Changeset 9414
- Timestamp:
- 08/25/11 08:07:43 (14 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r9413 r9414 1 1 Mesh {{{ 2 bamg 3 dim 4 numberofelements 5 numberofnodes 6 elements -> rename ? 7 x 8 y 9 z 10 edges 11 numberofelements2d 12 numberofnodes2d 13 elements2d 14 x2d 15 y2d 16 z2d 17 uppernodes 18 upperelements 19 lowerelements 20 lowernodes 21 numlayers 22 extrusionexponent 23 elementonbed 24 elementonsurface 25 nodeonbed 26 nodeonsurface 27 nodeconnectivity 28 elementconnectivity 29 nodeonboundary 30 extractednodes 31 extractedelements 2 bamg 3 dim 4 numberofelements 5 numberofnodes 6 elements -> rename ? 7 x 8 y 9 z 10 edges 11 numberofelements2d 12 numberofnodes2d 13 elements2d 14 x2d 15 y2d 16 z2d 17 uppernodes 18 upperelements 19 lowerelements 20 lowernodes 21 numlayers 22 extrusionexponent 23 elementonbed 24 elementonsurface 25 nodeonbed 26 nodeonsurface 27 nodeconnectivity 28 elementconnectivity 29 nodeonboundary 30 extractednodes 31 extractedelements 32 segments 33 segmentmarkers 34 connectivity 32 35 }}} 33 36 Projection{{{ 34 lat35 long36 hemisphere37 lat 38 long 39 hemisphere 37 40 }}} 38 41 Geometry {{{ 39 bed_slopex 40 bed_slopey 41 surface_slopex 42 surface_slopey 43 surface 44 thickness 45 thickness_coeff -> delete or rename ? 46 bed 47 bathymetry 42 bed_slopex 43 bed_slopey 44 surface_slopex 45 surface_slopey 46 surface 47 thickness 48 thickness_coeff -> delete or rename ? 49 bed 50 bathymetry 51 }}} 52 geography{{{ -> rename mask? 53 elementoniceshelf 54 elementonicesheet 55 elementonwater 56 nodeoniceshelf 57 nodeonicesheet 58 nodeonwater 59 mask -> delete? 48 60 }}} 49 61 Miscelaneous {{{ 50 notes 51 name 62 notes 63 name 64 dummy 52 65 }}} 53 66 Private {{{ 54 runtimename 55 counter 56 runmefile 67 counter 68 runtimename 69 runmefile 70 inputfilename 71 outputfilename 72 solution_type -> rename solution 57 73 }}} 58 74 flowapproximation{{{ 59 elements_type60 vertices_type61 ishutter62 ismacayealpattyn63 isstokes64 elementonhutter65 elementonmacayeal66 elementonpattyn67 elementonstokes68 nodeonhutter69 nodeonmacayeal70 nodeonpattyn71 nodeonstokes72 borderstokes73 elements_type2d -> remove74 vertices_type2d -> remove75 elements_type 76 vertices_type 77 ishutter 78 ismacayealpattyn 79 isstokes 80 elementonhutter 81 elementonmacayeal 82 elementonpattyn 83 elementonstokes 84 nodeonhutter 85 nodeonmacayeal 86 nodeonpattyn 87 nodeonstokes 88 borderstokes 89 elements_type2d -> remove 90 vertices_type2d -> remove 75 91 }}} 76 92 Materials{{{ 77 rho_ice78 rho_water79 rho_firn -> remove80 heatcapacity81 latentheat82 thermalconductivity83 meltingpoint84 referencetemperature85 beta86 mixed_layer_capacity87 thermal_exchange_velocity88 rheology_B89 rheology_n90 rheology_law93 rho_ice 94 rho_water 95 rho_firn -> remove 96 heatcapacity 97 latentheat 98 thermalconductivity 99 meltingpoint 100 referencetemperature 101 beta 102 mixed_layer_capacity 103 thermal_exchange_velocity 104 rheology_B 105 rheology_n 106 rheology_law 91 107 }}} 92 108 diagnostic{{{ 93 spcvx 94 spcvy 95 spcvz 109 isdiagnostic 110 vx 111 vy 112 vz 113 vel 114 spcvx 115 spcvy 116 spcvz 117 stokesreconditioning 118 shelf_dampening 119 viscosity_overshoot 120 min_mechanical_constraints 121 pressureload -> rename icefront? 122 diagnostic_ref -> rename referential? 123 penalties 124 pressure 125 eps_res -> rename following PETSc: restol 126 eps_rel -> rename following PETSc: rtol 127 eps_abs-> rename following PETSc: atol 128 max_nonlinear_iterations -> rename maxiter 129 }}} 130 thermal{{{ 131 isthermal 132 temperature 133 spctemperature 134 penalty_melting 135 min_thermal_constraints 136 geothermalflux 137 waterfraction 138 artificial_diffusivity -> rename stabilization 139 max_nonlinear_iterations -> rename maxiter 140 stabilize_constraints -> rename (not clear) 141 }}} 142 prognostic{{{ 143 isprognostic 144 hydrostatic_adjustment 145 artificial_diffusivity -> rename stabilization 146 prognostic_DG -> should be merged with stabilization 147 penalties 148 }}} 149 balancethickness{{{ 150 spcthickness -> duplicate from prognostic? 151 thickness_obs 152 dhdt 153 artificial_diffusivity -> rename stabilization 154 }}} 155 steadystate{{{ 156 eps_rel -> rename following PETSc: rtol 157 max_steadystate_iterations -> rename maxiter 158 }}} 159 hydrology{{{ 160 hydro_n 161 hydro_CR 162 hydro_p 163 hydro_q 164 hydro_kn 165 spwatercolumn 166 watercolumn 96 167 }}} 97 168 friction{{{ 98 drag_type 99 drag_coefficient 100 drag_p 101 drag_q 169 drag_type 170 drag_coefficient 171 drag_p 172 drag_q 173 spcthickness 102 174 }}} 103 175 control{{{ 104 cm_responses 105 tolx 106 optscal 107 eps_cm 108 cm_min 109 cm_max 110 cm_jump 111 cm_gradient 112 epsvel 113 meanvel 114 num_control_type 115 num_cm_responses 176 control_analysis 177 control_type 178 weights 179 nsteps 180 maxiter 181 cm_responses 182 tolx 183 optscal 184 eps_cm 185 cm_min 186 cm_max 187 cm_jump 188 cm_gradient 189 epsvel 190 meanvel 191 num_control_type 192 num_cm_responses 193 vx_obs 194 vy_obs 195 vel_obs 116 196 }}} 117 197 qmu{{{ 118 variables119 responses120 qmu_method121 qmu_params122 dakotaresults123 dakotain124 dakotaout125 dakotadat126 qmu_analysis127 part128 npart129 numberofvariables130 numberofresponses131 variabledescriptors132 responsedescriptors133 qmu_mass_flux_profile_directory134 qmu_mass_flux_profiles135 qmu_mass_flux_segments136 qmu_relax137 qmu_save_femmodel198 variables 199 responses 200 qmu_method 201 qmu_params 202 dakotaresults 203 dakotain 204 dakotaout 205 dakotadat 206 qmu_analysis 207 part 208 npart 209 numberofvariables 210 numberofresponses 211 variabledescriptors 212 responsedescriptors 213 qmu_mass_flux_profile_directory 214 qmu_mass_flux_profiles 215 qmu_mass_flux_segments 216 qmu_relax 217 qmu_save_femmodel 138 218 }}} 139 219 flaim{{{ 140 fm_tracks 141 fm_flightreqs 142 fm_criterion 143 fm_gridsatequator 144 fm_usevalueordering 145 fm_split_antimeridian 146 fm_solution 147 fm_quality 220 fm_tracks 221 fm_flightreqs 222 fm_criterion 223 fm_gridsatequator 224 fm_usevalueordering 225 fm_split_antimeridian 226 fm_solution 227 fm_quality 228 }}} 229 verbose {{{ 230 -> already exists 231 }}} 232 cluster{{{ 233 waitonlock -> cluster dependent 234 -> already exists 235 }}} 236 rifts{{{ 237 rifts 238 numrifts 239 riftinfo -> should be removed (constructed by marshall) 240 riftproperties 241 }}} 242 smb{{{ 243 surface_accumulation_rate 244 surface_ablation_rate 245 surface_mass_balance 246 }}} 247 basalmelting{{{ 248 basal_melting_rate 249 basal_melting_rate_correction 250 basal_melting_rate_correction_apply -> remove (correction 0 has the same effect) 251 }}} 252 timestepping{{{ 253 dt 254 ndt 255 time_adapt 256 cfl_coefficient 257 adaptative_cfl 258 }}} 259 radar{{{ 260 sarpwr 261 sarxm 262 sarym 263 }}} 264 partitioning{{{ 265 adjacency 266 vwgt 267 }}} 268 goundingline {{{ 269 groundingline_migration 270 groundingline_melting_rate 271 }}} 272 results{{{ 273 requested_outputs 274 results_on_vertices 275 output_frequency 276 outlog 277 errlog 278 + all model results ??? 279 }}} 280 solver{{{ 281 petscoptions 282 }}} 283 debug{{{ 284 gprof 285 mem_debug -> rename valgrind 286 memoryleaks -> never used 148 287 }}} 149 288 289 io_gather 290 penalty_offset 291 penalty_lock 292 g 293 yts 294 sparsity 295 lowmem 150 296 297 mesh_domainoutline -> remove 298 mesh_riftoutline -> remove 299 mesh_resolution -> remove 300 vx_obs_raw -> remove (should be in dummy) 301 vy_obs_raw -> remove (should be in dummy) 302 vx_bal -> remove (should be in dummy) 303 vy_bal -> remove (should be in dummy) 304 vel_bal -> remove (should be in dummy) 305 vel_obs_raw -> remove (should be in dummy) 151 306 domainoutline -> remove 152 307 riftoutline -> remove … … 155 310 wateroutline -> remove 156 311 parameterfile -> remove 157 158 io_gather 159 160 stokesreconditioning 161 shelf_dampening 162 penalties 163 penalty_offset 164 penalty_melting 165 penalty_lock 166 segments 167 segmentmarkers 168 rifts 169 riftinfo 170 riftproperties 171 numrifts 312 forcings -> delete 172 313 minh -> remove 173 firn_layer -> remove 174 175 min_thermal_constraints 176 min_mechanical_constraints 177 stabilize_constraints 178 179 g 180 yts 181 182 elementoniceshelf 183 elementonicesheet 184 elementonwater 185 nodeoniceshelf 186 nodeonicesheet 187 nodeonwater 188 189 mask -> delete? 190 191 pressureload 192 193 spctemperature 194 spcthickness 195 spcwatercolumn 196 diagnostic_ref 197 198 %Observations 199 vx_obs 200 vy_obs 201 vel_obs 202 vx_obs_raw 203 vy_obs_raw 204 vx_bal 205 vy_bal 206 vel_bal 207 vel_obs_raw 208 surface_accumulation_rate 209 surface_ablation_rate 210 surface_mass_balance 211 dhdt 212 geothermalflux 213 observed_temperature 214 thickness_obs 215 216 forcings -> delete? 217 218 eps_res 219 eps_rel 220 eps_abs 221 max_nonlinear_iterations 222 max_steadystate_iterations 223 sparsity 224 connectivity 225 lowmem 226 viscosity_overshoot 227 228 dt 229 ndt 230 time_adapt 231 cfl_coefficient 232 adaptative_cfl 233 artificial_diffusivity 234 prognostic_DG 235 deltaH 236 DeltaH 237 deltaT 238 DeltaT 239 timeacc 240 timedec 241 hydrostatic_adjustment 242 isprognostic 243 isdiagnostic 244 isthermal 245 %Control 246 control_analysis 247 control_type 248 weights 249 nsteps 250 maxiter 251 252 requested_outputs 253 viscousheating 254 pressure_elem 255 stress 256 stress_surface 257 stress_bed 258 deviatoricstress 259 strainrate 260 261 verbose 262 element_debug 263 element_debugid 264 mem_debug 265 gprof 266 memoryleaks 267 268 output_frequency 269 results_on_vertices 270 inputfilename 271 outputfilename 272 results 273 vx 274 vy 275 vz 276 vel 277 temperature 278 waterfraction 279 groundingline_melting_rate 280 basal_melting_rate 281 basal_melting_rate_correction 282 basal_melting_rate_correction_apply 283 pressure 284 285 watercolumn 286 287 288 hydro_n 289 hydro_CR 290 hydro_p 291 hydro_q 292 hydro_kn 293 294 295 cluster 296 outlog 297 errlog 298 alloc_cleanup 299 waitonlock 300 301 302 dummy 303 304 mesh_domainoutline 305 mesh_riftoutline 306 mesh_resolution 307 308 petscoptions 309 310 solution_type 311 312 repository 313 314 sarpwr 315 sarxm 316 sarym 317 318 groundingline_migration 319 320 loadresults 321 322 adjacency 323 vwgt 314 firn_layer -> remove (never used) 315 deltaH -> remove (unused) 316 DeltaH -> remove (unused) 317 deltaT -> remove (unused) 318 DeltaT -> remove (unused) 319 timeacc -> remove (unused) 320 timedec -> remove (unused) 321 observed_temperature -> remove 322 repository -> remove (out of core never used) 323 loadresults -> remove (should be an option of solve: md=solve(md,DiagnosticSolutionEnum,'loadonly',1)) 324 element_debug -> remove 325 element_debugid -> remove 326 viscousheating -> remove (that's a model result) 327 pressure_elem -> remove (that's a model result) 328 stress-> remove (that's a model result) 329 stress_surface-> remove (that's a model result) 330 stress_bed-> remove (that's a model result) 331 deviatoricstress-> remove (that's a model result) 332 strainrate-> remove (that's a model result) 333 alloc_cleanup -> remove
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