# running a test ----------------- To run a test, just type: testxxx in matlab To check that the results of a test are similar to the Archive, type: runme('id',xxx) Several tests can be run at the same time. If no id if specified, all the tests will be done. All the archives are contained in ../Archives To update a test archive, use runme('procedure','update','id',xxx) Once again, if no id is specified, all the archives will be updated. # How to create a new test -------------------------- This directory contains all the tests that run every night to check the code. The file IdToName associate a test id to its name. All the files necessary to run the tests can be found in: ../Exp/ for the exp files (domains, contours, ...) ../Par/ for the parameter files (to parameterize a model) ../Data/ for the datasets needed to initialize a model To add a test, create a new testxxx.m and a testxxx_nightly.m The first number of the id correspond to the type of test: 1: SquareShelfConstrained (no icefront) 2: SquareShelf (with an icefront) 3: SquareSheetConstrained (no icefront) 4: SquareSheetShelf (Marine ice sheet with an ice shelf at the end) 5: Pine Island Glacier 6: 79North Add the id and testname in IdToName.m (incresing order) We try not to create to many .par and .exp files, so try to use the existing ones as much as possible. To modify some characteristics, do it in the testxxx.m file. The testxxx_nightly.m is used to define the parameters you want to check in the nightlyruns. Specify the field_names the field_values and the tolerance in this file. Don't forget to commit the archive (Archivexxx in ../Archives)