35 | | #PBS -N JOBNAME |
36 | | #PBS -A GT-arobel3-atlas |
37 | | #PBS -o output.$PBS_JOBID |
38 | | #PBS -j oe |
39 | | #PBS -l nodes=NNODES:ppn=NPROC |
40 | | #PBS -l walltime=DAYS:HOURS:MINS:00 |
41 | | |
42 | | cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR |
43 | | module purge |
44 | | module load intel/19.0.3 |
45 | | module load issm/4.16 |
46 | | source $ISSMROOT/etc/environment.sh |
47 | | |
48 | | matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r "NAMEOFSCRIPT; exit" |
| 35 | #PBS -N JOBNAME <br /> |
| 36 | #PBS -A GT-arobel3-atlas<br /> |
| 37 | #PBS -o output.$PBS_JOBID<br /> |
| 38 | #PBS -j oe<br /> |
| 39 | #PBS -l nodes=NNODES:ppn=NPROC<br /> |
| 40 | #PBS -l walltime=DAYS:HOURS:MINS:00<br /> |
| 41 | <br /> |
| 42 | cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR<br /> |
| 43 | module purge<br /> |
| 44 | module load intel/19.0.3<br /> |
| 45 | module load issm/4.16<br /> |
| 46 | source $ISSMROOT/etc/environment.sh<br /> |
| 47 | <br /> |
| 48 | matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r "NAMEOFSCRIPT; exit"<br /> |
50 | | In this script, the only things that should be changed are lines 1, 5, 6, 14. |
51 | | |
52 | | (Line 1) JOBNAME is just the name of the job you pick (whatever you like) in the scheduler system. |
53 | | |
54 | | (Line 5) NNODES indicates the number of nodes and NPROC indicates the number of processors on each node to use. For very simple jobs, both can be 1. For more intensive jobs NNODES=1 and NPROC can be up to 28 (on the typical node architecture of phoenix). For very computationally intensive jobs, you can use more than one node, but talk to Alex first. |
55 | | |
56 | | (Line 6) The maximum time to allocate for the job is specified here in units of DAYS:HOURS:MINS:00. The phoenix cluster has a maximum walltime of 21 days. |
57 | | |
58 | | (Line 14) NAMEOFSCRIPT is the file name of the MATLAB script that you are using to run ISSM. |
59 | | |
| 50 | In this script, the only things that should be changed are lines 1, 5, 6, 14.<br /> |
| 51 | <br /> |
| 52 | (Line 1) JOBNAME is just the name of the job you pick (whatever you like) in the scheduler system.<br /> |
| 53 | <br /> |
| 54 | (Line 5) NNODES indicates the number of nodes and NPROC indicates the number of processors on each node to use. For very simple jobs, both can be 1. For more intensive jobs NNODES=1 and NPROC can be up to 28 (on the typical node architecture of phoenix). For very computationally intensive jobs, you can use more than one node, but talk to Alex first.<br /> |
| 55 | <br /> |
| 56 | (Line 6) The maximum time to allocate for the job is specified here in units of DAYS:HOURS:MINS:00. The phoenix cluster has a maximum walltime of 21 days.<br /> |
| 57 | <br /> |
| 58 | (Line 14) NAMEOFSCRIPT is the file name of the MATLAB script that you are using to run ISSM.<br /> |
| 59 | <br /> |