= Welcome to ISSM (Ice Sheet System Model) developer's site = == General info == * The general website of ISSM is here: [http://issm.jpl.nasa.gov] * [wiki:coding_rules Code guidelines] for developers * [wiki:ADtodo AD toto list] == Compiling ISSM on clusters == * Install ISSM on [wiki:greenplanet UCI's Greenplanet] * Install ISSM on [wiki:hpc UCI's hpc] * Install ISSM on [wiki:ronne UCI's Ronne] * Install ISSM on [wiki:pfe NAS' pleiades] * Install ISSM on [wiki:lonestar UT's lonestar cluster] * Install ISSM on [wiki:hexagon UIB's Hexagon] * Install ISSM on [wiki:raijin NCI's raijin] == ISSM Development (How to) == * Basics of [wiki:svn] * How to [wiki:addnewenum add an Enum] * How to [wiki:addfield add a model field] * How to [wiki:addnewNR add a new Nightlyrun test] * How to [wiki: add a variable to the GUI interface] * Basics of [wiki:architecture ISSM's architecture] * run [wiki:instruments Instruments] to profile the code