wadewei justinquinn Hi Justin, I would like to join the Slack workspace as well, could you update the link? Thanks!
Chao_Jiang justinquinn Hi Justin, I'm also interested in the Slack workspace but the above link has been expired. Could you please update the link? Thanks for your time!
TirthankarGhosh Hi! I am interested to be a part of the ISSM slack community. Need an invitation to join.
justinquinn TirthankarGhosh The link has been updated. Please let us know if you have any issues signing up. Welcome!
mtetley Hi Justin, we are just starting to work with ISSM here at ACCESS-NRI at ANU in Canberra and would like to join the Slack workspace if possible please. Can you please send me an invitation to join with a non-jpl.nasa.gov email address? Thanks!