Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of aci
- Timestamp:
- 07/19/17 06:37:34 (8 years ago)
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v7 v8 72 72 And replace `ISSM_DIR` with your actual trunk. ''Log out and log back in'' to apply this change. 73 73 74 == Installing ISSM on Pleiades==74 == Installing ISSM on ACI == 75 75 76 76 Pleiades will ''only'' be used to run the code, you will use your local machine for pre and post processing, you will never use Pleiades' matlab. You can check out ISSM and install the following packages: … … 78 78 - PETSc (use the pleiades script and ``follow`` the instructions, you will need to submit a job and compile PETSc manually, do not make test, it will not work on the cluster) 79 79 - m1qn3 80 81 For documentation of pleiades, see here: 80 83 81 Use the following configuration script (adapt to your needs): … … 102 100 }}} 103 101 104 == Installing ISSM on Pleiades with Dakota==102 == aci_settings.m == 105 103 106 For Dakota to run, you you will still need to make autotools, cmake PETSc, and m1qn3. 107 108 In addition, will need to build the external package: 109 - boost, 110 - dakota, 111 112 Finally, add the following to your configuration script: 113 114 {{{ 115 --with-boost-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/boost/install \ 116 --with-dakota-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/dakota/install \ 117 }}} 118 119 == pfe_settings.m == 120 121 You have to add a file in `$ISSM_DIR/src/m` entitled `pfe_settings.m` with your personal settings: 104 You have to add a file in `$ISSM_DIR/src/m` entitled `aci_settings.m` with your personal settings: 122 105 123 106 {{{ … … 134 117 Make sure your module list includes pkgsrc, comp-intel/2016.2.181, and mpi-sgi/mpt . 135 118 136 == Running jobs on Pleiades==119 == Running jobs on ACI == 137 120 138 121 On Pleiades, the more nodes and the longer the requested time, the more you will have to wait in the queue. So choose your settings wisely: … … 140 123 {{{ 141 124 #!m 142 md.cluster= pfe('numnodes',8,'time',30,'processor','wes','queue','devel');125 md.cluster=aci('numnodes',8,'time',30,'processor','wes','queue','devel'); 143 126 md.cluster.time=10; 144 127 }}} … … 160 143 }}} 161 144 162 where JOBID is the ID of your job (indicated in the M atlab session). Matlabindicates too the directory of your job where you can find the files `JOBNAME.outlog` and `JOBNAME.errlog`. The outlog file contains the informations that would appear if you were running your job on your local machine and the errlog file contains the error information in case the job encounters an error.145 where JOBID is the ID of your job (indicated in the MATLAB session). MATLAB indicates too the directory of your job where you can find the files `JOBNAME.outlog` and `JOBNAME.errlog`. The outlog file contains the informations that would appear if you were running your job on your local machine and the errlog file contains the error information in case the job encounters an error. 163 146 164 If you want to load results from the cluster manually (for example if you have an error due to an internet interruption), you find in the informations Matlab gave you `/home/srebuffi/trunk-jpl/execution//SOMETHING/JOBNAME.lock `, you copy the SOMETHING and you type in M atlab:147 If you want to load results from the cluster manually (for example if you have an error due to an internet interruption), you find in the informations Matlab gave you `/home/srebuffi/trunk-jpl/execution//SOMETHING/JOBNAME.lock `, you copy the SOMETHING and you type in MATLAB: 165 148 166 149 {{{