Functions by Category
MEALPix Toolbox Version 3.0 21 February 2011
Coordinate Conversions
Coordinate-Pixel Conversions
- ang2pix - Convert spherical coordinate location to HEALPix pixel number
- pix2ang - Find spherical coordinate location of HEALPix pixels
- pix2vec - Convert HEALPix pixel numbers to (x,y,z) unit vector
- ring2z - Find HEALPix ring number corresponding to a given z coordinate
- vec2pix - Convert cartesian direction vectors to MEALPix pixel numbers
- z2ring - Find HEALPix ring numbers from direction vector z coordinate
Functions on the sphere
Map Statistics
Pixel Indexing Conversions
Pixel Topology
- hp3d - Plots a HEALPix dataset on a 3D sphere
Resolution Relations
- nPix2nSide - Convert number of pixels to number of facet side subdivisions
- nSide2nPix - Convert resolution parameter to number of pixels
- nSide2res - Calculates angular resolution of a HEALPix map in arcsec
- res2nSide - Finds minimum base pixel sub-division for required resolution
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