| 113 | Helene Seroussi |
| 114 | Mathieu Morlighem |
| 115 | |
| 116 | Theo Touvet |
| 117 | Michael Schodlok |
| 118 | Nicole Schlegel |
| 119 | Eric Larour |
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| 123 | 1 Diagnostic of ERA Interim Antartica run using Green's function approach (state estimate). |
| 124 | at 18 km resolution. |
| 125 | |
| 126 | 2 Update cavity on PIG for Michael to run new circulation. |
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| 128 | 3 Nicole and Yun: parameterization of melting rate at the calving face. |
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| 130 | 4 Background effort: full coupling (scope out) using smaller domain (just PIG ice shelf ? ) at 1 km resolution. |
| 131 | |
| 132 | 5 Get a better model setup on PIG. We have available melting on the ice shelf -> use this to constrain balanced thickness solution. |
| 133 | -> Diagnostic. -> implement a control method on 1 step of the transient. |
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