Version 15 (modified by 14 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
ISSM/ECCO2 coupling work plan ¶
Science question ¶
- Sensitivity to SAM will be computed from CS510 ocean-only 10 years of hi-SAM vs 10 years of low SAM
- Provide Pine Island Glacier domain boundary conditions ocean ~1-1.5 km PIG domain to match ISSM
Implementation ¶
- SCRIPT to make ISSM and MITgcm talk to each other by sharing files (format: binary)
- Thickness correction algorithm
Coupling algorithm ¶
- Initial cavity
- Run MITgcm for a month -> send melt rate and other results to ISSM
- Run ISSM for this same mo
nth -> send the basal temperature, new cavity geometry, ... to MITgcm
- Iterate for about 10 years
The two models would be run sequentially for now.
work plan ¶
- Menemenlis/Schodlok
- send instruction how to run MITgcm
- finish PIG
- sort out shelf-ice package
- baseline global integration with JRA25
- 10-year hi-SAM on CS510
- 10-year lo-SAM on CS510
- provide our PIG grid to ISSM
- ISSM team
- write a module to interpolate/write ice thickness on the ocean PIG grid
- write module to read/interpolate heat flux and melt rate from ocean solution on PIG grid to ISSM grid
July 15 DRDF meeting ¶
- Michael has two ongoing integrations
- with perpetual high SAM and perpetual low SAM, respectively.
- Science action items
- Michael will provide a lat/lon grid of melting rate on 1-km PIG grid.
- There is going to be some incompatibility in the location of the shelf and grounding line, initially. That's OK, just set to zero anywhere where there is a mismatch.
- ISSM team will run something and provide with a time series of ice shelf thicknesses.
- ISSM will also provide ECCO2 with grounding line.
- DM will apply these to a regional PIG domain ...
- Technical action items
- give you the 5km and the 1km grid and you will start thinking about mapping modules between the two grids
- request accounts for trac for Michael and Dimitris so we can access wikihttp://s383-rhat/trac/issm/wiki/ISSM-ECCO2
- Next meeting jul 23 - DM will check ORSL availability and email
July 23 DRDF meeting ¶
- Michael has generated melting rates and heat fluxes on CS510
- They are here:
- Need to interpolate to lat/lon grid - DM
- I will put in same place and provide interpolation script.
October 4 DRDF meeting ¶
- Michael & Dimitri - diagnose + fix crash of ocean-PIG domain
- Dimitri - work on BBL
- Todd - get JPL account + access to trac + forward level-set method documentation
- will work on level-set, i.e., track interface between ice and water
- Eric L & Eric R- diagnose cause of excessive accumulation and find a solution
- parameter tuning on initial boundary coditions and forcing
- set surface mass balance and melt rate to what they should be and then fix the other parts
- next meeting Monday 18, 9:30am
October 18 DRDF meeting ¶
- Michael <-> Eric: exchange projection routines to make sure they are compatible
- Mathieu -> Eric: provide consistent velocity and thickness for better model initialization
- Michael & Dimitri - continue to fix crash of ocean - PIG domain
- Dimitri - continue to work on BBL
- Todd - continue to get JPL account + access to trac + forward level-set method documentation
- will work on level-set, i.e., track interface between ice and water
- script for 10-yr run, with placebo-MITgcm results
- which one do you really want, melting rates, heat flux?
- best to provide both.
- next meeting Monday November 1, 9:30am ?
November 29 DRDF meeting ¶
- Dimitris, Michael:
boundary conditions problem in terms of sea-ice + track MITgcm code changes -> being worked on. salinity transfer downslope.
- Eric, Mathieu, Helene: problems for generating thickness maps consistent with surface velocity maps.
- next meeting Monday January 3rd, 9:30.
Helene Seroussi Mathieu Morlighem
Theo Touvet Michael Schodlok Nicole Schlegel Eric Larour
1 Diagnostic of ERA Interim Antartica run using Green's function approach (state estimate). at 18 km resolution.
2 Update cavity on PIG for Michael to run new circulation.
3 Nicole and Yun: parameterization of melting rate at the calving face.
4 Background effort: full coupling (scope out) using smaller domain (just PIG ice shelf ? ) at 1 km resolution.
5 Get a better model setup on PIG. We have available melting on the ice shelf -> use this to constrain balanced thickness solution. -> Diagnostic. -> implement a control method on 1 step of the transient.
6 Compare notes with Ala on computed melting rates of Larsen C.
Priority #1: write a paper on current ice/ocean coupling, PIG?