Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of pace

01/13/21 08:01:26 (4 years ago)



  • pace

    v1 v1  
     1== Getting an account ==
     3You can request an account on PACE by emailing However, it is typically easier to just email Alex, since he will have to email PACE Support to get you the correct permissions for the steps below.
     5== Running ISSM (Standard install) on PACE ==
     8How to run ISSM using the standard module on PACE (ISSM 4.16 as of 1-7-2021)
     10ISSM has been built on the PACE cluster at CODA as a module. This means that it is already "installed" and can be used by any PACE user without needing to configure anything (except what is needed for the specific simulation). A user with privileges in the eas-robel group can follow these directions:
     12To run ISSM from the standard install on PACE requires a batch script, the MATLAB ISSM run script, and any input files that ISSM requires.
     141. In the Ice & Climate group shared directory, there is a test script including the correct input files and batch file that can be copied (PLEASE DON'T MIDFY THIS IN THE SHARED DIRECTORY) to your personal directory and run to learn how ISSM is run.
     16(a) To copy these files to your home directory, run the following commands:
     18cd ~
     19mkdir ISSM
     20cd ISSM
     21cp /storage/coda1/p-arobel3/0/shared/ISSM/ISSMintro/* .
     23(b) Then to run the test script on PACE, run the following command:
     25qsub batch_issm.pbs
     27(c) You can check the status of the run using the following command:
     29qstat -u YOURPACEUSERNAME
     31(d) An output text file should be created in the same directory as the batch file. You can have a quick look at the status of the run (which ISSM should output) using vi or less.
     332. For other non-test ISSM runs, the batch script should generally look like:
     35#PBS -N JOBNAME
     36#PBS -A GT-arobel3-atlas
     37#PBS -o output.$PBS_JOBID
     38#PBS -j oe
     39#PBS -l nodes=NNODES:ppn=NPROC
     40#PBS -l walltime=DAYS:HOURS:MINS:00
     42cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR
     43module purge
     44module load intel/19.0.3
     45module load issm/4.16
     46source $ISSMROOT/etc/
     48matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r "NAMEOFSCRIPT; exit"
     50In this script, the only things that should be changed are lines 1, 5, 6, 14.
     52(Line 1) JOBNAME is just the name of the job you pick (whatever you like) in the scheduler system.
     54(Line 5) NNODES indicates the number of nodes and NPROC indicates the number of processors on each node to use. For very simple jobs, both can be 1. For more intensive jobs NNODES=1 and NPROC can be up to 28 (on the typical node architecture of phoenix). For very computationally intensive jobs, you can use more than one node, but talk to Alex first.
     56(Line 6) The maximum time to allocate for the job is specified here in units of DAYS:HOURS:MINS:00. The phoenix cluster has a maximum walltime of 21 days.
     58(Line 14) NAMEOFSCRIPT is the file name of the MATLAB script that you are using to run ISSM.
     60For more details on how to specify jobs on the PACE phoenix cluster see here: