Old field | New field | Remarks
adaptative_cfl | | DELETED
adjacency | qmu.adjacency |
alloc_cleanup | | DELETED
artificial_diffusivity | prognostic.stabilization | One stabilization per type of solution
artificial_diffusivity | thermal.stabilization | One stabilization per type of solution
artificial_diffusivity | balancethickness.stabilization | One stabilization per type of solution
bamg | private.bamg |
basal_melting_rate | basalforcings.melting_rate |
basal_melting_rate_correction | basalforcings.melting_rate_correction |
basal_melting_rate_correction_apply | | DELETED (set field as 0 instead)
bathymetry | geometry.bathymetry |
bed | geometry.bed |
bed_slopex | | DELETED (moved to results)
bed_slopey | | DELETED (moved to results)
beta | materials.beta |
borderstokes | | DELETED
cfl_coefficient | timestepping.cfl_coefficient |
cluster | cluster |
cm_gradient | inversion.gradient_only |
cm_jump | inversion.step_threshold |
cm_max | inversion.max_parameters |
cm_min | inversion.min_parameters |
cm_responses | inversion.cost_functions |
connectivity | connectivity |
control_analysis | inversion.iscontrol |
control_type | inversion.control_parameters | cell of string: {'Dragcoefficient'}
counter | | DELETED
dakotadat | | DELETED
dakotain | | DELETED
dakotaout | | DELETED
dakotaresults | qmu.results |
deltaH | | DELETED
DeltaH | | DELETED
DeltaT | | DELETED
deltaT | | DELETED
deviatoricstress | | DELETED (moved to results)
dhdt | balancethickness.thickening_rate |
diagnostic_ref | diagnostic.referential |
dim | dim |
domainoutline | | DELETED
drag_coefficient | friction.coefficient |
drag_p | friction.p |
drag_q | friction.q |
drag_type | | DELETED
dt | timestepping.time_step |
dummy | miscellaneous.dummy |
edges | edges |
element_debug | | DELETED
element_debugid | | DELETED
elementconnectivity | mesh.elementconnectivity |
elementonbed | elementonbed |
elementonhutter | | DELETED
elementonicesheet | mask.elementongroundedice |
elementoniceshelf | mask.elementonfloatingice |
elementonmacayeal | | DELETED
elementonpattyn | | DELETED
elementonstokes | | DELETED
elementonsurface | elementonsurface |
elementonwater | mask.elementonwater |
elements | elements |
elements2d | elements2d |
elements_type | flowequation.element_equation | new numbering
elements_type2d | | DELETED
eps_abs | diagnostic.abstol |
eps_cm | inversion.cost_function_threshold |
eps_rel | diagnostic.reltol |
eps_rel | steadystate.reltol | One convergence criterion per type of solution
eps_res | diagnostic.restol |
epsvel | | DELETED
errlog | | moved to results
extractedelements | extractedelements |
extractednodes | extractednodes |
extrusionexponent | | DELETED
firn_layer | | DELETED
fm_criterion | flaim.criterion |
fm_flightreqs | flaim.flightreqs |
fm_gridsatequator | flaim.gridsatequator |
fm_quality | flaim.quality |
fm_solution | flaim.solution |
fm_split_antimeridian | flaim.split_antimeridian |
fm_tracks | flaim.tracks |
fm_usevalueordering | flaim.usevalueordering |
forcings | | DELETED
g | g |
geothermalflux | basalforcings.geothermalflux |
gprof | debug.gprof |
groundingline_melting_rate | groundingline.melting_rate |
groundingline_migration | groundingline.migration | no more enums, strings instead i.e. 'SoftMigration',...
heatcapacity | materials.heatcapacity |
hemisphere | hemisphere |
hydro_CR | hydrology.CR |
hydro_kn | hydrology.kn |
hydro_n | hydrology.n |
hydro_p | hydrology.p |
hydro_q | hydrology.q |
hydrostatic_adjustment | prognostic.hydrostatic_adjustment |
icesheetoutline | | DELETED
iceshelfoutline | | DELETED
inputfilename | | DELETED
io_gather | settings.io_gather |
isdiagnostic | transient.isdiagnostic |
ishutter | flowequation.ishutter |
ismacayealpattyn | flowequation.ismacayealpattyn |
isprognostic | transient.isprognostic |
isstokes | flowequation.isstokes |
isthermal | transient.isthermal |
lat | lat |
latentheat | materials.latentheat |
loadresults | | DELETED (now an option of solve.m)
long | long |
lowerelements | mesh.lowerelements |
lowernodes | mesh.lowernodes |
lowmem | settings.lowmem |
mask | | DELETED
max_nonlinear_iterations | diagnostic.maxiter |
max_nonlinear_iterations | thermal.maxiter | One maxiter per type of solution
max_steadystate_iterations | steadystate.maxiter |
maxiter | inversion.maxiter_per_step |
meanvel | | DELETED
meltingpoint | meltingpoint |
mem_debug | debug.valgrind |
memoryleaks | memoryleaks |
mesh_domainoutline | | DELETED
mesh_resolution | | DELETED
mesh_riftoutline | | DELETED
min_mechanical_constraints | diagnostic.rift_penalty_threshold |
min_thermal_constraints | thermal.penalty_threshold |
minh | minh |
mixed_layer_capacity | materials.mixed_layer_capacity |
name | miscellaneous.name |
ndt | timestepping.final_time |
nodeconnectivity | mesh.nodeconnectivity |
nodeonbed | nodeonbed |
nodeonboundary | nodeonboundary |
nodeonhutter | | DELETED
nodeonicesheet | mask.vertexongroundedice |
nodeoniceshelf | mask.vertexonfloatingice |
nodeonmacayeal | flowequation.bordermacayeal |
nodeonpattyn | flowequation.borderpattyn |
nodeonstokes | flowequation.borderstokes |
nodeonsurface | nodeonsurface |
nodeonwater | mask.vertexonwater |
notes | miscellaneous.notes |
npart | qmu.numberofpartitions |
nsteps | inversion.nsteps |
num_cm_responses | inversion.num_cost_functions |
num_control_type | inversion.num_control_parameters |
numberofelements | numberofelements |
numberofelements2d | numberofelements2d |
numberofnodes | numberofnodes |
numberofnodes2d | numberofnodes2d |
numberofresponses | numberofresponses |
numberofvariables | | DELETED
numlayers | numlayers |
numrifts | rifts.numrifts |
observed_temperature | | DELETED (use temperature field instead)
optscal | inversion.gradient_scaling |
outlog | | moved to results
output_frequency | settings.output_frequency |
outputfilename | | DELETED
parameterfile | | DELETED
part | qmu.partition |
penalties | diagnostic.vertex_pairing |
penalties | prognostic.vertex_pairing | One pairing option per solution
penalty_lock | diagnostic.rift_penalty_lock |
penalty_melting | | DELETED
penalty_offset | diagnostic.penalty_factor |
penalty_offset | thermal.penalty_factor | One factor per type of solution
penalty_offset | prognostic.penalty_factor | One factor per type of solution
petscoptions | solver |
pressure | initialization.pressure |
pressure_elem | | DELETED
pressureload | diagnostic.icefront | no more Enums - 0:Air 1:Water 2:Ice
prognostic_DG | | DELETED (prognostic.stabilization=3 instead)
qmu_analysis | qmu.isqmu |
qmu_mass_flux_profile_directory | qmu.mass_flux_profile_directory |
qmu_mass_flux_profiles | qmu.mass_flux_profiles |
qmu_mass_flux_segments | qmu.mass_flux_segments |
qmu_method | qmu.method |
qmu_params | qmu.params |
qmu_relax | | DELETED
qmu_save_femmodel | | DELETED (debugging feature)
repository | | DELETED (removed the out of core capability)
requested_outputs | diagnostic.requested_outputs | One type of outputs per solution
requested_outputs | prognostic.requested_outputs | One type of outputs per solution
requested_outputs | thermal.requested_outputs | One type of outputs per solution
requested_outputs | balancethickness.requested_outputs | One type of outputs per solution
requested_outputs | steadystate.requested_outputs | One type of outputs per solution
requested_outputs | transient.requested_outputs | One type of outputs per solution
responsedescriptors | qmu.responsedescriptors |
responses | qmu.responses |
results | results |
results_on_vertices | settings.results_on_vertices |
rheology_B | materials.rheology_B |
rheology_law | materials.rheology_law | no more enum: 'None','Paterson','Arrhenius'
rheology_n | materials.rheology_n |
rho_firn | | DELETED
rho_ice | materials.rho_ice |
rho_water | materials.rho_water |
riftinfo | | DELETED
riftoutline | | DELETED
riftproperties | rifts.riftproperties |
rifts | rifts.riftstruct |
runmefile | | DELETED
sarpwr | radaroverlay.pwr |
sarxm | radaroverlay.x |
sarym | radaroverlay.y |
segmentmarkers | segmentmarkers |
segments | segments |
shelf_dampening | shelf_dampening |
solution_type | private.solution_type |
sparsity | | DELETED
spctemperature | thermal.spctemperature |
spcthickness | prognostic.spcthickness | One field per type of solution
spcthickness | balancethickness.spcthickness | One field per type of solution
spcvx | diagnostic.spcvx |
spcvy | diagnostic.spcvy |
spcvz | diagnostic.spcvz |
spcwatercolumn | hydrology.spcwatercolumn |
stabilize_constraints | thermal.penalty_lock |
stokesreconditioning | diagnostic.stokesreconditioning |
strainrate | | DELETED (moved to results)
stress | | DELETED (moved to results)
stress_bed | | DELETED (moved to results)
stress_surface | | DELETED (moved to results)
surface | geometry.surface |
surface_ablation_rate | surfaceforcings.ablation_rate |
surface_accumulation_rate | surfaceforcings.accumulation_rate |
surface_mass_balance | surfaceforcings.mass_balance |
surface_slopex | | DELETED (moved to results)
surface_slopey | | DELETED (moved to results)
thermal_exchange_velocity | materials.thermal_exchange_velocity |
thermalconductivity | materials.thermalconductivity |
thickness | geometry.thickness |
thickness_coeff | geometry.hydrostatic_ratio |
thickness_obs | inversion.thickness_obs |
time_adapt | timestepping.time_adapt |
timeacc | | DELETED
timedec | | DELETED
tolx | tolx |
upperelements | mesh.upperelements |
uppernodes | mesh.uppernodes |
variabledescriptors | qmu.variabledescriptors |
variables | qmu.variables |
vel | vel |
vel_bal | | DELETED
vel_obs | inversion.vel_obs |
vel_obs_raw | | DELETED
verbose | verbose |
vertices_type | flowequation.vertex_equation | new numbering
vertices_type2d | | DELETED
viscosity_overshoot | diagnostic.viscosity_overshoot |
viscousheating | | DELETED
vwgt | qmu.vertex_weight |
vx | initialization.vx |
vx_bal | | DELETED
vx_obs | inversion.vx_obs |
vx_obs_raw | | DELETED
vy | initialization.vy |
vy_bal | | DELETED
vy_obs | inversion.vy_obs |
vy_obs_raw | | DELETED
vz | initialization.vz |
waitonlock | settings.waitonlock |
watercolumn | initialization.watercolumn |
waterfraction | initialization.waterfraction |
wateroutline | | DELETED
weights | inversion.cost_functions_coefficients |
x | x |
x2d | x2d |
y | y |
y2d | y2d |
yts | yts |
z | z |
z2d | | DELETED