Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of architecture

02/06/15 11:10:43 (10 years ago)
Mathieu Morlighem



  • architecture

    v3 v4  
    1919 - SId: serial Id. Starts at 0 and increases by one, this numbering is independent of the mesh partitioning (hence "serial") and is the same as if there was only one cpu.
    2020 - PId: parallel Id. Starts at 0 and increases by one but is such that we count the entities on the first partition first, then the second etc so that nodes that have a high Pid belong to a partition that has a high number. This is useful for parallel vector and matrices where we want each partition to insert values in its own memory slot.
    21 - LId: local Id. Starts at 0 for each partition, increases by 1, but is local to the partition. Each partition has a vertex of Lid 0, and its maximum Lid is the number of vertices in the partition -1.
     21 - LId: local Id. Starts at 0 for each partition, increases by 1, but is local to the partition. Each partition has a vertex of Lid 0, and its maximum Lid is the number of vertices in the partition -1.
    2323 == Solutions and Analyses ==