Changeset 8952 for issm/trunk
- Timestamp:
- 07/13/11 13:25:13 (14 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk/src/m
- Files:
- 1 added
- 1 deleted
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r8936 r8952 405 405 methods (Static) 406 406 function md = loadobj(md) % {{{ 407 % This function is directly called by matlab when 408 % a model object is loaded. If the input is a struct 409 % it is an old version of model and old fields must be 410 % recovered (make sure they are in the deprecated 407 % This function is directly called by matlab when a model object is 408 % loaded. If the input is a struct it is an old version of model and 409 % old fields must be recovered (make sure they are in the deprecated 411 410 % model properties) 411 412 if verLessThan('matlab','7.9'), 413 disp('Warning: your matlab version is old and there is a risk that load does not work correctly'); 414 disp(' if the model is not loaded correctly, rename temporarily loadobj so that matlab does not use it'); 415 416 % This is a Matlab bug: all the fields of md have their default value 417 % = {'' [1] 'String'} 418 % instead of recovering the saved fields 419 % 420 % Example of error message: 421 % Warning: Error loading an object of class 'model': 422 % Undefined function or method 'exist' for input arguments of type 'cell' 423 % 424 % This has been fixed in MATLAB 7.9 (R2009b) and later versions 425 end 412 426 413 427 if isstruct(md) 414 428 disp('Recovering model object from a previous version'); 415 416 %Ok the loaded model is a struct, initialize output and recover all fields 417 structmd=md; 418 md=model; 419 420 structfields=fields(structmd); 421 modelprops =properties('model'); 422 423 for i=1:length(structfields), 424 fieldname =structfields{i}; 425 fieldvalue=getfield(structmd,fieldname); 426 if ismember(fieldname,modelprops), 427 md=setfield(md,fieldname,fieldvalue); 428 end 429 end 430 431 %Field name change 432 if isfield(structmd,'drag'), md.drag_coefficient=structmd.drag; end 433 if isfield(structmd,'p'), md.drag_p=structmd.p; end 434 if isfield(structmd,'q'), md.drag_q=structmd.p; end 435 if isfield(structmd,'B'), md.rheology_B=structmd.B; end 436 if isfield(structmd,'n'), md.rheology_n=structmd.n; end 437 if isfield(structmd,'melting'), md.basal_melting_rate=structmd.melting; end 438 if isfield(structmd,'melting_rate'), md.basal_melting_rate=structmd.melting_rate; end 439 if isfield(structmd,'accumulation'), md.surface_mass_balance=structmd.accumulation; end 440 if isfield(structmd,'accumulation_rate'), md.surface_mass_balance=structmd.accumulation_rate; end 441 if isfield(structmd,'numberofgrids'), md.numberofnodes=structmd.numberofgrids; end 442 if isfield(structmd,'numberofgrids2d'), md.numberofnodes2d=structmd.numberofgrids2d; end 443 if isfield(structmd,'gridonhutter'), md.nodeonhutter=structmd.gridonhutter; end 444 if isfield(structmd,'gridonmacayeal'), md.nodeonmacayeal=structmd.gridonmacayeal; end 445 if isfield(structmd,'gridonpattyn'), md.nodeonpattyn=structmd.gridonpattyn; end 446 if isfield(structmd,'gridonstokes'), md.nodeonstokes=structmd.gridonstokes; end 447 if isfield(structmd,'uppergrids'), md.uppernodes=structmd.uppergrids; end 448 if isfield(structmd,'lowergrids'), md.lowernodes=structmd.lowergrids; end 449 if isfield(structmd,'gridonbed'), md.nodeonbed=structmd.gridonbed; end 450 if isfield(structmd,'gridonsurface'), md.nodeonsurface=structmd.gridonsurface; end 451 if isfield(structmd,'extractedgrids'), md.extractednodes=structmd.extractedgrids; end 452 if isfield(structmd,'gridoniceshelf'), md.nodeoniceshelf=structmd.gridoniceshelf; end 453 if isfield(structmd,'gridonicesheet'), md.nodeonicesheet=structmd.gridonicesheet; end 454 if isfield(structmd,'gridonwater'), md.nodeonwater=structmd.gridonwater; end 455 if isfield(structmd,'gridonnuna'), md.nodeonnuna=structmd.gridonnuna; end 456 if isfield(structmd,'gridonboundary'), md.nodeonboundary=structmd.gridonboundary; end 457 if isfield(structmd,'spcvelocity'), 458 md.spcvx=NaN*ones(md.numberofnodes,1); 459 md.spcvy=NaN*ones(md.numberofnodes,1); 460 md.spcvz=NaN*ones(md.numberofnodes,1); 461 pos=find(structmd.spcvelocity(:,1)); md.spcvx(pos)=structmd.spcvelocity(pos,4); 462 pos=find(structmd.spcvelocity(:,2)); md.spcvy(pos)=structmd.spcvelocity(pos,5); 463 pos=find(structmd.spcvelocity(:,3)); md.spcvz(pos)=structmd.spcvelocity(pos,6); 464 end 465 466 %Field class change 467 if (isfield(structmd,'type') & ischar(structmd.type)), 468 if strcmpi(structmd.type,'2d'), md.dim=2; end 469 if strcmpi(structmd.type,'3d'), md.dim=3; end 470 end 471 if isnumeric(md.verbose), md.verbose=verbose; end 472 473 %New fields 474 if ~isfield(structmd,'upperelements'); 475 md.upperelements=transpose(1:md.numberofelements)+md.numberofelements2d; 476 md.upperelements(end-md.numberofelements2d+1:end)=NaN; 477 end 478 if ~isfield(structmd,'lowerelements'); 479 md.lowerelements=transpose(1:md.numberofelements)-md.numberofelements2d; 480 md.lowerelements(1:md.numberofelements2d)=NaN; 481 end 429 md = structtomodel(model,md); 482 430 end 483 431 end% }}} … … 614 562 end 615 563 %}}} 564 function md = structtomodel(md,structmd) % {{{ 565 566 if ~isstruct(structmd) error('input model is not a structure'); end 567 568 %loaded model is a struct, initialize output and recover all fields 569 md = structtoobj(model,structmd); 570 571 %Field name change 572 if isfield(structmd,'drag'), md.drag_coefficient=structmd.drag; end 573 if isfield(structmd,'p'), md.drag_p=structmd.p; end 574 if isfield(structmd,'q'), md.drag_q=structmd.p; end 575 if isfield(structmd,'B'), md.rheology_B=structmd.B; end 576 if isfield(structmd,'n'), md.rheology_n=structmd.n; end 577 if isfield(structmd,'melting'), md.basal_melting_rate=structmd.melting; end 578 if isfield(structmd,'melting_rate'), md.basal_melting_rate=structmd.melting_rate; end 579 if isfield(structmd,'accumulation'), md.surface_mass_balance=structmd.accumulation; end 580 if isfield(structmd,'accumulation_rate'), md.surface_mass_balance=structmd.accumulation_rate; end 581 if isfield(structmd,'numberofgrids'), md.numberofnodes=structmd.numberofgrids; end 582 if isfield(structmd,'numberofgrids2d'), md.numberofnodes2d=structmd.numberofgrids2d; end 583 if isfield(structmd,'gridonhutter'), md.nodeonhutter=structmd.gridonhutter; end 584 if isfield(structmd,'gridonmacayeal'), md.nodeonmacayeal=structmd.gridonmacayeal; end 585 if isfield(structmd,'gridonpattyn'), md.nodeonpattyn=structmd.gridonpattyn; end 586 if isfield(structmd,'gridonstokes'), md.nodeonstokes=structmd.gridonstokes; end 587 if isfield(structmd,'uppergrids'), md.uppernodes=structmd.uppergrids; end 588 if isfield(structmd,'lowergrids'), md.lowernodes=structmd.lowergrids; end 589 if isfield(structmd,'gridonbed'), md.nodeonbed=structmd.gridonbed; end 590 if isfield(structmd,'gridonsurface'), md.nodeonsurface=structmd.gridonsurface; end 591 if isfield(structmd,'extractedgrids'), md.extractednodes=structmd.extractedgrids; end 592 if isfield(structmd,'gridoniceshelf'), md.nodeoniceshelf=structmd.gridoniceshelf; end 593 if isfield(structmd,'gridonicesheet'), md.nodeonicesheet=structmd.gridonicesheet; end 594 if isfield(structmd,'gridonwater'), md.nodeonwater=structmd.gridonwater; end 595 if isfield(structmd,'gridonnuna'), md.nodeonnuna=structmd.gridonnuna; end 596 if isfield(structmd,'gridonboundary'), md.nodeonboundary=structmd.gridonboundary; end 597 if isfield(structmd,'TEST'), md.dummy=structmd.TEST; end 598 599 %Field class change 600 if (size(structmd.pressureload,2)==3 | size(structmd.pressureload,2)==5), 601 md.pressureload=[structmd.pressureload... 602 WaterEnum*structmd.elementoniceshelf(structmd.pressureload(:,end))+AirEnum*structmd.elementonicesheet(structmd.pressureload(:,end))]; 603 end 604 if (isfield(structmd,'type') & ischar(structmd.type)), 605 if strcmpi(structmd.type,'2d'), md.dim=2; end 606 if strcmpi(structmd.type,'3d'), md.dim=3; end 607 end 608 if isnumeric(md.verbose), 609 md.verbose=verbose; 610 end 611 if isfield(structmd,'spcvelocity'), 612 md.spcvx=NaN*ones(md.numberofnodes,1); 613 md.spcvy=NaN*ones(md.numberofnodes,1); 614 md.spcvz=NaN*ones(md.numberofnodes,1); 615 pos=find(structmd.spcvelocity(:,1)); md.spcvx(pos)=structmd.spcvelocity(pos,4); 616 pos=find(structmd.spcvelocity(:,2)); md.spcvy(pos)=structmd.spcvelocity(pos,5); 617 pos=find(structmd.spcvelocity(:,3)); md.spcvz(pos)=structmd.spcvelocity(pos,6); 618 end 619 if isfield(structmd,'spcvelocity'), 620 md.spcvx=NaN*ones(md.numberofnodes,1); 621 md.spcvy=NaN*ones(md.numberofnodes,1); 622 md.spcvz=NaN*ones(md.numberofnodes,1); 623 pos=find(structmd.spcvelocity(:,1)); md.spcvx(pos)=structmd.spcvelocity(pos,4); 624 pos=find(structmd.spcvelocity(:,2)); md.spcvy(pos)=structmd.spcvelocity(pos,5); 625 pos=find(structmd.spcvelocity(:,3)); md.spcvz(pos)=structmd.spcvelocity(pos,6); 626 end 627 628 %New fields 629 if ~isfield(structmd,'upperelements'); 630 md.upperelements=transpose(1:md.numberofelements)+md.numberofelements2d; 631 md.upperelements(end-md.numberofelements2d+1:end)=NaN; 632 end 633 if ~isfield(structmd,'lowerelements'); 634 md.lowerelements=transpose(1:md.numberofelements)-md.numberofelements2d; 635 md.lowerelements(1:md.numberofelements2d)=NaN; 636 end 637 if ~isfield(structmd,'diagnostic_ref'); 638 md.diagnostic_ref=NaN*ones(md.numberofnodes2d,6); 639 end 640 end% }}} 616 641 function mdstruct=struct(md) % {{{1 642 %Cast operator needed because of Dependent Hidden properties 617 643 mdstruct=struct(); 618 644 modelprops=properties('model'); -
r8726 r8952 21 21 warning off MATLAB:unknownElementsNowStruc; 22 22 struc=load(path,'-mat'); 23 24 23 warning on MATLAB:unknownElementsNowStruc; 25 24 26 %Check that there is only one variable27 25 name=char(fieldnames(struc)); 28 26 if size(name,1)>1, 29 27 error(['loadmodel error message: file ' path ' contains several variables. Only one model should be present.']); 30 28 end 31 md= eval(['struc.' name]);29 md=struc.(name); 32 30 33 31 %now, transform md into a new model 34 32 if ~strcmpi(class(md),'model') & ~strcmpi(class(md),'planet'), 35 md2=structtomodel(model,md); 36 md=md2; 37 clear md2; 33 md=structtomodel(model,md); 38 34 end 39 35 if nargout,
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