71 | | 3. If you are modifying source code and have previously built ISSM locally successfully, you should only need to run batch 6 which simply compiles the source code (and doesn't recompile all the dependencies). |
| 71 | 3. Once you've successfully built ISSM, the batch script will look slightly different: |
| 72 | ------ |
| 73 | #PBS -N JOBNAME [[BR]] |
| 74 | #PBS -A GT-arobel3-atlas[[BR]] |
| 75 | #PBS -o output.$PBS_JOBID[[BR]] |
| 76 | #PBS -j oe[[BR]] |
| 77 | #PBS -l nodes=NNODES:ppn=NPROC[[BR]] |
| 78 | #PBS -l walltime=DAYS:HOURS:MINS:00[[BR]] |
| 79 | |
| 81 | cd $ISSMROOT |
| 82 | module purge |
| 83 | module load matlab |
| 84 | module load intel/19.0.5 |
| 85 | module load mvapich2/2.3.2 |
| 86 | source $PBS_O_WORKDIR/../../etc/environment.sh |
| 87 | |
| 88 | matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r "NAMEOFSCRIPT; exit"[[BR]] |
| 89 | ------ |
| 90 | |
| 91 | 4. If you are modifying source code and have previously built ISSM locally successfully, you should only need to run batch 6 which simply compiles the source code (and doesn't recompile all the dependencies). |