Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of instruments

07/01/16 17:10:39 (8 years ago)



  • instruments

    v6 v7  
    9595=== Invert Call Tree ===
    96 This is probably the most important option you can enable if you want to find the most time-consuming functions. Within the call tree there is a `running time` column and a `self time` column. The running time displays a total running time for that function, including other functions that are called from that specific function. The self time will displays how much time is actually spent inside the function, excluding other function calls.
     96This is probably the most important option you can enable if you want to find the most time-consuming functions. Within the call tree there is a `running time` column and a `self time` column. The running time displays a total running time for that function, including other functions that are called from that specific function. The self time displays how much time is actually spent inside the function, excluding other function calls.
    9898This concept can be better understood using the following example: If `functionA()` spends 200ms before calling `functionB()`, and `functionB()` takes 400ms, then `functionA()` will have a running time of 600ms while `functionB()` only has a running time of 400ms. This makes it seem like `functionA()` takes the most time, but in reality `functionB()` is actually the slowest function. With invert call tree on we examine leaves of the call tree. This means that functions which do not call other functions are shown first. With this setting on, sorting by run time actually displays the correct run time and therefore gives us a better idea of what we can optimize.