#--------------------# # ISSM Configuration # #--------------------# ISSM_CONFIG='\ --prefix=${ISSM_DIR} \ --disable-shared \ --enable-development \ --enable-debugging \ --with-cxxoptflags="-g -O2 -fPIC -std=c++11" \ --with-javascript \ --without-fortran \ --without-Sealevelchange \ --without-Love \ --without-kml \ --without-kriging \ --with-gsl-dir="${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gsl/install" \ --with-triangle-dir="${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/triangle/install" \ ' #-------------------# # External Packages # #-------------------# EXTERNALPACKAGES=" autotools install-linux.sh cmake install.sh emscripten install.sh gsl install-javascript.sh triangle install-linux-javascript.sh shell2junit install.sh " #---------# # Testing # #---------# # Test suites MATLAB_TEST=0 PYTHON_TEST=0 JAVASCRIPT_TEST=1 EXAMPLES_TEST=0 # Number of CPUs used in ISSM compilation # # NOTE: One is usually safer as some packages are very sensitive to parallel # compilation. # NUMCPUS_INSTALL=8 # Number of CPUs used in the nightly runs NUMCPUS_RUN=2 # Nightly run options # # See documentation in test/NightlyRun/runme.* for more information. # MATLAB_NROPTIONS="" PYTHON_NROPTIONS=""