1 | function plot_gridded(md,data,options,plotlines,plotcols,i)
2 | %PLOT_OVERLAY - superimpose radar image to a given field
3 | %
4 | % Usage:
5 | % plot_gridded(md,options,plotlines,plotcols,i)
6 | %
7 | % See also: PLOTMODEL
8 |
9 | %process mesh and data
10 | [x y z elements is2d isplanet]=processmesh(md,[],options);
11 | [data datatype]=processdata(md,data,options);
12 |
13 | islevelset = exist(options,'levelset');
14 | if islevelset
15 | levelset = getfieldvalue(options,'levelset');
16 | options2 = copy(options);
17 | options2.removefield('caxis',false);
18 | options2.removefield('log',false);
19 | [levelset datatype]=processdata(md,levelset,options2);
20 | end
21 |
22 | %check is2d
23 | if ~is2d,
24 | error('buildgridded error message: gridded not supported for 3d meshes, project on a layer');
25 | end
26 |
27 | %Get xlim and ylim (used to extract radar image)
28 | xlim=getfieldvalue(options,'xlim',[min(x) max(x)]);
29 | ylim=getfieldvalue(options,'ylim',[min(y) max(y)]);
30 |
31 | isAxis = exist(options, 'axis');
32 | if isAxis
33 | myaxis = getfieldvalue(options,'axis');
34 | if ~ischar(myaxis)
35 | xlim = [myaxis(1), myaxis(2)];
36 | ylim = [myaxis(3), myaxis(4)];
37 | end
38 | end
39 |
40 | postx=getfieldvalue(options,'posting',diff(xlim)/1000);
41 | posty=getfieldvalue(options,'posting',diff(ylim)/1000);
42 |
43 | %Interpolating data on grid
44 | x_m = xlim(1):postx:xlim(2);
45 | y_m = ylim(1):posty:ylim(2);
46 | data_grid=InterpFromMeshToGrid(elements,x,y,data,x_m,y_m,NaN);
47 | data_grid_save = data_grid;
48 | if size(data_grid,1)<3 | size(data_grid,2)<3,
49 | error('data_grid size too small in plot_gridded, check posting and units');
50 | end
51 |
52 | %Mask values if levelset>0
53 | if islevelset
54 | ls_grid=InterpFromMeshToGrid(elements,x,y,levelset,x_m,y_m,NaN);
55 | data_grid(ls_grid>0) = NaN;
56 | end
57 |
58 | %Process data_grid: add white in NaN and correct caxis accordingly
59 | [data_nani data_nanj]=find(isnan(data_grid) | data_grid==-9999);
60 | if exist(options,'caxis'),
61 | caxis_opt=getfieldvalue(options,'caxis');
62 | data_grid(find(data_grid<caxis_opt(1)))=caxis_opt(1);
63 | data_grid(find(data_grid>caxis_opt(2)))=caxis_opt(2);
64 | data_min=caxis_opt(1);
65 | data_max=caxis_opt(2);
66 | else
67 | data_min=min(data_grid(:));
68 | data_max=max(data_grid(:));
69 | end
70 |
71 | %Select plot area
72 | subplotmodel(plotlines,plotcols,i,options);
73 |
74 | %shading interp;
75 | map = getcolormap(options);
76 | image_rgb = ind2rgb(uint16((data_grid - data_min)*(length(map)/(data_max-data_min))),map);
77 | if exist(options,'shaded'),
78 |
79 | if exist(options,'dem'),
80 | dem_grid=InterpFromMeshToGrid(elements,x,y,getfieldvalue(options,'dem'),x_m,y_m,NaN);
81 | else
82 | dem_grid=data_grid_save;
83 | end
84 | a = -45;
85 | scut = 0.2;
86 | c = 1;
87 | % computes lighting from elevation gradient
88 | [fx,fy] = gradient(dem_grid,x_m,y_m);
89 | fxy = -fx*sind(a) - fy*cosd(a);
90 | clear fx fy % free some memory...
91 | fxy(isnan(fxy)) = 0;
92 |
93 | % computes maximum absolute gradient (median-style), normalizes, saturates and duplicates in 3-D matrix
94 | r = repmat(max(min(fxy/nmedian(abs(fxy),1 - scut/100),1),-1),[1,1,3]);
95 |
96 | % applies contrast using exponent
97 | rp = (1 - abs(r)).^c;
98 | image_rgb = image_rgb.*rp;
99 |
100 | % lighter for positive gradient
101 | k = find(r > 0);
102 | image_rgb(k) = image_rgb(k) + (1 - rp(k));
103 | end
104 |
105 | % set novalues / NaN to black color
106 | if ~isempty(data_nani)
107 | nancolor=getfieldvalue(options,'nancolor',[1 1 1]);
108 | image_rgb(sub2ind(size(image_rgb),repmat(data_nani,1,3),repmat(data_nanj,1,3),repmat(1:3,size(data_nani,1),1))) = repmat(nancolor,size(data_nani,1),1);
109 | end
110 |
111 | %plot grid
112 | h=imagesc(xlim,ylim,image_rgb);
113 | axis xy
114 |
115 | %last step: mesh gridded?
116 | if exist(options,'edgecolor'),
117 | A=elements(:,1); B=elements(:,2); C=elements(:,3);
118 | patch('Faces',[A B C],'Vertices', [x y z],'FaceVertexCData',data_grid(1)*ones(size(x)),'FaceColor','none','EdgeColor',getfieldvalue(options,'edgecolor'));
119 | end
120 |
121 | %Apply options
122 | if ~isnan(data_min) & ~isinf(data_min),
123 | options=changefieldvalue(options,'caxis',[data_min data_max]); % force caxis so that the colorbar is ready
124 | end
125 | options=addfielddefault(options,'axis','xy equal'); % default axis
126 | applyoptions(md,data,options);
127 |
128 | function y = nmedian(x,n)
129 | %NMEDIAN Generalized median filter
130 | % NMEDIAN(X,N) sorts elemets of X and returns N-th value (N normalized).
131 | % So:
132 | % N = 0 is minimum value
133 | % N = 0.5 is median value
134 | % N = 1 is maximum value
135 |
136 | if nargin < 2
137 | n = 0.5;
138 | end
139 | y = sort(x(:));
140 | y = interp1(sort(y),n*(length(y)-1) + 1);