1 | function plot_gridded(md,data,options,plotlines,plotcols,i)
2 | %PLOT_OVERLAY - superimpose radar image to a given field
3 | %
4 | % Usage:
5 | % plot_gridded(md,options,plotlines,plotcols,i)
6 | %
7 | % See also: PLOTMODEL
8 |
9 | %process mesh and data
10 | [x y z elements is2d isplanet]=processmesh(md,[],options);
11 | [data datatype]=processdata(md,data,options);
12 |
13 | %check is2d
14 | if ~is2d,
15 | error('buildgridded error message: gridded not supported for 3d meshes, project on a layer');
16 | end
17 |
18 | %Get xlim and ylim (used to extract radar image)
19 | xlim=getfieldvalue(options,'xlim',[min(x) max(x)]);
20 | ylim=getfieldvalue(options,'ylim',[min(y) max(y)]);
21 | post=getfieldvalue(options,'posting',diff(xlim)/1000);
22 |
23 | %Interpolating data on grid
24 | [x_m y_m data_grid]=InterpFromMeshToGrid(elements,x,y,data,xlim(1),ylim(2),post,post,round(diff(ylim)/post),round(diff(xlim)/post),NaN);
25 | if size(data_grid,1)<3 | size(data_grid,2)<3,
26 | error('data_grid size too small in plot_gridded, check posting and units');
27 | end
28 |
29 | %Get and change colormap
30 | map = getcolormap(options);
31 | lenmap = size(map,1);
32 | map = [1 1 1; map];
33 | options=changefieldvalue(options,'colormap',map);
34 |
35 | %Process data_grid: add white in NaN and correct caxis accordingly
36 | if exist(options,'caxis'),
37 | caxis_opt=getfieldvalue(options,'caxis');
38 | data_grid(find(data_grid<caxis_opt(1)))=caxis_opt(1);
39 | data_grid(find(data_grid>caxis_opt(2)))=caxis_opt(2);
40 | data_min=caxis_opt(1);
41 | data_max=caxis_opt(2);
42 | else
43 | data_min=min(data_grid(:));
44 | data_max=max(data_grid(:));
45 | end
46 | options = changefieldvalue(options,'cbYLim',[data_min data_max]);
47 | white = data_min - (data_max-data_min)/(lenmap);
48 | options = changefieldvalue(options,'caxis',[white data_max]);
49 | data_grid(isnan(data_grid))=white;
50 |
51 | %Select plot area
52 | subplotmodel(plotlines,plotcols,i,options);
53 |
54 | %shading interp;
55 | if exist(options,'forcecolormap'),
56 | image_rgb = ind2rgb(uint16((data_grid - data_min)*(length(map)/(data_max-data_min))),map);
57 | h=imagesc(xlim,ylim,image_rgb);
58 | else
59 | h=imagesc(xlim,ylim,data_grid);
60 | end
61 | axis xy
62 |
63 | %last step: mesh gridded?
64 | if exist(options,'edgecolor'),
65 | A=elements(:,1); B=elements(:,2); C=elements(:,3);
66 | patch('Faces',[A B C],'Vertices', [x y z],'FaceVertexCData',data_grid(1)*ones(size(x)),'FaceColor','none','EdgeColor',getfieldvalue(options,'edgecolor'));
67 | end
68 |
69 | %Apply options
70 | applyoptions(md,data,options);