== Getting an account == First, you need to send an email to Mathieu and request an account. == ssh configuration == You can add the following lines to `~/.ssh/config` on your local machine: {{{ #!sh Host ronne ronne.ics.uci.edu HostName ronne.ics.uci.edu User YOURRONNEUSERNAME }}} and replace `YOURRONNEUSERNAME ` by your ronne username. Once this is done, you can ssh ronne by simply doing: {{{ #!sh ssh ronne }}} == Password-less ssh == Once you have the account, you can setup a public key authentification in order to avoid having to input your password for each run. You need to have a SSH public/private key pair. If you do not, you can create a SSH public/private key pair by typing the following command and following the prompts (no passphrase necessary): {{{ #!sh $your_localhost% ssh-keygen -t rsa Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/username/.ssh/id_rsa):RETURN Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):RETURN Enter same passphrase again:RETURN Your identification has been saved in /Users/username/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /Users/username/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. }}} Two files were created: your private key `/Users/username/.ssh/id_rsa`, and the public key `/Users/username/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`. The private key is read-only and only for you, it is used to decrypt all correspondence encrypted with the public key. The contents of the public key need to be copied to `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` on your ronne account: {{{ #!sh $your_localhost%scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub username@your_remosthost:~ }}} Now on '''ronne''', copy the content of id_rsa.pub: {{{ #!sh $your_remosthost%cat ~/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys $your_remosthost%rm ~/id_rsa.pub }}} == Environment == On ronne, add the following lines to `~/.bashrc`: {{{ #!sh export ISSM_DIR=PATHTOTRUNK source $ISSM_DIR/etc/environment.sh #MATLAB alias alias ma='matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r "addpath $ISSM_DIR/src/m/dev; devpath;"' }}} In order to source `~/.bashrc` on startup, create `~/.bash_profile`, and add the following lines: {{{ if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc fi }}} ''Log out and log back in'' to apply this change. == Installing ISSM on Ronne == You can follow the instructions on the website [http://issm.jpl.nasa.gov/download/unix/]. Choose Petsc v3.12 or later. You should not need Python. Use the following configuration script (adapt to your needs): {{{ #!sh ./configure \ --prefix=$ISSM_DIR \ --without-kml \ --with-matlab-dir="/usr/local/matlab-8.1/" \ --with-triangle-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/triangle/install \ --with-metis-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/petsc/install \ --with-petsc-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/petsc/install \ --with-mpi-include=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/petsc/install/include \ --with-mpi-libflags="-L$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/petsc/install/lib -lmpi -lmpicxx -lmpifort"\ --with-blas-lapack-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/petsc/install \ --with-scalapack-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/petsc/install/ \ --with-mumps-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/petsc/install/ \ --with-m1qn3-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/m1qn3/install \ --with-numthreads=32 \ --enable-development \ --enable-debugging }}} == Python and Openssh == In order to install gdal, you need to install the python from the externalpackages. Once that is done, unset the PYTHON-related variables in etc/environment.sh, because this python installation causes future issues with other packages, e.g. PETSC. == Installing ISSM with CoDiPack (AD) == You will need to install the following additional packages: - codipack - medipack - gsl Use the following configuration script (adapt to your needs, make sure to NOT include --with-petsc-dir): {{{ #!sh ./configure \ --prefix=$ISSM_DIR \ --without-kml \ --without-kriging \ --without-GiaIvins \ --without-Love \ --with-triangle-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/triangle/install \ --with-matlab-dir="/Applications/MATLAB_R2019b.app/" \ --with-mpi-include=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/petsc/install/include \ --with-mpi-libflags="-L$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/petsc/install/lib -lmpi -lmpicxx -lmpifort -llapack -lblas"\ --with-mpi-include="$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/mpich/install/include" \ --with-gsl-dir="$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/gsl/install" \ --with-proj4-dir="$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/proj.4/install" \ --with-scalapack-dir="$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/petsc/install/" \ --with-mumps-dir="$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/petsc/install/" \ --with-metis-dir="$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/petsc/install/" \ --with-m1qn3-dir="$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/m1qn3/install" \ --with-numthreads=16\ --enable-debugging \ --enable-development \ --with-medipack-dir="$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/medipack/install" \ --with-codipack-dir="$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/codipack/install" \ --enable-tape-alloc }}}