03/13/12 19:59:59 (13 years ago)

Completed separation of Petsc from ISSM. Matrix and Vector
are now the vehicles for Mat and Vec objects when running with
Petsc, or double* when running with a custom made type of matrix (still
to be finished).

1 edited


  • issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/objects/Params/IntVecParam.h

    r11202 r11695  
    6363                void  GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){_error_("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}
    6464                void  GetParameterValue(double*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error_("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}
    65                 void  GetParameterValue(Vec* pvec){_error_("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}
    66                 void  GetParameterValue(Mat* pmat){_error_("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}
     65                void  GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error_("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}
     66                void  GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error_("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}
    6767                void  GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error_("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}
    7676                void  SetValue(int* intarray,int M);
    7777                void  SetValue(int* pintarray,int M,int N){_error_("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a int mat array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}
    78                 void  SetValue(Vec vec){_error_("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}
    79                 void  SetValue(Mat mat){_error_("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}
     78                void  SetValue(Vector* vec){_error_("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}
     79                void  SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error_("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}
    8080                void  SetValue(FILE* fid){_error_("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}
    8181                void  SetValue(double** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error_("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}
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