Version 1 (modified by Eric.Larour, 14 years ago) ( diff )


Erik Ivins meeting. Scoping out.

Full reconstruction since Last Glacial Maximum is now possible. Lev Tarasov's student is running a very coarse model to try and reconstruct Antarctica (model). Robert Briggs, NewFindland, Memorial University. Robert Briggs pushing the community to put the datasets in the larger community.

WAIS: target because this is where is GIA is most important + mass change from GRACE.

Ice divide positions: one of the questions, where are they?

Ivins: whole of Antarctica.

Antarctica Ice Sheet Reconstruction: effort to put observational data (web portal) out there for reconstruction (especially ice sheet modeling community).

WAIS: Joan Johnson.

3,4 and 5 for WAIS. Would be a target.

Available data: thicknesses at 14,000 - 12,000. Transantarctica mountains.

Goal: how fast is the rock going up? Ellsworth + Transantarctic mountains. 100x100 km what is the mass value for the whole 14,000 years. From 21,000 years ago. 4,000 years to now is more important. 100 year intervals for mass series. 50 year as you go to present time.

Goal: targeting Robb Briggs for modeling

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