1 | #!/bin/bash
2 | set -eu
3 |
4 |
5 | ## Constants
6 | #
7 | VER="6.2"
8 |
9 | PREFIX="${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/dakota/install" # Set to location where external package should be installed
10 |
11 | # Find libgfortran so that we do not have to hardcode it.
12 | #
13 | # TODO:
14 | # - Move this to etc/environment.sh
15 | #
16 | LIBGFORTRAN=$(find /usr -name libgfortran* 2>/dev/null | egrep -n libgfortran.a | egrep -v i386 | sed "s/[0-9]*://g" | head -1)
18 |
19 | ## Environment
20 | #
21 | export BLAS_LIBS="-L${BLAS_ROOT}/lib -lfblas -L${LIBGFORTRAN_ROOT} -lgfortran" # Need to export BLAS_LIBS *and* pass it as an option to CMake to ensure that external packages also find it
22 | export DAK_BUILD=${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/dakota/build # DO NOT CHANGE THIS
24 | export DAK_SRC=${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/dakota/src # DO NOT CHANGE THIS
25 | export LAPACK_LIBS="-L${LAPACK_ROOT}/lib -lflapack -L${LIBGFORTRAN_ROOT} -lgfortran" # Need to export LAPACK_LIBS *and* pass it as an option to CMake to ensure that external packages also find it
26 |
27 | # Cleanup
28 | rm -rf ${DAK_BUILD} ${DAK_INSTALL} ${DAK_SRC}
29 | mkdir -p ${DAK_BUILD} ${DAK_INSTALL} ${DAK_SRC}
30 |
31 | # Download source
32 | ${ISSM_DIR}/scripts/DownloadExternalPackage.sh "https://issm.ess.uci.edu/files/externalpackages/dakota-${VER}-public.src.tar.gz" "dakota-${VER}-public-src.tar.gz"
33 |
34 | # Unpack source
35 | tar -zxvf dakota-${VER}-public-src.tar.gz
36 |
37 | # Move source to 'src' directory
38 | mv dakota-${VER}.0.src/* ${DAK_SRC}
39 | rm -rf dakota-${VER}.0.src
40 |
41 | # Copy customized source and configuration files to 'src' directory
42 | cp configs/${VER}/packages/DDACE/src/Analyzer/MainEffectsExcelOutput.cpp ${DAK_SRC}/packages/DDACE/src/Analyzer
43 | cp configs/${VER}/packages/queso/src/misc/src/1DQuadrature.C ${DAK_SRC}/packages/queso/src/misc/src
44 | cp configs/${VER}/packages/surfpack/src/surfaces/nkm/NKM_KrigingModel.cpp ${DAK_SRC}/packages/surfpack/src/surfaces/nkm
45 | cp configs/${VER}/packages/VPISparseGrid/src/sandia_rules.cpp ${DAK_SRC}/packages/VPISparseGrid/src
46 | cp configs/${VER}/src/DakotaInterface.cpp ${DAK_SRC}/src
47 | cp configs/${VER}/src/NonDLocalReliability.cpp ${DAK_SRC}/src
48 | cp configs/${VER}/src/NonDSampling.cpp ${DAK_SRC}/src
49 |
50 | # Copy customized source and configuration files specific to Mac to 'src' directory
51 | cp configs/${VER}/mac/cmake/BuildDakotaCustom.cmake ${DAK_SRC}/cmake
52 | cp configs/${VER}/mac/cmake/DakotaDev.cmake ${DAK_SRC}/cmake
53 | cp configs/${VER}/mac/cmake/InstallDarwinDylibs.cmake ${DAK_SRC}/cmake
54 |
55 | # Disable requirement of Python 2 for TriBITS
56 | sed -i'' -e 's|SET(PythonInterp_FIND_VERSION|#SET(PythonInterp_FIND_VERSION|' ${DAK_SRC}/packages/teuchos/cmake/tribits/package_arch/TribitsFindPythonInterp.cmake
57 |
58 | # Configure
59 | cd ${DAK_BUILD}
60 | cmake \
63 | -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${MPI_HOME}/bin/mpicc \
64 | -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${MPI_HOME}/bin/mpicxx \
65 | -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-fdelayed-template-parsing" \
67 | -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=${MPI_HOME}/bin/mpif77 \
73 | -C${DAK_SRC}/cmake/BuildDakotaCustom.cmake \
74 | -C${DAK_SRC}/cmake/DakotaDev.cmake \
75 | ${DAK_SRC}
76 |
77 | # Compile and install
78 | if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
79 | make
80 | make install
81 | else
82 | make -j $1
83 | make -j $1 install
84 | fi
85 |
86 | cd ${DAK_INSTALL}
87 |
88 | # Comment out definition of HAVE_MPI in Teuchos config header file in order to
89 | # avoid conflict with our definition
90 | sed -i -e "s/#define HAVE_MPI/\/* #define HAVE_MPI *\//g" include/Teuchos_config.h
91 |
92 | # Set install_name for all shared libraries
93 | cd ${DAK_INSTALL}/lib
94 | for name in *.dylib; do
95 | install_name_tool -id ${DAK_INSTALL}/lib/${name} ${name}
96 | done
97 |
98 | ## Patch install names for certain libraries
99 | #
100 | # TODO: Figure out how to reconfigure source to apply these install names at compile time
101 | #
102 | install_name_tool -change libdakota_src_fortran.dylib ${DAK_INSTALL}/lib/libdakota_src_fortran.dylib libdakota_src.dylib
103 | install_name_tool -change liblhs_mod.dylib ${DAK_INSTALL}/lib/liblhs_mod.dylib liblhs.dylib
104 | install_name_tool -change liblhs_mods.dylib ${DAK_INSTALL}/lib/liblhs_mods.dylib liblhs.dylib
105 | install_name_tool -change liblhs_mod.dylib ${DAK_INSTALL}/lib/liblhs_mod.dylib liblhs_mods.dylib
106 | install_name_tool -change libteuchos.dylib ${DAK_INSTALL}/lib/libteuchos.dylib liboptpp.dylib
107 | install_name_tool -change libdfftpack.dylib ${DAK_INSTALL}/lib/libdfftpack.dylib libpecos.dylib
108 | install_name_tool -change liblhs.dylib ${DAK_INSTALL}/lib/liblhs.dylib libpecos.dylib
109 | install_name_tool -change liblhs_mod.dylib ${DAK_INSTALL}/lib/liblhs_mod.dylib libpecos.dylib
110 | install_name_tool -change liblhs_mods.dylib ${DAK_INSTALL}/lib/liblhs_mods.dylib libpecos.dylib
111 | install_name_tool -change libpecos_src.dylib ${DAK_INSTALL}/lib/libpecos_src.dylib libpecos.dylib
112 | install_name_tool -change libteuchos.dylib ${DAK_INSTALL}/lib/libteuchos.dylib libpecos.dylib
113 | install_name_tool -change libdfftpack.dylib ${DAK_INSTALL}/lib/libdfftpack.dylib libpecos_src.dylib
114 | install_name_tool -change liblhs.dylib ${DAK_INSTALL}/lib/liblhs.dylib libpecos_src.dylib
115 | install_name_tool -change liblhs_mod.dylib ${DAK_INSTALL}/lib/liblhs_mod.dylib libpecos_src.dylib
116 | install_name_tool -change liblhs_mods.dylib ${DAK_INSTALL}/lib/liblhs_mods.dylib libpecos_src.dylib
117 | install_name_tool -change libteuchos.dylib ${DAK_INSTALL}/lib/libteuchos.dylib libpecos_src.dylib
118 | install_name_tool -change libsurfpack_fortran.dylib ${DAK_INSTALL}/lib/libsurfpack_fortran.dylib libsurfpack.dylib