress -arch i386 -bundle -Wl,-exported_symbols_list,$MATLAB_ROOT/extern/lib/maci/" 195 183 MEXLIB=" -L$MATLAB_ROOT/bin/maci/ -lmx -lmex -lmat -lstdc++ -largeArrayDims" 196 184 if test $MATLAB_MAJOR -ge 7; then 197 if test $MATLAB_MINOR -ge 10; then185 if test $MATLAB_MINOR -ge 9; then 198 186 MEXLINK="-O -Wl,-flat_namespace -undefined suppress -bundle -Wl,-exported_symbols_list,$MATLAB_ROOT/extern/lib/maci64/" 199 187 MEXLIB=" -L$MATLAB_ROOT/bin/maci64/ -lmx -lmex -lmat -lstdc++" … … 217 205 AC_SUBST([MATLABINCL]) 218 206 AC_SUBST([MEX]) 219 WRAPPEREXT=$MEXEXT220 AC_SUBST([ WRAPPEREXT])207 MATLABWRAPPEREXT=$MEXEXT 208 AC_SUBST([MATLABWRAPPEREXT]) 221 209 AC_SUBST([MEXLIB]) 222 210 AC_SUBST([MEXLINK]) … … 225 213 dnl triangle {{{ 226 214 AC_ARG_WITH([triangle-dir], 227 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-triangle-dir =DIR], [triangle root directory. necessary for serial build]),215 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-triangle-dir=DIR], [triangle root directory. necessary for serial build]), 228 216 [TRIANGLE_ROOT=$withval],[TRIANGLE_ROOT=""]) 229 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Triangle headers and libraries)217 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for triangle headers and libraries) 230 218 231 219 if test -d "$TRIANGLE_ROOT"; then … … 266 254 dnl dakota{{{ 267 255 AC_ARG_WITH([dakota-dir], 268 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-dakota-dir =DIR], [dakota root directory. necessary for serial build]),256 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-dakota-dir=DIR], [dakota root directory. necessary for serial build]), 269 257 [DAKOTA_ROOT=$withval],[DAKOTA_ROOT=""]) 270 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Dakota)258 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for dakota) 271 259 272 260 if test -d "$DAKOTA_ROOT"; then … … 299 287 dnl boost{{{ 300 288 AC_ARG_WITH([boost-dir], 301 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-boost-dir =DIR], [boost root directory.]),289 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-boost-dir=DIR], [boost root directory.]), 302 290 [BOOST_ROOT=$withval],[BOOST_ROOT=""]) 303 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Boost)291 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for boost) 304 292 305 293 if test -d "$BOOST_ROOT"; then … … 318 306 AC_MSG_RESULT($HAVE_BOOST) 319 307 dnl }}} 308 dnl python-version{{{ 309 AC_ARG_WITH([python-version], 310 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-python-version = PYTHONVERSION],[python version.]), 311 [PYTHONVERSION=$withval],[PYTHONVERSION=""]) 312 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for python version) 313 314 HAVE_PYTHON3="no" 315 316 dnl recover major: 317 PYTHON_MAJOR=${PYTHONVERSION%.*} 318 319 if test x$PYTHON_MAJOR = x3; then 320 dnl are we running python 3? 321 HAVE_PYTHON3="yes" 322 fi 323 AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([_PYTHON_MAJOR_],$PYTHON_MAJOR,[python version major]) 324 325 AM_CONDITIONAL([PYTHON3], [test x$HAVE_PYTHON3 = xyes]) 326 AC_MSG_RESULT($PYTHON_MAJOR) 327 dnl }}} 320 328 dnl python{{{ 321 329 AC_ARG_WITH([python-dir], 322 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-python-dir =DIR], [python root directory.]),330 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-python-dir=DIR], [python root directory.]), 323 331 [PYTHON_ROOT=$withval],[PYTHON_ROOT=""]) 324 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Python)332 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for python) 325 333 326 334 if test -d "$PYTHON_ROOT"; then … … 328 336 HAVE_PYTHON=yes 329 337 PYTHONINCL=-I$PYTHON_ROOT/include 330 PYTHONLIB="-L$PYTHON_ROOT/lib -lpython 3.2"338 PYTHONLIB="-L$PYTHON_ROOT/lib -lpython$PYTHONVERSION" 331 339 332 340 PYTHONLINK="-dynamiclib" … … 335 343 AC_SUBST([PYTHONINCL]) 336 344 AC_SUBST([PYTHONLIB]) 337 WRAPPEREXT=$PYTHONEXT338 AC_SUBST([ WRAPPEREXT])345 PYTHONWRAPPEREXT=$PYTHONEXT 346 AC_SUBST([PYTHONWRAPPEREXT]) 339 347 AC_SUBST([PYTHONLINK]) 340 348 else … … 346 354 dnl python-numpy{{{ 347 355 AC_ARG_WITH([python-numpy-dir], 348 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-python-numpy-dir =DIR], [python-numpy root directory.]),356 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-python-numpy-dir=DIR], [python-numpy root directory.]), 349 357 [PYTHON_NUMPY_ROOT=$withval],[PYTHON_NUMPY_ROOT=""]) 350 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Python-Numpy)358 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for python-numpy) 351 359 352 360 if test -d "$PYTHON_NUMPY_ROOT"; then … … 364 372 dnl chaco{{{ 365 373 AC_ARG_WITH([chaco-dir], 366 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-chaco-dir =DIR], [chaco root directory.]),374 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-chaco-dir=DIR], [chaco root directory.]), 367 375 [CHACO_ROOT=$withval],[CHACO_ROOT=""]) 368 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Chaco)376 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for chaco) 369 377 370 378 if test -d "$CHACO_ROOT"; then … … 386 394 dnl scotch{{{ 387 395 AC_ARG_WITH([scotch-dir], 388 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-scotch-dir =DIR], [scotch root directory.]),396 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-scotch-dir=DIR], [scotch root directory.]), 389 397 [SCOTCH_ROOT=$withval],[SCOTCH_ROOT=""]) 390 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Scotch)398 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for scotch) 391 399 392 400 if test -d "$SCOTCH_ROOT"; then … … 408 416 dnl adolc{{{ 409 417 AC_ARG_WITH([adolc-dir], 410 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-adolc-dir =DIR], [adolc root directory.]),418 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-adolc-dir=DIR], [adolc root directory.]), 411 419 [ADOLC_ROOT=$withval],[ADOLC_ROOT="no"]) 412 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for ADOLC)420 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for adolc) 413 421 414 422 if test "x$ADOLC_ROOT" = "xno"; then … … 436 444 dnl adic2{{{ 437 445 AC_ARG_WITH([adic2-dir], 438 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-adic2-dir =DIR], [adic2 root directory.]),446 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-adic2-dir=DIR], [adic2 root directory.]), 439 447 [ADIC2_ROOT=$withval],[ADIC2_ROOT="no"]) 440 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for ADIC2)448 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for adic2) 441 449 442 450 if test "x$ADIC2_ROOT" = "xno"; then … … 464 472 dnl gsl{{{ 465 473 AC_ARG_WITH([gsl-dir], 466 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-gsl-dir =DIR], [gsl root directory.]),474 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-gsl-dir=DIR], [gsl root directory.]), 467 475 [GSL_ROOT=$withval],[GSL_ROOT=""]) 468 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Gsl)476 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for gsl) 469 477 470 478 if test -d "$GSL_ROOT"; then … … 487 495 dnl rose{{{ 488 496 AC_ARG_WITH([rose-dir], 489 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-rose-dir =DIR], [rose root directory.]),497 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-rose-dir=DIR], [rose root directory.]), 490 498 [ROSE_ROOT=$withval],[ROSE_ROOT=""]) 491 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Rose)499 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for rose) 492 500 493 501 if test -d "$ROSE_ROOT"; then … … 510 518 dnl metis{{{ 511 519 AC_ARG_WITH([metis-dir], 512 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-metis-dir =DIR],[metis root directory. necessary for serial build]),520 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-metis-dir=DIR],[metis root directory. necessary for serial build]), 513 521 [METIS_ROOT=$withval],[METIS_ROOT=""]) 514 522 515 523 if test -d "$METIS_ROOT"; then 516 524 517 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Metis headers and libraries in $METIS_ROOT)525 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for metis headers and libraries in $METIS_ROOT) 518 526 519 527 dnl first figure out version of metis: does the VERSION file exist? … … 568 576 HAVE_METIS=no 569 577 fi 570 571 if test $HAVE_METIS = no; then 572 AC_MSG_ERROR([--with-metis-dir missing. Metis is needed to run ISSM]); 573 else 574 AC_MSG_RESULT($HAVE_METIS) 575 fi 578 AM_CONDITIONAL([METIS], [test x$HAVE_METIS = xyes]) 576 579 dnl }}} 577 580 dnl mpi{{{ … … 582 585 583 586 AC_ARG_WITH([mpi-include], 584 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-mpi-include =DIR],[mpi include directory, necessary for parallel build]),587 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-mpi-include=DIR],[mpi include directory, necessary for parallel build]), 585 588 [MPI_INCLUDE=$withval],[MPI_INCLUDE=""]) 586 589 … … 591 594 HAVE_MPI=no 592 595 else 596 HAVE_MPI=yes 593 597 MPIINCL=-I"$MPI_INCLUDE/" 594 598 AC_DEFINE([_HAVE_MPI_],[1],[with Mpi in ISSM src]) … … 598 602 fi 599 603 fi 600 AC_MSG_RESULT(done) 604 AM_CONDITIONAL([MPI], [test x$HAVE_MPI = xyes]) 605 AC_MSG_RESULT($HAVE_MPI) 601 606 dnl }}} 602 607 dnl petsc{{{ 603 608 AC_ARG_WITH([petsc-dir], 604 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-petsc-dir =DIR],[PETSc root directory, necessary for parallel build]),609 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-petsc-dir=DIR],[PETSc root directory, necessary for parallel build]), 605 610 [PETSC_ROOT=$withval],[PETSC_ROOT=""]) 606 611 607 612 if test -d "$PETSC_ROOT"; then 608 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for PETSc version)613 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for petsc version) 609 614 PETSC_MAJOR=`cat $PETSC_ROOT/include/petscversion.h | grep "#define PETSC_VERSION_MAJOR" | sed 's/#define PETSC_VERSION_MAJOR//' | sed 's/ //g'` 610 615 PETSC_MINOR=`cat $PETSC_ROOT/include/petscversion.h | grep "#define PETSC_VERSION_MINOR" | sed 's/#define PETSC_VERSION_MINOR//' | sed 's/ //g'` … … 614 619 615 620 PETSC_VERSION_DATE_HG=`cat $PETSC_ROOT/include/petscversion.h | grep "#define PETSC_VERSION_DATE_HG" | sed 's/#define PETSC_VERSION_DATE_HG//' | sed 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/\"//g' ` 616 AC_MSG_CHECKING(w ether PETSc is the development version)621 AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether petsc is the development version) 617 622 if test x$PETSC_VERSION_DATE_HG = xunknown; then 618 623 AC_DEFINE([_HAVE_PETSCDEV_],[1],[with PETSc-dev]) … … 624 629 625 630 AC_ARG_WITH([petsc-arch], 626 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-petsc-arch =DIR],[PETSc arch , necessary for parallel build]),631 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-petsc-arch=DIR],[PETSc arch , necessary for parallel build]), 627 632 [PETSC_ARCH=$withval],[PETSC_ARCH=""]) 628 633 629 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for PETSc headers and libraries in $PETSC_ROOT for architecture $PETSC_ARCH)634 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for petsc headers and libraries in $PETSC_ROOT for architecture $PETSC_ARCH) 630 635 631 636 if test -d "$PETSC_ROOT"; then … … 671 676 dnl tao{{{ 672 677 AC_ARG_WITH([tao-dir], 673 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-tao-dir =DIR], [tao root directory.]),678 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-tao-dir=DIR], [tao root directory.]), 674 679 [TAO_ROOT=$withval],[TAO_ROOT=""]) 675 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Tao)680 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for tao) 676 681 677 682 if test -d "$TAO_ROOT"; then … … 689 694 AC_MSG_RESULT($HAVE_TAO) 690 695 dnl }}} 691 dnl mpiuni{{{692 dnl when running in serial mode, MPI must be ignored, and set to internal petsc mpiuni:693 if test "$PARALLEL_VALUE" = "no" ; then694 HAVE_MPI=yes695 MPIINCL=-I"$PETSC_ROOT/include/mpiuni"696 697 case "${host_os}" in698 *cygwin*)699 dnl MPILIB="-link -LIBPATH:\"$PETSC_ROOT/$PETSC_ARCH/lib\" -LIBPATH:\"$PETSC_ROOT/lib\" -LIBPATH:\"$PETSC_ROOT/lib/$PETSC_ARCH\" libmpiuni.lib"700 ;;701 *linux*)702 MPILIB="-L$PETSC_ROOT/$PETSC_ARCH/lib -L$PETSC_ROOT/lib -L$PETSC_ROOT/lib/$PETSC_ARCH -lmpiuni"703 ;;704 *darwin*)705 MPILIB="-L$PETSC_ROOT/$PETSC_ARCH/lib -L$PETSC_ROOT/lib -L$PETSC_ROOT/lib/$PETSC_ARCH -lmpiuni"706 ;;707 esac708 709 AC_DEFINE([_HAVE_MPI_],[1],[with Mpi in ISSM src])710 AC_SUBST([MPIINCL])711 AC_SUBST([MPILIB])712 fi713 dnl }}}714 696 dnl slepc{{{ 715 697 AC_ARG_WITH([slepc-dir], 716 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-slepc-dir =DIR],[slepc root directory]),698 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-slepc-dir=DIR],[slepc root directory]), 717 699 [SLEPC_ROOT=$withval],[SLEPC_ROOT=""]) 718 700 719 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Slepc headers and libraries in $SLEPC_ROOT)701 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for slepc headers and libraries in $SLEPC_ROOT) 720 702 if test -d "$SLEPC_ROOT"; then 721 703 HAVE_SLEPC=yes … … 733 715 dnl shapelib{{{ 734 716 AC_ARG_WITH([shapelib-dir], 735 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-shapelib-dir =DIR], [shapelib root directory]),717 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-shapelib-dir=DIR], [shapelib root directory]), 736 718 [SHAPELIB_ROOT=$withval],[SHAPELIB_ROOT=""]) 737 719 738 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Shapelib headers and libraries in $SHAPELIB_ROOT)720 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for shapelib headers and libraries in $SHAPELIB_ROOT) 739 721 if test -d "$SHAPELIB_ROOT"; then 740 722 … … 754 736 dnl scalapack{{{ 755 737 AC_ARG_WITH([scalapack-dir], 756 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-scalapack-dir =DIR],[scalapack root directory]),738 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-scalapack-dir=DIR],[scalapack root directory]), 757 739 [SCALAPACK_ROOT=$withval],[SCALAPACK_ROOT=""]) 758 740 759 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Scalapack headers and libraries in $SCALAPACK_ROOT)741 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for scalapack headers and libraries in $SCALAPACK_ROOT) 760 742 if test -d "$SCALAPACK_ROOT"; then 761 743 … … 773 755 dnl blas{{{ 774 756 AC_ARG_WITH([blas-lapack-dir], 775 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-blas-lapack-dir =DIR],[blas-lapack root directory]),757 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-blas-lapack-dir=DIR],[blas-lapack root directory]), 776 758 [BLASLAPACK_ROOT=$withval],[BLASLAPACK_ROOT=""]) 777 759 778 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Blas and Lapack headers and libraries in $BLASLAPACK_ROOT)760 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for blas and lapack headers and libraries in $BLASLAPACK_ROOT) 779 761 if test -d "$BLASLAPACK_ROOT"; then 780 762 … … 806 788 dnl mkl{{{ 807 789 AC_ARG_WITH([mkl-dir], 808 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-mkl-dir =DIR],[mkl root directory]),790 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-mkl-dir=DIR],[mkl root directory]), 809 791 [MKL_ROOT=$withval],[MKL_ROOT=""]) 810 792 … … 825 807 dnl }}} 826 808 dnl plapack{{{ 809 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for plapack) 810 827 811 AC_ARG_WITH([plapack-lib], 828 812 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-plapack-lib = lib],[plapack library]), 829 813 [PLAPACK_LIB=$withval],[PLAPACK_LIB=""]) 830 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Plapack libraries)831 814 832 815 AC_ARG_WITH([plapack-include], … … 834 817 [plapack include ]), 835 818 [PLAPACK_INCLUDE=$withval],[PLAPACK_INCLUDE=""]) 836 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Plapack headers)837 819 838 820 if test -n "$PLAPACK_LIB"; then … … 857 839 dnl mumps{{{ 858 840 AC_ARG_WITH([mumps-dir], 859 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-mumps-dir =DIR],[mumps root directory]),841 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-mumps-dir=DIR],[mumps root directory]), 860 842 [MUMPS_ROOT=$withval],[MUMPS_ROOT=""]) 861 843 862 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Mumps headers and libraries in $MUMPS_ROOT)844 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for mumps headers and libraries in $MUMPS_ROOT) 863 845 if test -d "$MUMPS_ROOT"; then 864 846 … … 882 864 dnl blacs{{{ 883 865 AC_ARG_WITH([blacs-dir], 884 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-blacs-dir =DIR],[blacs root directory]),866 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-blacs-dir=DIR],[blacs root directory]), 885 867 [BLACS_ROOT=$withval],[BLACS_ROOT=""]) 886 868 887 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Blacs headers and libraries in $BLACS_ROOT)869 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for blacs headers and libraries in $BLACS_ROOT) 888 870 if test -d "$BLACS_ROOT"; then 889 871 … … 903 885 dnl hypre{{{ 904 886 AC_ARG_WITH([hypre-dir], 905 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-hypre-dir =DIR],[hypre root directory]),887 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-hypre-dir=DIR],[hypre root directory]), 906 888 [HYPRE_ROOT=$withval],[HYPRE_ROOT=""]) 907 889 908 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Hypre headers and libraries in $HYPRE_ROOT)890 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for hypre headers and libraries in $HYPRE_ROOT) 909 891 if test -d "$HYPRE_ROOT"; then 910 892 … … 924 906 dnl ml{{{ 925 907 AC_ARG_WITH([ml-dir], 926 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-ml-dir =DIR],[ml root directory]),908 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-ml-dir=DIR],[ml root directory]), 927 909 [ML_ROOT=$withval],[ML_ROOT=""]) 928 910 929 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Ml headers and libraries in $ML_ROOT)911 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for ml headers and libraries in $ML_ROOT) 930 912 if test -d "$ML_ROOT"; then 931 913 … … 1229 1211 AC_MSG_CHECKING(consistency between all libraries) 1230 1212 1231 dnl check that if petsc is requested in parallel, mpi should be specified1213 dnl check that if petsc is requested , mpi should be specified 1232 1214 if test "$HAVE_PETSC" = "yes" ; then 1233 1215 if test "$HAVE_MPI" = "NO"; then … … 1236 1218 fi 1237 1219 1238 dnl check that we have either python or matlab support if we only compile serially 1239 if test "$PARALLEL_VALUE" = "no" && test "$HAVE_MATLAB" = "no" && test "$HAVE_PYTHON" = "no"; then 1240 AC_MSG_ERROR([need at least python or matlab support to compile only in serial mode!]); 1241 fi 1242 1243 dnl check that we don't have with-matlab and with-python at the same time 1244 if test "$HAVE_PYTHON" = "yes" ; then 1245 if test "$HAVE_MATLAB" = "yes"; then 1246 AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot create matlab and python wrappers simultaneously! Please choose one or the other.]); 1247 fi 1248 fi 1220 dnl check that we have either python or matlab support if we compile the modules 1221 if test "$MODULES_VALUE" = "yes" && test "$HAVE_MATLAB" = "no" && test "$HAVE_PYTHON" = "no"; then 1222 AC_MSG_ERROR([need at least python or matlab support to compile modules (or use --with-modules=no)]); 1223 fi 1224 1225 dnl check that we have python version if python compile is specified 1226 if test "$HAVE_PYTHON" = "yes" && test "$PYTHONVERSION" = "" ; then 1227 AC_MSG_ERROR([need python-version if python compile is required!]); 1228 fi 1229 1230 dnl check that if we have MPI, we have metis 1231 if test "$HAVE_METIS" = "yes" && test "$HAVE_MPI" = "no" ; then 1232 AC_MSG_ERROR([need mpi if using the metis partitioner!]); 1233 fi 1234 1235 1236 1237 1249 1238 1250 1239 AC_MSG_RESULT(done) … … 1257 1246 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-cxxoptflags = CXXOPTFLAGS], [optimization using CXX flags, ex: --with-cxxoptflags=-march=opteron -O3]), 1258 1247 [CXXOPTFLAGS=$withval],[CXXOPTFLAGS="-g -O2"]) 1259 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for C++ optimization flags)1248 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for c++ optimization flags) 1260 1249 AC_SUBST([CXXOPTFLAGS]) 1261 1250 AC_MSG_RESULT(done)
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for help on using the changeset viewer.