Sometimes we want to submit multiple jobs with a parameter that changes value. Here is how you can do that for basal friction changing from 50 to 100 by increments of 1 (as an example). We are going to use a variable in the MATLAB workspace called `friction` that will be changing within a loop. In your `runme.m` script, prepare your step with a dynamic step name: {{{ #!m %Do we need to submit the job or download the results? loadonly = 0; if perform(org,['FrictionTest_' num2str(friction) ]) loadmodel(org,'PreviousStepName'); %Change friction according to friction variable md.friction.coefficient = friction; %Make sure jobs are submitted without MATLAB waiting for the results, and job name is unique md.settings.waitonlock = 0; = ['FrictionTest_' num2str(friction) ]; %Submit job or download results, make sure that there is no runtime name (that includes the date) md=solve(md,'Transient','runtimename',false,'loadonly',loadonly); %Save model if necessary if loadonly, savemodel(org,md); end }}} Now, to submit jobs, set `loadonly = 0` and launch your jobs: {{{ #!m for friction=50:100 runme; end }}} Once all the jobs are fully completed, you can set `loadonly = 1` and run the same loop, all the results will be downloaded and the model will be saved with a unique name. Good luck!