= Welcome to ISSM developer's site = == Compiling ISSM on clusters == * [wiki:mkl new --with-mkl-libflags] * Install ISSM on [wiki:greenplanet UCI's Greenplanet] * Install ISSM on [wiki:hpc UCI's hpc] * Install ISSM on [wiki:ronne UCI's Ronne] * Install ISSM on [wiki:pleiadesbash NAS's pleiades] (and [wiki:pleiadescsh this page] if you plan on using `csh`, not recommended) * Install ISSM on [wiki:aurora JPL's aurora/halo cluster] * Install ISSM on [wiki:lonestar UT's lonestar cluster] * Install ISSM on [wiki:hexagon UIB's Hexagon] * Install ISSM on [wiki:vilje UIB's Vilje] * Install ISSM on [wiki:Stallo UIB's Stallo] * Install ISSM on [wiki:fram UIB's fram] * Install ISSM on [wiki:raijin NCI's raijin] * Install ISSM on [wiki:camhpc Cambridge's HPC cluster] * Install ISSM on [wiki:aci Penn State's ACI cluster] * Install ISSM on [wiki:sherlock Stanford's Sherlock cluster] == ISSM Development == * Checking the code with [wiki:jenkins] * [wiki:Justin]'s TODO list * [wiki:coding_rules Code guidelines] for developers * Basics of [wiki:svn] * How to [wiki:addnewenum add an Enum] * How to [wiki:addfield add a model field] * How to [wiki:addnewNR add a new Nightlyrun test] * Basics of [wiki:architecture ISSM's architecture] * Run [wiki:instruments Instruments] to profile the code