1 | %
2 | % wrapper for prctile to avoid using the matlab statistics toolbox.
3 | %
4 | function [y]=prctile_issm(x,p,dim)
5 |
6 | try
7 | y=prctile(argin{:});
8 |
9 | catch me
10 |
11 | if length(size(x)) > 2
12 | error('Number of dimensions %d not implemented.',length(size(x)));
13 | end
14 | if ~exist('dim','var')
15 | dim=0;
16 | for i=1:length(size(x))
17 | if ~dim && size(x,i)>1
18 | dim=i;
19 | end
20 | end
21 | if ~dim
22 | dim=1;
23 | end
24 | end
25 |
26 | psize=size(p);
27 | if size(p,2)>1
28 | p=transp(p);
29 | end
30 |
31 | xsize=size(x);
32 | if dim==2
33 | x=transp(x);
34 | end
35 |
36 | % check for any NaN in any columns
37 |
38 | if ~any(isnan(x))
39 | x=sort(x,1);
40 | n=size(x,1);
41 |
42 | % branch based on number of elements
43 |
44 | if n>1
45 |
46 | % set up percent values and interpolate
47 |
48 | xi=transp(100.*([1:n]-0.5)/n);
49 | y=interp1q(xi,x,p);
50 |
51 | % fill in high and low values
52 |
53 | y(p<xi(1),:)=repmat(x(1,:),nnz(p<xi(1)),1);
54 | y(p>xi(n),:)=repmat(x(n,:),nnz(p>xi(n)),1);
55 |
56 | % if one value, just copy it
57 |
58 | elseif n==1
59 | y=repmat(x(1,:),length(p),1);
60 |
61 | % if no values, use NaN
62 |
63 | else
64 | y=repmat(NaN,size(p,1),size(x,2));
65 | end
66 |
67 | else
68 |
69 | % must loop over columns, since number of elements could be different
70 |
71 | y=zeros(size(p,1),size(x,2));
72 | for j=1:size(x,2)
73 |
74 | % remove any NaN and recursively call column
75 |
76 | y(:,j)=prctile_issm(x(~isnan(x(:,j)),j),p);
77 | end
78 | end
79 |
80 | if (min(xsize)==1 && xsize(dim)>1 && psize(2)>1) || ...
81 | (min(xsize)> 1 && dim==2)
82 | y=transp(y);
83 | end
84 | end
85 |
86 | end
87 |