Changeset 9308
- Timestamp:
- 08/11/11 17:00:01 (14 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk/doxygen
- Files:
- 1 edited
- 2 moved
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r9303 r9308 8 8 9 9 #Symlink the doxygen configuration file to root dir. 10 ln -s "$ISSM_ DIR/website/doc_c/doxygen.config" ./doxygen.config11 ln -s "$ISSM_ DIR/website/doc_c/doxygenissm.css" ./doxygenissm.css12 ln -s "$ISSM_ DIR/website/doc_c/layoutissm.xml" ./layoutissm.xml10 ln -s "$ISSM_TIER/doxygen/doc_c/doxygen.config" ./doxygen.config 11 ln -s "$ISSM_TIER/doxygen/doc_c/doxygenissm.css" ./doxygenissm.css 12 ln -s "$ISSM_TIER/doxygen/doc_c/layoutissm.xml" ./layoutissm.xml 13 13 14 14 #Run doxygen -
r9303 r9308 2 2 3 3 #remove previous doc 4 rm -rf "$ISSM_TIER/do c/website/doc_m/matlabhtml"4 rm -rf "$ISSM_TIER/doxygen/doc_m/matlabhtml" 5 5 6 6 #copy issm_template in m2html 7 cd "$ISSM_TIER/externalpackages/m2html/install/templates"8 ln -s "$ISSM_TIER/../website/doc_m/template_issm"./template_issm7 cd $ISSM_TIER/externalpackages/m2html/install/templates 8 ln -s $ISSM_TIER/doxygen/doc_m/template_issm ./template_issm 9 9 10 10 #go to the main directory … … 13 13 #launch matlab 14 14 matlab -nodisplay << EOF 15 %get ISSM_TIER, brief name16 [status,ISSM_TIER_BRIEF]=system('basename `pwd`');17 ISSM_TIER_BRIEF=ISSM_TIER_BRIEF(1:end-1); %skip the \n character18 if status~=0 | isempty(ISSM_TIER_BRIEF) | length(ISSM_TIER_BRIEF)==1,19 error('startup error message: could not retrieve ISSM_TIER brief name');20 end21 15 22 16 %Add m2html in path 23 addpath(genpath_ice([ISSM_TIER '/externalpackages/m2html/install'])); 24 25 cd ../ 17 addpath(genpath_ice([issmtier() '/externalpackages/m2html/install'])); 26 18 27 19 %Here are the subdirectories we want to go through: 28 mfiles={[ISSM_TIER_BRIEF '/src/m']}; 29 %mfiles={[ISSM_TIER_BRIEF '/src/m/classes/public/plot']}; 20 mfiles={'src/m'}; 30 21 31 22 %run m2html, and dump the documentation in ISSM_TIER/doc/website/doc_m/matlabhtml 32 m2html('htmldir',[ ISSM_TIER '/../website/doc_m/matlabhtml'],'recursive','on','source','on',...23 m2html('htmldir',[issmtier() '/doxygen/doc_m/matlabhtml'],'recursive','on','source','on',... 33 24 'syntaxHighlighting','on','globalHypertextLinks','on','global','on','template','template_issm',... 34 'graph','o n','index','menu','mFiles',mfiles);25 'graph','off','index','menu','mFiles',mfiles); 35 26 EOF 36 27 -
r9303 r9308 39 39 # where doxygen was started. If left blank the current directory will be used. 40 40 41 OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = . ./website/doc_c41 OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = ./doxygen/doc_c/ 42 42 43 43 # If the CREATE_SUBDIRS tag is set to YES, then doxygen will create
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