== General guidelines == - comment your code (everybody must understand what is being done) - NEVER more than one blank line please! - Align operators vertically to emphasize local program structure and semantics when possible - Do not use excessive blank spaces (especially in equations) == C/C++ == - if/for should follow this: - no space fetween if/for and its statement - If an if/for holds on one line, then do not use brackets - Otherwise, use brackets {{{ #!c for(int i=00.5)` || `np.where(a>0.5)[0]`[[BR]][[BR]]`np.where(a>0.5,a,a)[0]` || find the indices where (a > 0.5)[[BR]][[BR]]When only the {{{condition}}} parameters is provided, this function is a shorthand for `np.asarray(condition).nonzero()`.[[BR]]Further, when working on a 1D array, this array must be passed in as a value for parameters `x` and `y` if the desired output is a single array of indices rather than a tuple of arrays.[[BR]][[BR]]Note as well that `a` must be of type `np.array` (or one of its subclasses): a {{{list}}} will not automatically be cast.[[BR]][[BR]]See also: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.where.html || || `find('cond1'&'cond2')` || `np.where(np.logical_and.reduce(('cond1','cond2'))[0]` || find the indices where `'cond1'` and `'cond2'` are met[[BR]][[BR]]The same protocol can be followed for MATLAB's `|` by instead using `logical_or`.[[BR]][[BR]]More than two conditions may be compounded.|| || `<>{:}` || `<>.flatten()` || Flatten a MATLAB cell array or Python ndarray || == !Variable/Enum/Function Names == - variables should not use capital letters. Use underscores to make variables more understandable. - Function names and enums should not use any underscore. Use capital letters to make names more understandable. Example: {{{ #!c Input* vx_input=GetInput(inputs,VxInput); }}}