Changes between Version 64 and Version 65 of debugging

08/25/10 13:22:51 (14 years ago)
Mathieu Morlighem

updated bug list


  • debugging

    v64 v65  
    4545== Bugs to be fixed ==
    47  - uppernode (field does not work for DG for example) -> Get rid of it. Use only upperelement
    4847 - Update element: node indexing assumes P1 elements!!! (See Penta for example)
    49  - control method: RheologyB is found in inputs but it is a material property
    5048 - SpawnTria assumes that the Penta has 6 nodes and Tria 3. (What if P2?)
    51  - if no nodes in a model -> max_sid++ => same result if 0 or 1 node (in Container/Nodes.cpp l264)
    5249 - Discontinuous Galerkin: Numerical flux is linked to only one element. If Vx and Vy are discontinuous, we need to create 2 numerical flux: One one the right and one on the left to take into account the discontinuity in velocity
    5350 - in updateVertexPosition each vertices is looking for its new z using their VERTICES DOF in a vector built by the elements using their NODES DOFS
    5451 - How to create velocity results from discontinuous velocity (Hutter/MacAyeal create a different velocity at the interface)
    5552 - We should use the depth-averaged velocity of Hutter at the boundary of MacAyeal (in Hutter/MacAyeal models) instead of the velocity on the lower layer
    56  - when do you update B (beginning of thermal steady ? thermal transient ? steadystate ? transient ?) and what temperature do you use (temp ? temp_average ?)
    57  - use temp_average all the time for MacAyeal