1 | /* \file python_macros.h
2 | * \brief: macros used for the python bindings
3 | */
4 |
5 | #ifndef _PY_WRAPPER_MACROS_H_
6 | #define _PY_WRAPPER_MACROS_H_
7 |
8 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
9 | #include <config.h>
10 | #else
11 | #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!"
12 | #endif
13 |
14 | #ifdef _HAVE_PYTHON_
16 |
17 | /*The following macros hide the error exception handling in a matlab module. Just put
18 | * MODULEBOOT(); and MODULEEND(); at the beginning and end of a module, and c++ exceptions
19 | * will be trapped*/
20 | #define MODULEBOOT(); \
21 | PyObject *output = PyTuple_New(NLHS); \
22 | int nrhs = (int)PyTuple_Size(args); \
23 | if(!output) return NULL;\
24 | try{ \
25 | IssmComm::SetComm();
26 |
27 | #define MODULEEND(); }\
28 | catch(ErrorException &exception){\
29 | PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,exception.PythonReport()); \
30 | return NULL;\
31 | } \
32 | catch (exception &e){\
33 | PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,exprintf("Standard exception: %s\n",e.what()));\
34 | return NULL;\
35 | }\
36 | catch(...){\
37 | PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"An unexpected error occurred");\
38 | return NULL;\
39 | }\
40 | return output;
41 | //}}}
42 | #if _PYTHON_MAJOR_ >=3
43 | /* WRAPPER 3.2 {{{*/
44 | #define WRAPPER(modulename,...) \
45 | \
46 | static PyObject* modulename(PyObject* self,PyObject* args);\
47 | static PyMethodDef modulename##_funcs[] = {\
48 | {#modulename, (PyCFunction)modulename, METH_VARARGS, ""},\
49 | {NULL,NULL,0,NULL}\
50 | };\
51 | \
52 | static struct PyModuleDef modulename##module= {\
53 | PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,\
54 | #modulename, /* name of module */\
55 | NULL, /* module documentation, may be NULL */\
56 | -1, /* size of per-interpreter state of the module,\
57 | or -1 if the module keeps state in global variables. */\
58 | modulename##_funcs\
59 | };\
60 | \
61 | PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_##modulename(void){\
62 | \
63 | import_array();\
64 | return PyModule_Create(&modulename##module);\
65 | }\
66 | \
67 | static PyObject* modulename(PyObject* self,PyObject* args)
68 | /*}}}*/
69 | #else
70 | /* WRAPPER 2.7 {{{*/
71 | #define WRAPPER(modulename,...) \
72 | \
73 | static PyObject* modulename(PyObject* self,PyObject* args);\
74 | static PyMethodDef modulename##_funcs[] = {\
75 | {#modulename, (PyCFunction)modulename, METH_VARARGS, ""},\
76 | {NULL,NULL,0,NULL}\
77 | };\
78 | \
79 | PyMODINIT_FUNC init##modulename(void){\
80 | \
81 | import_array();\
82 | (void) Py_InitModule(#modulename, modulename##_funcs);\
83 | }\
84 | \
85 | static PyObject* modulename(PyObject* self,PyObject* args)
86 | /*}}}*/
87 | #endif
88 | /* CHECKARGUMENTS {{{*/
89 | #define CHECKARGUMENTS(NLHS,NRHS,functionpointer) CheckNumPythonArguments(args, NRHS,functionpointer)
90 | /*}}}*/
91 | #endif
92 | #endif